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   * cites pending

6a) Может ли травка сделать моего дружка сумасшедшим?

   * ``A Brief, Critical Look at Cannabis Psychosis'' by Amit Basu in ``The
     International Journal on Drug Policy'' Vol. 3 pp. 126-127. 1992.

6b) Теряют ли потребители марихуаны контакт с обществом?

   * ``Adolescent Drug Use and Psychological Health'' by Jonathan Shedler,
     Jack Block in ``American Psychologist'' Vol. 45 Iss. 5 pp. 612-630.
   * ``Substance Use and Abuse Among Teenagers'' by Michael D. Newcomb,
     Peter M. Bentler in ``American Psychologist'' Vol. 44 Iss. 2 pp.
     242-248. 1989.
   * ``Cognitive Motivations for Drug Use Among Adolescents Longitudinal
     Tests of Gender Differences and Predictors of Change in Drug Use '' by
     Michael D. Newcomb, Chih Ping Chou, P. M. Bentler, G. J. Huba in
     ``Journal of Counseling Psychology'' Vol. 35 Iss. 4 pp. 426-438. pub.
     American Psychological Association Washington,DC, 1988.
   * ``Personality Characteristics of Adolescent Marijuana Users'' by John
     E. Mayer, Jeffrey D. Ligman in ``Adolescence'' Vol. 24 Iss. 96 pp.
     965-976. 1989.
   * ``Cannabis Use and Sensation Seeking Orientation'' by K. Paul
     Satinder, Alexander Black in ``The Journal of Psychology'' Vol. 166
     pp. 101-105. pub. Journal Press Provincetown, MA, 1984.

7) Правда ли, что травка делает вас ленивым и безразличным?

   * ``Behavioral and Biological Concomitants of Chronic Marijuana Use'' by
     Dr. Jack H. Mendelson 1974. (US Army study)
   * (синдром, напоминающий снижение мотивации, у подростков)
     ``Chronic Marijuana Smoke Exposure in the Rhesus Monkey II Effects on
     Progressive Ratio and Conditioned Position Responding '' by Merle G.
     Paule, Richard R. Allen, John R. Bailey, Andrew C. Scallet, Syed F.
     Ali, Roger M. Brown, William Slikker Jr. in ``The Journal of
     Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics.'' Vol. 260 pp. 210-222.
     ed. pub.
   * ``Up in Smoke Arkansas Study Raises Doubts About Marijuana Risks '' by
     Mara Leveritt in ``Arkansas Times'' pp. 11-12. September 16, 1993.
   * (позитивное воздействие травки и других препаратов на

     ``Working Men and Ganja Marijuana Use in Rural Jamaica Melanie Creagan
     Dreher '' by Melanie Creagan Dreher pub. Institute for the Study of
     Human Issues Philadelphia, 1982.
   * ``The working addict David Caplovitz '' by David Caplovitz pub. M. E.
     Sharpe, White Plains, NY, 1976.

8) Является ли травка "начальным наркотиком"? Не ведет ли она к
употреблению более сильных наркотиков?

   * ``Who Says Marijuana Use Leads to Heroin Addiction?'' by Jerry Mandel
     in ``Journal of Secondary Education'' Vol. 43 Iss. 5 pp. 211-217. pub.
     California Association of Secondary School Administrators Burlingame,
     CA May
   * ``Marihuana reconsidered Lester Grinspoon. '' by Lester Grinspoon M.D.
     1928- pub. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1977.

9a) Я не хотел бы, чтобы дети (несовершеннолетние) могли курить марихуану.
Как можно предотвратить это?

   * (хорошая книжка о наркотиках для детей и родителей)
     ``From Chocolate To Morphine'' by Andrew Weil pub. data pending (a new
     edition will be coming out very soon!)

9b) Не смогут ли дети таскать травку с полей, где ее выращивают?

   * (в промышленной культуре очень низкое содержание ТГК)
     ``Hemp Variations as Pulp Source Researched in the Netherlands'' by E.
     P. M. de Meijer in ``Pulp & Paper'' pp. 41-42. pub. July, 1993.

10a) Эй, разве вы не знаете, что марихуана снижает уровень тестостерона у
подростков-мальчиков и вызывает различные нарушения здоровья и развития?

