toli_, a game that resembles lacrosse, football, and pro wrestling in
similar measures. Now, as the anthropologist, I record the "facts," the
data from which I will write scholarly articles. This will include a dry
description of the geology of the cave and the supernatural creatures
supposed to inhabit it. It will not include my fear, wonder, or momentary
credulity of things unseen.
I reflect that an anthropologist must write fiction or have a large
trashcan. And I hate throwing things away.
Of course, to be honest, I was attracted to fantasy and science fiction
long before I entered the academic world, and it was that fascination with
imagined worlds that led me to wonder about the more exotic corners of my
own. I was not disappointed; the world is indeed filled with strange
stories, sights, and customs. As an anthropologist, I try to translate
what I see and learn as honestly and objectively as I can, so that others
can have some confidence when they read my papers that they reflect some
* Message split, to be continued *
... Ваша карта -- десятка Скипетров
--- GoldED 2.50+
* Origin: Camelot-89 (2:5030/27.194)
Msg : 65 of 385
From : Serge Berezhnoy 2:5030/27.194 .ят 05 .юл 96 05:05
To : All
Subj : [part 3] Del Rey Internet Newsletter, July
.Subject: [part 3] Del Rey Internet Newsletter, July
.Date: Fri, 05 Jul 1996 05:05:54 -0400
.X-Newsreader: GoldED 2.50+
* Continuation 2 of a split message *
reality other than what is in my own head. This is as it should be, but
it isn't always easy to separate facts from intuitions, especially when
you are groping amongst ghosts in the stygian chill depths of _Nanih
Fiction does not require that separation, and what the reader of fantasy
demands of me is both like and unlike what my professional colleagues
direct me toward. Unlike the academic--who will read the dullest
imaginable prose--the reader of fantasy asks me to write a good story, one
which grips him, one in which the characters are interesting, one which
keeps him guessing. That's what I strive to deliver, too: a book that you
cannot put down, because that's what I look for in a novel. But, like a
fellow anthropologist, the fantasy reader wants me to show him more than
colorful, exotic magic, alien temples, and weird rites. He asks me to
show him characters who are also human beings, who, despite their
different cultural backgrounds, languages, and customs, are somehow
recognizable. Anthropology is not just a celebration of the exotic and
the strange; it is also an attempt to define what it is--bottom line--to
be human. I think that this is also one goal of fantasy.
THE WATERBORN contains a good deal of my own experiences and intuitions,
albeit disguised. It's built around some very old themes in anthropology
and other social sciences. Perhaps most obvious is the comparison I draw
between two very different kinds of religion. One of my characters,
Perkar, comes from a part of the world which is literally filled with
gods. Every tree, stream, and boulder has a god, and for the most part
these are familiar and comfortable to Perkar s folk. They are in essence
as much a part of the human community as Human Beings are. People haggle
and negotiate with gods, bribe them, make love with them and fight with
them. My particular interpretation of this "animistic" universe came from
diverse places: from my own experience as a child on the Navajo
reservation, from my field work with the
Mississippi Choctaw, and from a lot of reading. Students of Northeast
Asian Cultures in particular will probably see a lot that is familiar in
What this contrasts with is the city of Nhol, where my heroine, Hezhi,
lives. Here supernatural forces are embodied by only one god--the
River--and religion, rather than being a part of everyone s daily
responsibility, is concentrated in the hands of the nobility. This is
very different from Perkar's world, where dealing with the gods is much
like dealing with the mayor of a very small town, one whom everyone knows
personally. Hezhi's experience with the River God is more that of a
peasant petitioning a great, terrible, implacable emperor--despite the
fact that she is, in a sense, his daughter.
The story of THE WATERBORN is woven from the experiences of these two
young people from these very different worlds, and in the strange and
often surprising ways that their two worlds are linked. For the one thing
that both characters understand about their respective gods is the same
thing that the ancient Greeks knew about theirs: the gods might help you
or harm you, but they will always work, first and foremost, in their own
best interests.
Sometimes it's best if the gods do not notice you at all.
--Copyright 1996 by J. Gregory Keyes
Q & A===================================================================
Q: I am trying to find out when the third book of the _Galactic Milieu
Trilogy_ will be published.
A: MAGNIFICAT was published in hardcover by Knopf in March of this year.
The paperback will be published by Del Rey in February of 1997.
Q: I was just curious if Alan Dean Foster's newest Commonwealth novel
would be a Pip & Flinx novel. In his last publication, MID-FLINX,
the plot hinted at something yet to come. I am wondering if there
will be more books and if his next release would continue MID-FLINX's
plot line.
A: Foster's next Commonwealth novel is THE HOWLING STONES, a novel of
alien contact--NOT a Pip & Flinx novel.
Q: Is Del Rey planning on publishing Charles Sheffield's CONVERGENCE in
the US? and if so, when? If not, why not and what can we do to
either obtain copies or change your minds?
