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     the World'' by Jack Herer pub. Queen of Clubs HEMP Publishing, 1993.
   * (можно выращивать травку на законных основаниях)
     ``Hemp, Life-line to the Future'' by Chris Conrad pub data pending.
   * John Birrenbach's legal hemp FAQ pub. Institute for Hemp 1993.
   * (наиболее выгодная культура)
     ``Drugs, Crime and the Justice System'' pub. United States Government
     Printing Office Washington, DC. December, 1992.
   * ``Information Please Almanac'' pub. Simon and Schuster New York, 1993.

2a) Как травка может быть использована в пищу?

   * (протеин)
     A. J. St. Angelo, E. J. Conkerton, J. M. Dechary, A. M. Altschul in
     ``Biochimica et Biophysica Acta'' Vol. 121 pp. 181. 1966.
   * A. J. St. Angelo, L. Y. Yatsu, A. M. Altschul in ``Archives of
     Biochemistry and Biophysics'' Vol. 124 pp. 199-205. 1966.
   * ``Chromatography of Edestine at 50 Degrees'' by D. M. Stockwell, J. M.
     Dechary, A. M. Altschul in ``Biochimica et Biophysica Acta'' Vol. 82
     pp. 221. 1964.
   * (незаменимые жиры)
     ``Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill'' by Udo Erasmus pub.
   * ``Hemp-seed Oil Compared with Other Common Vegetable Oils'' by Gerald
     X. Diamond in ``Cannabis Hemp Information Kit'' pub.
   * ``Therapeutic Hemp Oil'' by Andrew Weil M.D. in ``Natural Health''
     March/April, 1993.

2b) Какие преимущества имеет травка перед другими сельскохозяйственными

   * ``Hemp'' by Lyster H. Dewey pp. 283-346. pub. United States Department
     of Agriculture, 1913.
   * ``The Emperor Wears No Clothes: The Authoritative Historical Record of
     the Cannabis Plant, Marijuana Prohibition, & How Hemp Can Still Save
     the World'' by Jack Herer pub. Queen of Clubs HEMP Publishing, 1993.

2c) А как насчет сои? Может ли травка конкурировать с другими источниками

   * (травка по сравнению с соей)
     ``Hemp'' by Lyster H. Dewey pp. 283-346. pub. United States Department
     of Agriculture, 1913.
   * ``Chromatography of Edestine at 50 Degrees'' by D. M. Stockwell, J. M.
     Dechary, A. M. Altschul in ``Biochimica et Biophysica Acta'' Vol. 82
     pp. 221. ed. pub., 1964.
   * (сопротивляемость ультрафиолету)
     ``UV-B Effects on Terrestrial Plants'' by Manfred Tevinie, Alan H.
     Teremura in ``Photochemistry and Photobiology'' Vol. 50 Iss. 4 pp.
     479-487. pub. Pergamon Press Oxford, New York, 1989.

3a) Как травка используется в производстве одежды?

   * ``Hemp, Flax, Jute, Ramie, Kenaf and Other Industrial Fibers a
     Comparison of Properties and Applications '' by Gerald X. Diamond in
     ``Cannabis Hemp Information Kit'' pub Washington Citizens for Drug
     Policy Reform.
   * ``Hemp'' by Lyster H. Dewey pp. 283-346. pub. United States Department
     of Agriculture, 1913.
   * ``The Emperor Wears No Clothes The Authoritative Historical Record of
     the Cannabis Plant, Marijuana Prohibition, & How Hemp Can Still Save
     the World'' by Jack Herer pub. Queen of Clubs HEMP Publishing, 1993.
   * ``The Marijuana Farmers'' by Jack Frazier pub. Solar Age Press New
     Orleans, 1972.

3b) Почему травка лучше хлопка?

   * ``Hemp, Flax, Jute, Ramie, Kenaf and Other Industrial Fibers a
     Comparison of Properties and Applications '' by Gerald X. Diamond in
     ``Cannabis Hemp Information Kit'' pub. Washington Citizens for Drug
     Policy Reform.

4a) Как можно использовать травку в производстве бумаги?

   * ``It's Time to Reconsider Hemp'' by Jim Young in ``Pulp & Paper'' pp.
     7. June, 1991.
   * ``Hemp Variations as Pulp Source Researched in the Netherlands'' by E.
     P. M. de Meijer in ``Pulp & Paper'' pp. 41-42. July, 1993.
   * ``The Manufacture of Paper from Hemp Hurds'' by Jason L. Merril in
     ``USDA Bulletin/Yearbook of the United States Department of
     Agriculture'' Iss. 404 pp. 7-25. pub. United States Department of

4b) Почему мы не можем продолжать использовать древесину?

