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Project Gutenberg's Encyclopedia, vol. 1 ( A - Andropha

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the United Kingdom was no longer recognized as a defence, 
unless the defendant could prove that he had taken reasonable 
steps to ascertain and did in fact believe in the accuracy 
of the statement contained in the warranty.  This prevented 
collusion between a foreign shipper and an importer; and, 
lastly, the definition of ``food'' was widened (in view of 
the baking-powder decision) so that the term food ``shall 
include every article used for food or drink by man, other 
than drugs or water, and any article which ordinarily enters 
into or is used in the composition or preparation of human 
food, and shall also include flavoring matters and condiments.'' 

The act of 1899 embodies, with one exception, the most 
important recommendations of the Food Products Committee, 
the exception being the omission of instituting a board of 
reference that might deal with difficulties as they arose, 
guide analysts and public authorities in fixing limits for 
articles other than milk and butter, and take up the important 
questions of preservatives and colouring matters and such 
like.  An occurrence which almost immediately followed 
the passing of the act showed in the strongest manner the 
necessity of such guiding board--namely, the outbreak of 
arsenical poisoning in the Midlands in the latter part of 1900. 

Arsenic in foods. 

In the month of June 1900 there occurred, mainly in the 
Midlands but also in other parts of England and Wales, an 
outbreak of an illness variously described as ``alcoholism,'' 
``peripheral neuritis'' or ``multiple neuritis.'' This 
affected about 6000 persons and resulted in about 70 
deaths.  It was soon ascertained that the sufferers were all 
beer drinkers, and several of them were employees of a local 
brewery, the majority of whom had suffered for some months 
past.  Although suspicion fell early upon beer, some 
considerable time elapsed before Dr E. S. Reynolds of 
Manchester discovered arsenic in dangerous proportions in the 
beer.  Steps were immediately taken by brewers and sanitary 
authorities to ensure that this arsenical beer was withdrawn 
from sale, and, as a result, the epidemic came speedily to an 
end.  In all instances where this epidemic of sickness had been 
traced to particular breweries, the latter had been users of 
brewing sugars-glucose and invert sugar--supplied by a single 
firm.  The quantity of arsenic detected in specimens of 
these brewing sugars was in some cases very large, amounting 
to upward of four grains per pound.  The implicated brewing 
sugars were found to have become contaminated by arsenic 
in course of their manufacture through the use of sulphuric 
acid, some specimens of which contained as much as 2.6% of 
arsenic.  The acid had been made from highly arsenical iron 
pyrites, and as the manufacturers of the glucose had not 
specifically contracted with the acid makers for pure acid, 
the latter, not knowing for what purpose the acid was to be 
used, had felt themselves justified in supplying impure 
acid.  A royal commission was appointed in February 1901, 
with Lord Kelvin as chairman, to inquire into the matter, 
and an enormous amount of attention was naturally given 
to it by chemists and medical men.  It was soon found that 
arsenic was very widely disseminated in two classes of food 
materials, namely, such as had been dried or roasted in gases 
resulting from the combustion of coal, and such as had been 
more or less chemically manufactured.  All coal contains iron 
pyrites, and this mineral again is contaminated with arsenic. 

