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conditions somewhat like fig. 12, and the E.M.F. begins to 
rise. In one minute it has gone up by about 0.08 volt, &c. 

 Fig. 12.  

Charge and Discharge.---The most important practical 
questions concerning an accumulator are:--its maximum rate 
of working; its capacity at various discharge rates; its 
efficiency; and its length of life.  Apart from mechanical 
injury all these depend primarily on the way the cell is 
made, and then on the method of charging and discharging. 
For each type and size of cell there is a normal maximum 
discharging current.  Up to this limit any current may 
be taken; beyond it, the cell may suffer if discharge be 
continued for any appreciable time.  The most important 
point to attend to is the voltage at which discharge shall 
cease.  The potential difference at terminals must not fall 
below 1.80 volt during discharge at ordinary rates (10 
hours) or 1.75 to 1.70 volt for 1 or 2 hour rate.  The reason 
underlying the figures is simple.  These voltages indicate 
that the acid in the pores is not being renewed fast enough, 
and that if the discharge continue the chemical action will 
change: sulphate will not be formed in situ for want of 
acid.  Any such change in action is fatal to reversibility and 
therefore to life and constancy in capacity.  To illustrate: 
when at slow discharge rates the voltage is 1.80 volt, the 
acid in the pores has weakened to a mean value of about 
2.5% (see fig. 11), which is quite consistent with some part 
of the interior being practically pure water.  With high 
discharge rates, something like 0.1 volt may be lost in the 
cells, by ordinary ohmic fall, so that a voltage reading of 
1.73 means an E.M.F. of a little over 1.8 volt, and a very 
weak density of the acid inside the pores. Guided by these 
figures, an engineer can determine what ought to be the 
permissible drop in terminal volts for any given working 
conditions.  Messrs W. E. Ayrton, C. G. Lamb, E. W. Smith 
and M. W. Woods were the first to trace the working of a cell 
through varied conditions (Journ.  Inst.  Elec.  Eng., 1890), 
and a brief resume of their results is given below. 

They began by charging and discharging 
between the limits of 2.4 and 1.6 volts. 

Fig. 13 shows a typical discharge curve.  Noteworthy points are:--(1) 
At the beginning and at the end there is a rapid fall in P.D., 
with an intermediate period of fairly uniform value. (2) When the 

 Fig. 13. 

P.D. reaches 1.6 volt the fall is so rapid that there is 
no advantage in continuing the action.  When the P.D. had 
fallen to 1.6 volt the cell was automatically switched into 
a charging circuit, and with a current of 9 amperes yielded 
the curve in fig. 14. Here again there is a rapid variation in 
P.D. (in these cases a rise) at the beginning and end of the 
operation.  The cells were now carried through the same cycle 
several times, giving almost identical values for each cycle. 
After some days, however, they became more and more difficult 
to charge, and the return on discharge was proportionately 
less.  It became impossible to charge up to a P.D. of 2.4 
volts, and finally the capacity fell away to half its first 
value.  Examination showed that the plates were badly scaled, 
and that some of the scales had partially connected the 
plates.  These scales were cleared away and the experiments 
resumed, limiting the fall of P.D. to 1.8 volt.  The 

 Fig. 14. 

difficulties then disappeared, showing that discharge to 1.6 
volt caused injury that did not arise at a limit of 1.8. Before 
describing the new results it will be useful to examine these 
two cases in the light of the theory of E.M.F. already given. 

(a) Fall in E.M.F. at beginning of discharge.--At the 
moment when previous charging ceases the pores of the positive 
plate contain strong acid, brought there by the charging 
current.  There is consequently a high E.M.F. But the strong 
acid begins to diffuse away at once and the E.M.F. falls 
rapidly.  Even if the cell were not discharged this fall would 
occur, and if it were allowed to rest for thirty minutes or 
so the discharge would have begun with the dotted line (fig. 
13). (b) Final rapid fall.---The pores being clogged by 
sulphate the plugs cannot get acid by diffusion, and when 
5% is reached the fall in  E.M.F. is disproportionately 
large (see fig. 10). If discharge be stopped, there is an 
almost instantaneous diffusion inwards and a rapid rise 
in E.M.F. (c) The rise in E.M.F. at beginning and 
end of the charging is due to acid in the pores being 
strengthened, partly by diffusion, partly by formation of 
sulphuric acid from sulphate, and partly by electrolytic 
carrying of strong acid to the positive plate. The injurious 
results at 1.6 volt arise because then the pores contain 
water.  The chemical reaction is altered, oxide or hydrate 
is formed, which will partially dissolve, to be changed 
to sulphate when the sulphuric acid subsequently diffuses 
in.  But formed in this way it will not appear mixed with 
the active masses in the electrolytic paths, but more or 
less alone in the pores.  In this position it will more or 
less block the passage and isolate some of the peroxide. 
Further, when forming in the narrow passage its disruptive 
action will tend to force off the outer layers.  It is evident 
that limitation of P.D. to 1.8 volt ought to prevent these 
injuries, because it prevents exhaustion of acid in the plugs. 