   * ``The Production and Handling of Hemp Hurds'' by Lyster H. Dewey in
     "USDA Bulletin" Iss. 404 pp. 1-6. pub. United States Department of
   * ``Hemp'' by Lyster H. Dewey pp. 283-346. pub. United States Department
     of Agriculture, 1913.

5a) Как травка может быть использована в качестве топлива?

   * ``Farming For Fuel]'' by Folke Dovring pub data pending.
   * ``Pretreatment Research Overview'' by K. Grohmann, R. Torget, M.
     Himmel in ``The DOE SERI Ethanol From Biomass Program'' pub. The
     United States Department of Energy.
   * ``Overview: The DOE SERI Ethanol From Biomass Program '' by C. E.
     Wyman pub. The United States Department of Energy.

5b) Почему она лучше нефти?

   * ``Towards a Green Economy'' by Lynn Osburn (pamphlet)
   * other cites pending

6a) Как травка может быть применена в медицине?

   * ``Marijuana, The Forbidden Medicine'' by Lester Grinspoon M.D. and
     James B. Bakalar pub. Yale University Press New Haven, 1993.
   * ``Therapeutic Issues of Marijuana and THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) J.
     Thomas Ungerieder, Therese Andrysiak in ``The International Journal of
     the Addictions'' Vol. 20 pp. 691-699. ed. pub. M. Dekker New York,

6b) Чем плохи существующие лекарства?

   * ``Marijuana, The Forbidden Medicine'' by Lester Grinspoon M.D. and
     James B. Bakalar pub. Yale University Press New Haven, 1993.

7) Какие еще применения возможны для травки?

   * ``The Emperor Wears No Clothes The Authoritative Historical Record of
     the Cannabis Plant, Marijuana Prohibition, & How Hemp Can Still Save
     the World'' by Jack Herer pub. Queen of Clubs HEMP Publishing, 1993.
     Note: 93/94 edition of the Emperor only.


1) Как и почему травка стала нелегальна?

   * ``Drugs and minority oppression'' by John Helmer pub. Seabury Press
     New York, 1975.
   * ``The Emperor Wears No Clothes The Authoritative Historical Record of
     the Cannabis Plant, Marijuana Prohibition, & How Hemp Can Still Save
     the World'' by Jack Herer pub. Queen of Clubs HEMP Publishing, 1993.

2) Хорошо, но как эти наркотики связаны с травкой?

   * ``The Manufacture of Paper from Hemp Hurds'' by Jason L. Merril in
     ``USDA Bulletin/Yearbook of the United States Department of
     Agriculture'' Iss. 404 pp. 7-25. pub. United States Department of
   * ``New Billion-Dollar Crop'' in ``Popular Mechanics'' February, 1938.
   * ``Flax and Hemp From the Seed to the Loom '' by George A. Lower in
     ``Mechanical Engineering'' February, 1937.

3) Нет, подождите, вы думаете, я поверю, что дело только в ошибочном

   * ``Hemp, Life-line to the Future'' by Chris Conrad pub data pending.
   * ``The Emperor Wears No Clothes The Authoritative Historical Record of
     the Cannabis Plant, Marijuana Prohibition, & How Hemp Can Still Save
     the World'' by Jack Herer pub. Queen of Clubs HEMP Publishing, 1993.
   * ``New Billion-Dollar Crop'' in ``Popular Mechanics'' pub. February,
   * ``Flax and Hemp From the Seed to the Loom '' by George A. Lower in
     ``Mechanical Engineering'' February, 1937.

4) Какой урок можно извлечь из этого?

   * ``Manufacturing Consent'' by Noam Chomsky pub data pending.
   * ``Marijuana Laws: A Need for Reform'' by Roger Allan Glasgow in
     ``Arkansas Law review'' Vol. 22 Iss. 340 pp. 359-375.

                    ПРАВДА ЛИ, ЧТО...? НЕПРАВДА-ЛИ...?

1) Правда ли, что марихуана остается в жировой ткани и держит вас "под
кайфом" в течении месяцев?

   * ``Marijuana Chemistry Genetics, Processing, and Potency'' by Michael
     Starks pub. Ronin Inc., 1990.
   * ``Marijuana Cannabinoids Neurobiology and Neurophysiology'' ed. Laura
     Murphy, Andrzej Bartke ed. pub. CRC Press Boca Raton, FL, 1992.

2) Но... теперь ведь марихуана намного сильнее, чем в 60-е? (или, чаще:
Марихуана теперь в 10 раз сильнее, чем была раньше!)

