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Rambler's Top100
Конференции - SU.BOOKS Весь текст 4707.27 Kb

май 1996 - сентябрь 1996

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38.                                     Man in a Cage (1975)
39.                                     The Mind-Riders (1976)
40.                                     Optiman (1980) [= War Games]
41.                                     The Realms of Tartarus (1977)
                                                     [inc. The Face of Heaven]
42.                                     To Challenge Chaos (1972)
43.                                     The Walking Shadow (1979)
44.                                     Young Blood (1992)

     Повести и рассказы:

*51.Любовник леди Вампир

                                        Beyond Time's Aegis (1965)
                                        The Cosmic Perspective
                                        Custer's Last Stand
                                        Les Fleurs Du Mal (1994)
                                        Slumming in Voodooland

                                                 - Challenge Chaos
                                        The Sun's Tears (1974)
                                        An Offer of Oblivion (1974)
                                        Captain Fagan Died Alone (1976)

                 Hовеллы по телесериалу "Звездный путь"

                                            adapted by James Blish

01.                                     All Our Yesterdays
                                                        (Jaen Lisette Aroeste)
02.                                     The Alternative Factor (Don Ingalls)
03.                                     Amok Time (Theodore Stargeon)
04.                                     And The Children Shall Lead
                                                              (Edward J.Lakso)
05.                                     The Apple (Max Ehrlich, Gene L.Coon)
06.                                     Arena (Gene L.Coon)
07.                                     Assignment: Earth (Gene Roddenberry,
                                                                  Art Wallace)
*08.Равновесие страха                   Ballance of Terror (Paul Schneider)
09.                                     Bread and Circuses (Gene Roddenberry,
                                                                  Gene L.Coon)
10.                                     By Any Other Name (D.C.Fontana,
                                                                 Jerome Bixby)
*11.Ловушка                             Catspaw (Robert Bloch)
*12.Оборотень                           The Changeling (John Meredith Lucas)
*13.Закон Чарли                         Charlie X [= Charlie's Law]
                                               (D.C.Fontana, Gene Roddenberry)

--- GoldED 2.41+
 * Origin: HarryFan SF&F OCR Laboratory (2:463/2.5)

 Msg  : 195 of 459                          Loc
 From : Igor Zagumennov                     2:463/2.5       .тp 09 .юл 96 08:35
 To   : All
 Subj : (51/61) .екстография зарубежных авторов