Fig. 15 shows the results obtained by study of successive 
periods of rest, the observations being taken between 
the limits of 2.4 and 1.8 volts.  Curves A and B show 
the state and capacity at the beginning. After a 10 
days' rest the capacity was smaller, but repeated cycles 

 Fig. 15. 

of work brought it back to C and D. A second rest (10 days), 
followed by many cycles, then gave E and F. After a third 
rest (16 days) and many cycles, G and H were obtained.  
After a fourth rest (16 days) the first discharge gave I and 
the first charge J. Repeated cycles brought the cells back 
to K and L. Curves M and N show first cycle after a fifth 
rest (16 days); O and P show the final restoration brought 
about by repeated cycles of work.  The numbers given by the 
integration of some of these curves are stated in Table III. 


           Capacity and Efficiency under Various
               Conditions of Working.
              Discharge.          Charge.       Efficiency.
  Experiment. Ampere-  Watt     Ampere-  Watt     Quan-    Energy.
               hours. hours.     hours.  hours.    tity.
  Normal cycle    102   201.7     104.5   230.7     97.2     87.4
   after 1st rest 100   179       103.8   228.2     96.8     85.8
   after 2nd rest  91   176.7     103.8   228.2     96.8     85.8
   after 3rd rest  82.6 161.3      86.2   190.5     95.8     84.7
   immediately     56.5 110.5      86.2   190.5     65.5     581
   after rest .    56.5 110.5      71.1   158.3     79.6     69.6
   after 8 cycles  80   156.9      83.8   184.6     95.5     85

The table shows that the efficiency in a normal cycle may be as 
high as 87.4%; that during a rest of sixteen days the charged 

1 This discharge is here compared with the charge that 
preceded the rest; in the next line the same discharge 
is compared with the charge following the rest. 

accumulator is so affected that about 30% of its charge is 
not available, and in subsequent cycles it shows a diminished 
capacity and efficiency; and that by repeated charges and 
discharges the capacity may be partially restored and the 
efficiency more completely so.  These changes might be 
due to--(a) leakage or short-circuit, (b) some of the 
active material having fallen to the bottom of the cell 
or (c) some change in the active materials. (a) is 
excluded by the fact that the subsequent charge is smaller, 
and (b) by the continued increase of capacity during the 
cycles that follow the rest.  Hence the third hypothesis 
is the one which must be relied upon.  The change in the 
active materials has already been given.  The formation of 

 FIG. 16. 

lead sulphate by local action on the peroxide plate and 
by diract action of acid on spongy metal on the lead 
plate explains the loss of energy shown in curve M, fig. 
15, while the fact that it is probably formed, not in 
the path of the regular currents, but on the wall of the 
grid (remote from the ordinary action), gives a probable 
explanation of the subsequent slow recovery.  The action of 
the acid on the lead during rest must not be overlooked. 

We have seen that capacity diminishes as the discharge rate 
increases; that is, the available output increases as the 
current diminishes.  R. E. B. Crompton's diagram illustrating 
this fact is given in fig. 16. At the higher rates the 
consumption of acid is too rapid, diffusion cannot maintain 
its strength in the pores, and the fall comes so much earlier. 

The resistance varies with the condition of the cell, as 
shown by the curves in fig. 17. It may be unduly increased 
by long or narrow lugs, and especially by dirty joints 
between the lugs.  It is interesting to note that it 
increases at the end of both charge and discharge, and 

 Fig. 17. 

much more for the first than the second.  Now the composition 
of the active materials near the end of charge is almost 
exactly the same as at the beginning of discharge, and at 
first sight there seems nothing to account for the great 
fall in resistance from 0.0115 to 0.004 ohm; that is, to 
about one-third the value.  There is, however, one difference 
between charging and discharging---namely, that due to the 
strong acid near the positive, with a corresponding weaker 
acid near the negative electrode.  The curve of conductivity 
for sulphuric acid shows that both strong and weak acid have 
much higher resistances than the liquid usually employed in 
accumulators, and it is therefore reasonable to suppose that 
local variations in strength of acid cause the changes in 
resistance.  That these are not due to the constitution 
of the plugs is shown by the fact that, while the plugs 
are almost identical at end of discharge and beginning of 
charge, the resistance falls from 0.0055 to 0.0033 ohm. 

While a current flows through a cell, heat is produced at 
the rate of C2RX0.24 calories (water-gram-degree) per 
second.  As a consequence the temperature tends to rise.  
But the change of temperature actually observed is much 
greater during charge, and much less during discharge, than 
the foregoing expression would suggest; and it is evident 
that, besdies the heat produced according to Joule's law, 
there are other actions which warm the cell during charge and 
cool it during discharge.  Duncan and Wiegand loc. cit.), 
who first observed the thermal changes, ascribe the chief 
influence to the electrochemical addition of H2SO4 to the 
liquid during charge and its removal during discharge.  Fig. 
18 gives some results obtained by Ayrton, Lamb, &c. This 
elevation of temperature (due to electrolytic strengthening 
of acid and local action) is a measure of the energy lost 
in a cycle, and ought to be minimized as much as possible. 

  Fig. 18. 

Chemistry.---The chemical theory adopted in the foregoing 
pages is very simple.  It declares that sulphate of 
lead is formed on both plates during discharge, 
the chemical action being reversed in charging.  The 
following equations express the experimental results. 

Condition before 
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