When the coal is burned the fumes are arsenical and part of 
the arsenic condenses and deposits.  Malt dried in English malt 
kilns was found to be almost invariably arsenical, and there 
cannot be a doubt that English beers had for many years past 
been thus contaminated.  At the present time coal virtually 
free from arsenic is selected for malting, or Newlands' 
process, consisting of the admixture with coal of lime which 
renders the arsenic non-volatile, is adopted, and malt free 
from all but the merest traces of arsenic is manufactured.  
Part of the arsenic remains in the coalashes and wherever 
these deposit arsenic can be traced.  Sir Edward Frankland 
had, many years previously, detected arsenic in the London 
atmosphere.  Chicory roasted with coal, steaks and chops 
grilled over an open fire, thus obtain a minute arsenical 
dosing.  In sugar refineries carbonic acid gas is, at one stage 
of the process, passed through the liquor for the purpose of 
precipitating lime or strontia.  When this carbonic acid is 
derived from coal the sugar often shows traces of arsenic.  
When arsenical malt or sugar infusion is fermented, as in 
brewing, the yeast precipitates upon itself a considerable 
proportion of the impurity, thus partly cleaning the beer, 
but all preparations made from yeast-extracts resemble to some 
extent meat extracts, with which they are sometimes fraudulently 
mixed---are thus exposed to arsenical contamination.  On the 
continent of Europe malt is not dried in kilns with direct 
access of combustion gases but on floors heated from beneath, 
and continental beers therefore have not been found arsenical.  
The second class of causes of contamination consists of 
chemicals.  The most important chemical product is sulphuric 
acid.  This used to be made from brimstone or native volcanic 
sulphur, which is virtually free from arsenic.  But since 
about 1860 sulphuric acid has been more largely made from 
iron or copper pyrites.  Pyrites-acid is always arsenical, 
but can, by suitable treatment, be easily freed from that 
impurity.  For many purposes acid that has not been purified is 
employed.  In the Leblanc process of manufacture the first step 
is the conversion of salt into sodium sulphate by sulphuric 
acid.  The hydrochloric acid which is formed carries with 
it most of the arsenic of the sulphuric acid.  Wherever such 
hydrochloric acid is used it introduces arsenic; thus, in 
the separation of glycerin from soap lyes, the alkali of the 
latter is neutralized with hydrochloric acid and glycerin 
is in consequence frequently highly arsenical.  So is the 
soda produced in the Leblanc process, and every one of the 
numerous soda salts made from soda is liable to receive its 
share.  All acids liberated from their salts by sulphuric 
acid, such as phosphoric, tartaric, citric, boracic, may be, 
and sometimes are, thus contaminated.  All superphosphates, 
made by the action of crude sulphuric acid upon bones or 
other phosphatic materials, and sulphate of ammonia, made 
from gas-liquor and acid, that is to say, two of the most 
important manurial materials, are arsenical, and the poison 
is thus spread far and wide over meadows and fields, and can 
be traced in the soil wherever artificial manures have been 
applied.  The crops sometimes take up arsenic to a slight 
extent, but happily the plant is more selective than man, 
and no serious amount of poison absorption appears to be 
possible.  The risk of contamination is, of course, much 
greater with substances which, like glucose, are not further 
purified by crystallization, but retain whatever impurity 
is introduced into them.  Glucose is not only used in beer, 
in which by legal enactments it is permitted to be used, but 
is also substituted for sugar in a number of food products, 
and is liable to carry into them its contamination.  Sugar 
confectionery, jams and marmalade, honey, and such like, are 
often admixed with glucose.  It is difficult to say in the 
present state of the law whether such admixture amounts to 
adulteration.  It was clearly made originally for fraudulent 
purposes, but usage and high court decisions have gradually 
given the practice an air of respectability.  Vinegar of sorts 
is also made from a glucose liquor produced by the action 
of sulphuric acid upon maize or other starchy material, and 
is, in its turn, exposed to arsenic contamination.  There is 
hardly a chemical substance which has directly or indirectly 
come into contact with sulphuric acid that is not at times 
arsenical.  Thus, while artificial colours, now so much used 
for the dyeing of food products, are no longer prepared---as 
was rosaniline (the parent substance of so many aniline dyes) 
at an early stage of its manufacture--with arsenic acid, yet 
they are often contaminated indirectly from sulphuric acid.  
Furthermore, hardly any metal that results from the smelting 
of any ore with coal is free from arsenic, iron in particular, 
as employed for pots and pans and implements, being highly 
arsenical.  From the iron the many chemical preparations 
which contain or are made with the aid of iron salts may be 
arsenicated.  The general presence of arsenic from some of 
these causes has been known for many years; outbreaks of 
arsenical poisoning have been due to it at various times, but 
neglect, forgetfulness and human shortsightedness let the 
matter go into oblivion, and it is safe to predict, in spite 
of all attention which has been given to the subject, of the 
panic which was created by the beer-poisoning outbreak, of 
the shock and injury caused to manufacturers of many kinds, 
and of the watchfulness aroused in officers of health and 
analysts, that as long as the production of food materials 
or substances that go into food materials is not left to the 
care of nature, and as long as man adds the products of his 
ingenuity to our food and drink, so long will ``accidents,'' 
like the Manchester poisoning, from time to time recur.  
We now search for arsenic; some other time it is lead, or 
antimony, or selenium, that will do the mischief.  Man does 
what he can according to his light, but he sees but a little 
patch of the sky of knowledge, while the plant or the animal 
building up its body from the plant has learned by inheritance 
to avoid the assimilation of matters noxious to it.  Strictly 
speaking, arsenical poisoning does not belong to the subject of 
adulteration.  It is not due to wilfulness but to stupidity, 
but it affords a lesson which cannot be taken too much to 
heart, that mankind, by relying too much upon ``science'' 
in feeding, is on a path that is fraught with considerable 
danger.  To safeguard consumers, as far as practicable, the 
royal commission made important recommendations concerning 
amendments of the Food Acts; these, as at present interpreted 
and administered, were reported to be unsatisfactory for 
the purpose of protecting the consumer against arsenic and 
other deleterious substances in food. ``As a rule public 
analysts receive samples in order that they may pronounce 
upon their genuineness or otherwise, knowing nothing of the 
local circumstances which led to their being taken, of their 
origin or the reasons for sending them.  The term `genuine' 
in this sense means that the analyst has not detected such 
objectionable substances as he has considered it necessary 
to look for in the sample submitted to him.  Obviously, the 
value of the statement that the sample is `genuine' depends 
upon the extent to which the analyst has means of knowing 
what are the objectionable substances which it is liable to 
contain.  In present circumstances he has not sufficient 
information on this point.'' It was also pointed out that the 
application of the Food Acts to prevention of contamination 
of foods by deleterious substances was materially hindered 
by want of an official authority with the duty of dealing 
with the various medical, chemical and technical questions 
involved, and that the absence of official standards militated 
against the efficiency of the existing acts.  The commission 
advised that a special officer be appointed by the Local 
Government Board to obtain by inquiries from various sources, 
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