   * ``Behavioral, Neurochemical, and Neurohistological Effects of Chronic
     Marijuana Smoke Exposure in the Nonhuman Primate'' by William Slikker
     Jr. et al. in ``Marijuana Cannabinoids Neurobiology and
     Neurophysiology'' pp. . Laura Murphy, Andrzej Bartke ed. pub. CRC
     Press Boca Raton, FL, 1992.

10b) Не вызывает ли частое употребление марихуаны снижение числа
сперматозоидов у мужчин?

   * ``Marihuana A Signal of Misunderstanding '' pub. U.S. Government
     Printing Office Washington, 1972.

10c) Я слышал, что употребление травки девочками может нарушить образование
гормонов, менструальный цикл, и вызвать бесплодие. Правда ли это?

   * ``Marihuana A Signal of Misunderstanding '' pub. U.S. Government
     Printing Office Washington, 1972.

11) Я забыл, вызывает ли марихуана кратковременные провалы памяти?

   * Go away.

12) Правда ли, что курить травку гораздо вреднее, чем сигареты?

   * (в дыме травки больше смолы, но утверждения преувеличены)
     ``Pulmonary Hazards of Smoking Marijuana as Compared with Tobacco'' by
     Tzu Chin Wu, Donald P. Tashkin , Behnam Djahed , Jed E. Rose in ``New
     England Journal of Medicine'' Vol. 318 Iss. 6 pp. 347-351. pub., 1988.
   * (сигареты с пониженным содержанием смол канцерогенны в той же степени)

     ``The Association of Lung Cancer with Tar Content of Cigarettes'' by
     Franz P. Reichsman pub., 1980. (Thesis)
   * (повреждения легких в результате курения)
     ``Marijuana Exposure and Pulmonary Alterations in Primates'' by
     Suzanne E. G. Fligiel, Ted F. Beals, Donald P. Tashkin, Merle G.
     Paule, Andrew C. Scallet, Syed F. Ali, John R. Bailey, William Slikker
     Jr. in ``Pharmacology, Biochemistry & Behavior'' Vol. 40 Iss. 3 pp.
     637-642. ed. pub., 1991.
   * ``Chronic Marijuana Smoke Alters Alveolar Macrophage Morphology and
     Protein Expression'' by Guy A. Cabral, Amy L. Stinnet, John Bailey,
     Syed F. Ali, Merle G. Paul, Andrew C. Scallet, William Slikker Jr. in
     ``Physiology, Biochemistry and Behavior'' Vol. 40 pp. 643-649. ed.
     pub., 1991.
   * (свинец 210 и N-нитрозамины в табаке)
     Joseph DiFranza in NEJM Vol. 306 Iss. 6 pub. February, 1982. and
     responses in Vol. 307 Iss. 5 pub. July, 1982.

13) Не страдают ли новорожденные, чьи матери употребляли травку, "синдромом

   * ``Effects of Prenatal Exposure to Cannabinoids'' by Ernest L. Abel in
     ``CurrentReasearch on the Consequences of Maternal Drug Abuse''
     Theodore M. Pinkert ed. NIDA Research monograph # 59
   * ``The Effects of Early Marijuana Exposure'' by Ernest L. Abel, Gary A.
     Rockwood, Edward P. Riley in ``Handbook of teratology'' pp. 267-288.
   * (исследования на Ямайке)
     ``Prenatal Marijuana Exposure and Neonatal Outcomes in Jamaica An
     Ethnographic Study '' by Melanie C. Dreher , Kevin Nugent, Rebekah
     Hudgins in ``Pediatrics'' Vol. 93 Iss. 2 pp. 254-260. pub. February,
   * (фетальное воздействие ТГК)
     ``Placental Transfer and Fetal Disposition of
     Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) Monkey'' by William Slikker Jr, H.
     C. Cunny, J. R. Bailey, M. G. Paule in ``'' pp. 97-102.
   * ``The Influence of Anesthesia, Pregnancy, and Sex on the Plasma
     Disposition of Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol and
     11-nor-9-carboxy-delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol in the Rhesus Monkey''
     by Merle G. Paule, John R. Bailey, William Slikker Jr. in ``'' pp.
     315-320. ed. pub.

14) Не вызывает ли травка большого количества автокатастроф?

   * NHTSA statistical study pub. 1992, data pending
   * NHTSA Amsterdam study pub. 1994, data pending
   * Australian statistical survey pub 1993, data pending

15) Не боитесь ли вы, что все "сядут на крючок"?