A: Not only are we not publishing CONVERGENCE in the US, but we never
bought the rights to do so in the first place. In fact, we have reverted
the rights to the first three books in the _Heritage Universe_ series back
to the author. As much as we loved those books, it seems that too few
readers agreed with us. We sincerely hope that another publisher will
pick up all four books and do better by them than we were able to.
Q: How can I write to/send e-mail to Terry Brooks/David Eddings/
Katherine Kurtz/Anne McCaffrey/other Del Rey authors?
A: Send snail mail to them care of Del Rey Books, 201 East 50th Street, NY
NY 10022 USA. We will forward the mail when we receive it. We don't give
out authors' addresses, but if the author is online and you know his or
her e-mail address, you can use it to write directly.
Q: How do I submit a Fantasy or Science Fiction manuscript to Del Rey?
A: We're not reading unsolicited manuscripts right now, but you can send
us a query letter with a brief synopsis via snail mail to the address
below. Additional details on what kinds of books we look for can be found
on our Web site ( Please
do not query via e-mail.
Jill Benjamin
Del Rey Books
201 East 50th St.
NY, NY 10022 USA
Ellen Key Harris
Editor, Del Rey Books
Director of Online Projects, Ballantine Books |DEL|
[The Del Rey Internet Newsletter is copyright 1996 by Del Rey Books,
except for the IN DEPTH section, which is copyright by the author.
The DRIN may be reproduced only in its entirety, and not for profit.]
... Колесо плетет, как угодно Колесу.
--- GoldED 2.50+
* Origin: Camelot-89 (2:5030/27.194)
Msg : 66 of 385
From : Dmitry Baykalov 2:5020/185.13 .ет 04 .юл 96 02:47
To : Sergey Lukianenko
Subj : .былось!
Пpиветствую Вас, о несравненный, Sergey!
Hекогда в Понедельник Июль 01 1996 18:49, некто Sergey Lukianenko всячески
наехал на Serge Berezhnoy:
SB>> Мои поздравления Сергею Лукьяненко -- его дилогия "Линия грез" ВЫШЛА
SB>> в серии "Современная российская фантастика"!!!
SL> Еще pаз пpочитал - все pавно не веpю... ;-)
Правильно не веришь... :-( Вчера разговаривал с сотрудницей "Локида", говорит,
не вышла ишшо. Лазарчук вот вышел, а ты...
* Origin: The Piper at the Gates of Dawn (2:5020/185.13)
Msg : 67 of 385
From : Alex Kicelew 2:5020/194.7 .ят 05 .юл 96 15:47
To : Serge Berezhnoy
Subj : Orson Scott Card WWW Page
.TID: GE/32 1.2
[Fri Jul 05 04:14:24 1996], wrote to :
>> никто выдрать не успел?
SB> Из наших, насколько я знаю, никто.
ыыы... а из не наших? :) по тому же ftp...
>> ps 2SB: чуть-чуть бы ты пораньше...
SB> См. таглайн.
SB> ... Колесо плетет, как угодно Колесу.
эххх... прямо хоть в колесничие подавайся... :)
[Fri Jul 05 15:47:41 1996 +0400]
--- GoldED/386 2.50+
* Origin: Все, все знают Кея... (2:5020/194.7)
Msg : 68 of 385
From : Sergey Lukianenko 2:5083/22.22 .ят 05 .юл 96 08:42
To : Ljuba Fedorova
Subj : ".иперион"
.TID: FastEcho 1.45 777
Мой модем имел честь пpинять слова от Ljuba Fedorova господинy Igor Chertock:
LF> Я кpуто обломалась. Мне больше всего хотелось почитать истоpию
LF> тамплиеpа. А он слинял с публичной исповеди.
Yours sincerely,
Sergey "Grey" Lukianenko.
--- GoldED 2.50+
* Origin: Линия Грез. (2:5083/22.22)
Msg : 69 of 385
From : Sergey Lukianenko 2:5083/22.22 .ят 05 .юл 96 08:44
To : Serge Berezhnoy
Subj : .былось!
.TID: FastEcho 1.45 777
Мой модем имел честь пpинять слова от Serge Berezhnoy господинy Sergey
>> Хp-гp-гp! Так может он сигнал видел?
SB> Кабы он один видел. Уже и на ярмарке у нас всплывал...
SB> Да и экземпляр он мог взять, а значит, не сигнал уже то был...
Значит - дождался.
А вот "Аpгyс", по данным агентypы ;-), опять задвинyл мой двyхтомник в
долгий ящик. До момента pаспpодажи Лейбеpа.
Клево, а? Я с них балдею.
Yours sincerely,
Sergey "Grey" Lukianenko.
--- GoldED 2.50+
* Origin: Люблю взрывы на аннигиляцию! (с) АБС. (2:5083/22.22)
Msg : 70 of 385
From : Sergey Lukianenko 2:5083/22.22 .ят 05 .юл 96 08:54
To : Alexander Tyurin
Subj : овые технологии в современном SF.
.TID: FastEcho 1.45 777
Мой модем имел честь пpинять слова от Alexander Tyurin господинy Sergey
>> Угyм. Hy лады, вы в гpибницy пpевpащайтесь, а мы, посиживая в