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Project Gutenberg's Encyclopedia, vol. 1 ( A - Andropha

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       + plate           Liquid            - plate
    x. PbO2 + y. H2SO4 +  z. Pb
                     n. H2O


       + plate                 Liquid              - plate
    (x-p). PbO2   (y-2p). H2SO4   (z-p). Pb
  {                   }+{                       }+{
       p. PbSO4   (n+2p). H2O        p. PbSO4

 During charge, the substances are restored to their 
original condition: the equation is therefore reversed.  
An equation of this general nature was published by 
Gladstone and Tribe in 1882, when Oley first suggested the 
``sulphate', theory, which was based on very numerous 
analyses.  Confirmation was given by E. Frankland in 1883, 
E.  Reynier 1884, A. P. P. Crova and P. Garbe 1885, C. Heim 
and  W. F. Kohlrausch 1889, W. E. Ayrton, &c., with G. H. 
Robertson 1890, C. H. J. B. Liebenow 1897, F. Dolezalek 
1897, and M. Mugdan 1899.  Yet there has been, as Dolezalek 
says, an incomprehensible unwillingness to accept the 
theory, though no suggested alternative could offer good 
verifiable experimental foundation.  Those who seek a full 
discussion will find it in Dolezalek's Theory of the Lead 
Accumulator. We shall take it that the sulphate theory is 
proved, and apply it to the conditions of charge and discharge. 

From the chemical theory it will be obvious that the 
acid in the pores of both plates will be stronger 
during charge than that outside. During discharge 
the reverse will be the case.  Fig. 19 shows a curve 

 Fig. 19. 

of potential difference during charge, with others showing 
the concurrent changes in the percentage of PbO2 and the 
density of acid. These increase almost in proportion to 
the duration of the current, and indicate the decomposition 
of sulphate and liberation of sulphuric acid.  There are 
breaks in the P.D. curve at A, B, C, D where the current 
was stopped to extract samples for analysis, &c. The 
fall in E.M.F. in this short interval is noteworthy; 
it arises from the diffusion of stronger acid out of the 
pores.  The final rise of pressure is due to increase 
in resistance and the effect of stronger acid in the 
pores, this last arising partly from reduced sulphate and 
partly from the electrolytic convection of SO4 (see also 
Dolezalek, Theory, p. 113) . Fig. 20 gives the data for 
discharge.  The percentage of PbO2 and the density here 
fall almost in proportion to the duration of the current.  
The special feature is the rapid fall of voltage at the end. 

Several suggestions have been made about this phenomenon. 
The writer holds that it is due to the exhaustion of the 
acid in the pores.  Plante, and afterwards Gladstone and 
Tribe, found a possible cause in the formation of a film 
of peroxide on the spongy lead. E. J. Wade has suggested 
a sudden readjustment of the spongy mass into a complex 
sulphate.  To rebut these hypotheses it is only necessary 
to say that the fall can be deferred for a long time by 
pressing fresh acid into the pores hydrostatically (see 
Liebenow, Zeits. fur Elektrochem., 1897, iv. 61), 
or by working at a higher temperature. This increases the 
diffusion inwards of strong acid, and like the increase due 
to hydrostatic pressure maintains the E.M.F. The other 
suggested causes of the fall therefore fail.  Fig. 20 also 
shows that when the discharge current was stopped at points 
A, B, C, D to extract samples, the voltage immediately rose, 
owing to inward diffusion of stronger acid.  The inward 
diffusion of fresh acid also accounts for the recuperation 
found after a rest which follows either complete discharge or 
a partial discharge at a very rapid rate.  If the discharge 
be complete the recuperation refers only to the electromotive 
force; the pressure falls at once on closed circuit.  If 
discharge has been rapid, a rest will enable the cell to resume 
work because it brings fresh acid into the active regions. 

 Fig. 20. 

As to the effect of repose on a charged cell, Gladstone and 
Tribe's experiments showed that peroxide of lead lying on 
its lead supoort suffers from a local action, which reduces 
one molecule of PbO2 to sulphate at the same time that an 
atom of the grid below it is also changed to sulphate.  There 
is thus not only a loss of the available peroxide, but a 
corrosion of the grid or plate.  It is through this action 
that the supports gradually give way.  On the negative plate 
an action arises between the finely divided lead and the 
sulphuric acid, with the result that hydrogen is set free-- 
      Pb + H2SO4 = PbSO4 + H2.
This involves a diminution of available spongy lead, or loss 
of capacity, occasionally with serious consequences.  The 
capacity of the lead plate is reduced absolutely, of course, 
but its relative value is more seriously affected.  In the 
discharge it gets sulphated too much, because the better 
positive keeps up the E.M.F. too long.  In the succeeding 
charge, the positive is fully charged before the negative, and 
the differences between them tend to increase in each cycle. 