   * ``Cannabis 1988. Old Drug, New Dangers The Potency Debate '' by Todd
     H. Mikuriya M.D., Michael R. Aldrich Ph.D. in ``Journal of
     Psychoactive Drugs'' Vol. 20 Iss. 1 pp. 47-55 pub. Haight-Ashbury
     Publications in association with the Haight-Ashbury Free Medical
     Clinic San Francisco, Calif. : January March, 1988.

3a) Повреждает ли травка мозг?

   * ``The Chronic Cerebral Effects of Cannabis Use I Methodological Issues
     and Neurological Findings '' by Renee C. Wert Ph.D., Michael L. Raulin
     Ph.D Vol. 21 Iss. 6 pp. 605-628. 1986.
   * ``The Chronic Cerebral Effects of Cannabis Use II Psychological
     Findings and Conclusions '' by Renee C. Wert Ph.D., Michael L. Raulin
     Ph.D Vol. 21 Iss. 6 pp. 629-642. 1986.
   * ``Neurotoxicity of Cannabis and THC A Review of Chronic Exposure
     Studies in Animals '' by Andrew C. Scallet in ``Pharmacology,
     Biochemistry & Behavior'' Vol. 40 pp. 671-676. 1991.
   * ``Chronic Marijuana Smoke Exposure in the Rhesus Monkey IV
     Neurochemical Effects and Comparison to Acute and Chronic Exposure to
     Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) Newport, Andrew C. Scallet, Merle
     G. Paule, John R. Bailey, William Slikker Jr in ``Pharmacology,
     Biochemistry & Behavior'' Vol. 40 pp. 677-682. 1991.
   * ``Behavioral, Neurochemical, and Neurohistological Effects of Chronic
     Marijuana Smoke Exposure in the Nonhuman Primate'' by William Slikker
     Jr. et al. in ``Marijuana Cannabinoids Neurobiology and
     Neurophysiology'' Laura Murphy, Andrzej Bartke ed. pub. CRC Press Boca
     Raton, FL, 1992.
   * (следующие работы были опровергнуты)
        o ``Effects of Cannabis Sativa on Ultrastructure of the Synapse in
          Monkey Brain'' by J. W. Harper, R. G. Heath, W. A. Myers in
          ``Journal of Neuroscience Research'' Vol. 3 pp. 87-93. 1977.
        o ``Chronic Marihuana Smoking Its Effects on Function and Structure
          of the Primate Brain '' by R. G. Heath, A. T. Fitzjarrell, R. E.
          Garey, W. A. Myers in ``Marihuana: Biological Effects Analysis,
          Metabolism, Cellular Responses, Reproduction and Brain '' Gabriel
          G. Nahas, W. D. M. Paton ed. pub. Pergamon Press Oxford, 1979.
        o ``Cannabis Sativa Effects on Brain Function and Ultrastructure in
          Rhesus Monkeys '' by R. G. Heath, A. T. Fitzjarrell, C. J.
          Fontana, R. E. Garey in ``Biological Psychiatry'' Vol. 15 pp.
          657-690. 1980.
        o (D.A.R.E. говорит, что травка убивает клетки мозга)
          DARE Officers training manual section T page 5.

3b) Если она не убивает нервные клетки, откуда же берется "кайф"?

   * ``Structure of a Cannabinoid Receptor'' by L. A. Matsuda , S. J.
     Lolait , M. J. Browstein, A. C. Young, T. I. Bonner in ``Nature'' Vol.
     346 Iss. 6824 pp. 561-564. August, 1990.
   * (травка не изнашивает рецепторы)
     ``Chronic Exposure to Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Fails to
     Irreversibly Alter Brain Cannabinoid Receptors'' by Tracy M. Westlake,
     Allyn C. Howlett, Syed F. Ali, Merle G. Paule, Andrew C. Scallet,
     William Slikker Jr. in ``Brain Research'' Vol. 544 pp. 145-149. 1991.

4) Умирают ли люди, "перекурив"?

   * Bureau of Mortality Statistics, 1988.
   * ``In the Matter of Marijuana Rescheduling Petition: Opinion and
     Recommended Ruling, Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Decision
     of Administrative Law Judge Francis L. Young '' by Hon. Francis L.
     Young September, 1988.
   * (аллергические реакции встречаются редко)
     ``Marijuana and Immunity'' by Leo E. Hollister M.D. in ``Journal of
     Psychoactive Drugs'' Vol. 24 Iss. 2 pp. 159-164. pub. Haight-Ashbury
     Publications in association with the Haight-Ashbury Free Medical
     Clinic San Francisco, Calif. : April,June, 1992.

5) Я забыл, вызывает ли марихуана кратковременные провалы памяти?
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