14.                                     The City on the Edge of Forever
                                            [= The Dangerous Trip to the Past]
                                                              (Harlan Ellison)
15.                                     The Cloudminders (Margaret Armen,
                                               David Gerrolg, Oliver Crawford)
*16.Совесть короля                      The Conscience of the King
                                                               (Barry Trivers)
17.                                     The Corbomite Maneuver (Jerry Sohl)
18.                                     Court Martial (Don M.Mankiewicz,
                                                          Steven W.Carabatsos)
*19.Кинжал разума                       Dagger of the Mind (S.Bar-David)
20.                                     Day of the Dove (Jerome Bixby)
*21.Смертельные годы                    The Deadly Years (David P.Harmon)
22.                                     The Devil in the Dark [= Horuta: The
                                            Underground Monster] (Gene L.Coon)
23.                                     The Doomsday Machine [= The Gigantic
                                            Monster in Space] (Norman Spinrad)
*24.Элаан из Трои                       Elaan of Troyius (John Meredith Lucas)
25.                                     The Empath (Joyce Muskat)
*26.Пятая колонна                       The Enemy Within (Richard Matheson)
27.                                     The Enterprise Incident (D.C.Fontana)
28.                                     Errand of Mercy [= The Invasion of the
                                                 Klingon Empire] (Gene L.Coon)
*29.Потому что мир пуст, а я коснулся   For The Worlds Is Hollow, And I Have
                                небес          Touched The Sky (Rik Vollaerts)
30.                                     Friday's Child (D.C.Fontana)
31.                                     The Galileo Seven (Simon Wincelberg,
                                                              Oliver Crawford)
32.                                     The Gamesters of Triskelion
                                                              (Margaret Armen)
*33.Иммунный синдром                    The Immunity Syndrome (Robert Sabaroff)
34.                                     I, Mudd
35.                                     Is There In Thruth No Beauty?
                                                        (Jaen Lisette Aroeste)
36.                                     Journey to Babel [= The Invasion of
                                               the Planet Orion] (D.C.Fontana)
37.                                     The Last Gunflight [= Spectre of the
                                                             Gun] (Lee Cronin)
38.                                     Let That Be Your Last Battlefield
                                                 (Oliver Crawford, Lee Cronin)
39.                                     The Light of the Zetar
                                                 (Jeremy Tarcher, Shari Lewis)
*40.Фальшивый Мак-Кой                   The Man Trap [= The Unreal McCoy]
                                                      (George Cleyton Johnson)
41.                                     The Mark of Gideons (George F.Slavin,
                                                                Stanley Adams)
42.                                     The Menagerie [= Phantomatic Mystery
                                           Beings on Talos] (Gene Roddenberry)
*43.Метаморфоза                         Metamorphosis (Gene L.Coon)
*44.Мири                                Miri (Adrian Spies)
45.                                     Mirror, Mirror (Jerome Bixby)
46.                                     Mudd's Women
*47.Время обнажиться                    The Naked Time [= The Evil Space
                                                     Disease] (John D.F.Black)
*48.Hаваждение                          Obsession (Art Wallace)
49.                                     The Omega Glory (Gene Roddenberry)
50.                                     Operation - Annihilate!
                                                         (Steven W.Carabatsos)
*51.Райский синдром                     The Paradise Syndrome (Margaret Armen)
52.                                     Patterns of Force (John Meredith Lucas)
53.                                     A Piece of the Action (David P.Harmon,
                                                                  Gene L.Coon)
54.                                     Plato's Stepchildren (Meyer, Dolinsky)
55.                                     A Private Little War (Don Igalls,
                                                             Gene Roddenberry)
56.                                     Reguiem for Methuselah (Jerome Bixby)
*57.Возвращение "Аркона"                The Return of the Archons
                                                              (Boris Sobelman)
*58.Возвращение в завтра                Return to Tomorrow (Gene Roddenberry,
                                                                  Art Wallace)
59.                                     The Savage Curtain (Gene Roddenberry,
                                                             Arthur Heinemann)
60.                                     Shore Leave (Theodore Stargeon)
61.                                     Space Seed (Carey Wilber, Gene L.Coon)
*62.Мозг Спока                          Spock's Brain (Lee Cronin)
63.                                     The Square of Gothos (Paul Schneider)
64.                                     A Taste of Armageddon (Robert Hammer,
                                                                  Gene L.Coon)
*65.То, что остается                    That Which Survives
                                            (John Meredith Lucas, D.C.Fontana)
66.                                     The Tholian Web [= The Crisis of
                                               Captain Kirk Entering the Other
                                               Dimensional Space] (Judy Burns,
                                                                Chet Richards)
67.                                     This Side of Paradise (Nathan Butler,
68.                                     Tomorrow is Yesterday (D.C.Fontana)
69.                                     The Trouble with Tribbles
                                           [= The New Species] (David Gerrold)
70.                                     Turnabout Intruder (Gene Roddenberry,
                                                               Arhur H.Singer)
*71.Hовейший компьютер                  The Ultimate Computer (D.C.Fontana,
                                                             Lawrence N.Wolfe)
72.                                     The Way to Eden (Arthur Heinemann,
                                                             Michael Richards)
73.                                     What are Little Girls Made Off
                                                                (Robert Bloch)
*74.Куда не ступала нога человека       Where No Man Has Gone Before [= The
                                           Glittering Eyes] (Samuel A.Peeples)
75.                                     Whom Gods Destroy (Lee Erwin,
                                                                   Jerry Sohl)
*76.Кто скорбит по Адонаю               Who Mourns for Adonais?
                                              (Gilbert A.Ralston, Gene L.Coon)
77.                                     Wink of an Eye (Artur Heinemann,
                                                                   Lee Cronin)
*78.Волк в овчарне                      Wolf in the Fold
                                           [= The Bloodthirsty Felon of Planet
                                                     Arugirisu] (Robert Bloch)

                                           The Star Wars

*01.Звездные Войны                      Star Wars (1976) [Alan Dean Foster
                                                              as George Lucas]
*02.Империя наносит ответный удар       The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
                                                                 [Donald Glut]
*03.Возвращение Джедая                  Return of the Jedi (1983) [James Kahn]
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