Kelvin and Helmholtz have shown that the E.M.F. of a voltaic 
cell oan be calculated from the energy developed by the chemical 
action. For a dyad gram equivalent (= 2 grams of hydrogen, 
207 grams of lead, &c.), the equation connecting them is 
       E = H/46000 + T dE/dT,
here E is the E.M.F. in volts, H is the heat developed by a 
dyad equivalent of the reacting substances, T is the absolute 
temperature, and dE/dT is the temperature coefficient of the 
E.M.F. If the E.M.F. does not change with temperature, 
the second term is zero. The thermal values for the various 
substances formed and decomposed are -For PbO2, 62400; for 
PbSO4, 216210; for H2SO4, 192920; and for H2O, 68400 
calories.  Writing the equation in its simplest form for 
strong acid, and ignoring the temperature coefficient term, 

      PbO2 + 2 H2SO4 + Pb = 2PbSO4 + 2 H2O 
     -62440   - 385840               + 432420  + 136720
leaving a balance of 120860 calories.  Dividing by 46000 
gives 2.627 volts.  The experimental value in strong acid, 
according to Gladstone and Hibbert, is 2.607 volts, a very 
close approximation. For other strengths of acid, the energy 
will be less by the quantity of heat evolved by dilution 
of the acid, because the chemical action must take the 
H2SO4 from the diluted liquid.  The dotted curve in fig. 
10 indicates the calculated E.M.F. at various points when 
this is taken into account.  The difference between it and 
the continuous curve must, if the chemical theory be correct, 
depend on the second term in the equation.  The figure shows 
that the observed E.M.F. is above the theoretical for 
all strengths from 100 down to 5%. Below 5 the position is 
reversed.  The question remains, Can the temperature 
coefficient be obtained? This is difficult, because the value 
is so small, and it is not easy to secure a good cycle of 
observations.  Streintz has given the following values:-- 
     E        1.9223   1.9828  2.0031  2.0084  2.0105  2.078  2.2070
   dE/dT.106 140       228    335     285     255     130    73
Unpublished experiments by the writer give dE/dT. 106 = 
350 for anid of density 1.156.  With stronger acid, a true 
cycle could not be obtained.  Taking Streintz's value, 335 
for 25% acid, the second term of the equation is TdE/dT = 
290 X .000335 = 0.0971 volt.  The first term gives 88800 
calories = 1.9304 volt.  Adding the second term, 1.9304 + 
0.0971 = 2.2075 volts.  The observed value is 2.030 volts 
(see fig. 10), a remarkably good agreement.  This calculation 
and the general relation shown in fig. 10 render it highly 
probable that, if the temperature coefficient were known 
for all strengths of acid, the result would be equally 
good.  It is worth observing that the reversal of relationship 
between the observed and calculated curves, which takes 
place at 5% or 6%, suggests that the chemistry must be on 
the point of altering as the acid gets weak, a conclusion 
which has been already arrived at on purely chemical 
grounds.  The thermodynamical relations are thus seen to 
confirm very strongly the chemical and physical analyses.1 

Accumulators in Central Stations.---As the efficiency of 
accumulators is not generally higher than 75%, and machines 
must be used to charge them, it is not directly economical 
to use cells alone for public supply.  Yet they play an 
important and an increasing part in public work, because they 
help to maintain a constant voltage on the mains, and can be 
used to distribute the load on the running machinery over a 
much greater fraction of the day.  Used in parallel with the 
dynamo, they quickly yield current when the load increases, 
and immediately begin to charge when the load diminishes, thus 
largely reducing the fluctuating stress on dynamo and engine 
for sudden variations in load.  Their use is advantageous if 
they can be charged and discharged at a time when the steam 
plant would otherwise be working at an uneconomical load. 

 Fig. 21. 

Regulation of the potential difference is managed in various 
ways.  More cells may be thrown in as the discharge proceeds, 
and taken out during charge; but this method often leads to 
trouble, as some cells get unduly discharged, and the unity 
of the battery is disturbed. Sometimes the number of cells 
is kept fixed for supply, but the P.D. they put on the mains 
is reduced during charge by employing regulating cells in 
opposition.  Both these plans have proved unsatisfactory, 
and the battery is now preferably joined across the mains 
in parallel with the dynamo.  The cells take the peaks 
of the load and thus relieve the dynamo and engine of 
sudden changes, as shown in fig. 21. Here the line current 
(shown by the erratic curve) varied spasmodically from 0 
to 375 amperes, yet the dynamo current varied from 100 to 
150 amperes only (see line A). At the same time the line 
voltage (535 volts normal) was kept nearly constant.  In 
the late evening the cells became exhausted and the dynamo 
charged them.  Extra voltage was required at the end of a 
``charge,' and was provided by a ``booster.'' Originally a 
booster was an auxiliary dynamo worked in series with the 
chief machine, and driven in any convenient way.  It has 

1 For the discussion of later electrolytic theories as apolied to 
accumulators, see Dolezalek, Theory of the Lead Accumulator. 

developed into a machine with two or more exciting coils, 
and having its armature in series with the cells (see fig. 
22). The exciting coils act in opposition; the one carrying 
the main current sets up an E.M.F. in the same direction 
as that of the cells, and helps the cells to discharge 
as the load rises.  When the load is small, the voltage 
on the mains is highest and the shunt exciting current 
greatest.  The booster E.M.F. now acts with the dynamo 
and against the cells, and causes them to take a full 
charge.  Even this arrangement did not suffice to keep the 
line voltage as constant as seemed desirable in some cases, 
as where lighting and traction work were put on the same 
plant.  Fig. 23 is a diagram of a complex booster which 
gives very good regulation.  The booster B has its armature 
in series with the accumulators A, and is kept running 
in a given direction at a constant speed by means of a 
shunt-wound motor (not shown), so that the E.M.F. induced 
in the armature depends on the excitation.  This is made 

Fig. 22.
to vary in value and in direction by means of four 
independent enciting coils, C1, C2, C3, C4. The last 
is not essential, as it merely compensates for the small 
voltage drop in the armature.  It is obvious that the 
excitation C3 will be proportionate to the difference 
in voltage between the battery and the mains, and it is 
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