   * ``Behavioral, Neurochemical, and Neurohistological Effects of Chronic
     Marijuana Smoke Exposure in the Nonhuman Primate'' by William Slikker
     Jr. et al. in ``Marijuana Cannabinoids Neurobiology and
     Neurophysiology'' Laura Murphy, Andrzej Bartke ed. pub. CRC Press Boca
     Raton, FL, 1992.
   * ``Marihuana A Signal of Misunderstanding '' pub. U.S. Government
     Printing Office Washington, 1972.
   * ``The Marijuana Problem in the City of New York'' (Mayor Laguardia's
     Commission on Marijuana. The text of the decision can be found in a
     three volume set entitled ``The Marijuana Papers'') pending.
   * ``Marihuana reconsidered Lester Grinspoon.'' by Lester Grinspoon M.D.
     1928- pub. Harvard University Press Cambridge, MA, 1977.

16a) Являются ли тесты мочи на марихуану хорошей идеей в области
трудоустройства? Я хотел бы обезопасить свой бизнес.

   * ``Applicant Testing For Drug Use A Policy and Legal Inquiry '' by
     Jonathan V. Holtzman in ``William and Mary Law Review'' Vol. 33 pp.
     47-93. pub., 1991.

16b) Окупается ли тестирование, в смысле снижения риска несчастных случаев
и заболеваемости?

   * ``Social Behavior, Public Policy, and Non-harmful Drug Use'' by
     Charles Winick in ``The Milbank Quarterly'' Vol. 69 Iss. 3 pp.
     437-459. ed. published for the Milbank Memorial Fund Cambridge
     University Press New York, NY, 1991.
   * other cites pending (mail the faq maintainor)

17) Не будет ли лучше посадить всех потребителей травки в тюрьму?

   * ``Drugs, Crime and the Justice System'' pub. United States Government
     Printing Office Washington, DC December, 1992.
   * ``The State of Criminal Justice, an annual report'' by the American
     Bar Association, 1993 pub. U.S. Government Printing office.
   * ``Social Behavior, Public Policy, and Non-harmful Drug Use'' by
     Charles Winick in ``The Milbank Quarterly'' Vol. 69 Iss. 3 pp.
     437-459. pub. published for the Milbank Memorial Fund Cambridge
     University Press New York, NY, 1991.

18) Я слышал, в марихуане больше 400 химических веществ... Ну ииии...?

   * (800 соединений в кофе)
     ``Too Many Rodent Carcinogens Mitogenesis Increases Mutagenesis '' by
     B. N. Ames, L. S. Gold in ``Science'' Vol. 149 pp. 971. ed. pub.,
   * (другие каннабиноиды)
     ``Marijuana Chemistry Genetics, Processing, and Potency '' by Michael
     Starks pub. Ronin Inc., 1990.
   * ``Marijuana, The Forbidden Medicine'' by Lester Grinspoon M.D. and
     James B. Bakalar pub. Yale University Press New Haven, 1993.

19) Нарушает ли травка работу иммунной системы, так что вы легко

   * (макрофаги печени)
     ``Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol A Novel Treatment for Experimental
     Autoimmune Encephalitis '' by W. D. Lyman , J. R. Sonett , C. F.
     Brosnan , R. Elkin , M. B. Bornstein in ``Journal of Neuroimmunology''
     Vol. 23 pp. 73-81. 1989.
   * (макрофаги легких и другие клетки)
     ``Chronic Marijuana Smoke Alters Alveolar Macrophage Morphology and
     Protein Expression'' by Guy A. Cabral, Amy L. Stinnet, John Bailey,
     Syed F. Ali, Merle G. Paul, Andrew C. Scallet, William Slikker Jr,
   * (общий обзор)
     ``Marijuana and Immunity'' by Leo E. Hollister M.D. in ``Journal of
     Psychoactive Drugs'' Vol. 24 Iss. 2 pp. 159-164. pub. Haight-Ashbury
     Publications in association with the Haight-Ashbury Free Medical
     Clinic San Francisco, Calif. : April,June, 1992.
   * (Кэрлтон Тернер)
     ``Official Corruption Carton Turner'' by Jack HererJack Herer in ``The
     Emperor Wears No Clothes The Authoritative Historical Record of the
     Cannabis Plant, Marijuana Prohibition, & How Hemp Can Still Save the
     World'' pub. Queen of Clubs HEMP Publishing, 1993.

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