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with the process of beatification or canonization (see 
CANONISATION).  The phrase, ``devil's advocate,'' has by 
an easy transference come to be used of any one who puts 
himself up, or is put up, for the sake of promoting debate, 
to argue a case in which he does not necessarily believe. 

ADVOWSON, or @ADVOWZEN (through O. Fr. advouson, from 
Lat. advocatio, a summons to), the right of presentation 
to a vacant ecclesiastical benefice, so called because 
the patron defends or advocates the claims of the person 
whom he presents.  At what period the right of advowson 
arose is uncertain; it was probably the result of gradual 
growth.  The earliest trace of the practice is found in the 
decree of the council of Orange, A.D. 441, which allowed a 
bishop, who had built a church in the diocese of another 
bishop, to nominate the clerk, but not to consecrate the 
church.  The 123rd Novel of Justinian, promulgated about 
the end of the 5th century, decreed ``that if any man should 
erect an oratory, and desire to present a clerk thereto by 
himself or his heirs, if they furnish a competency for his 
livelihood, and nominate to the bishop such as are worthy, 
they may be ordained.'' The 57th Novel empowered the bishop 
to examine them and judge of their qualifications, and, where 
those were sufficient, obliged him to admit the clerk.  In 
England, for quite two centuries after its conversion, the 
clergy administered only pro tempore in the parochial 
churches, receiving their maintenance from the cathedral 
church, all the appointments within the diocese lying with the 
bishop.  But in order to promote the building and endowment 
of parochial churches those who had contributed to their 
erection either by a grant of land, by building or by endowment, 
became entitled to present a clerk of their own choice to the 
bishop, who was invested with the revenues derived from such 
contribution.  After the Norman Conquest, when the boundaries 
between church and state were more clearly marked, it became 
usual for patrons to appoint to livings not only without 
the consent, but even against the will, of the bishops. 

Advowsons are divided into two kinds, appendant and in 
gross. Originally the right of nominating1 or presenting 
was annexed to the person who built or endowed the church, 
but the right gradually became annexed to the manor in 
which it was built, for the endowment was considered parcel 
of the manor, the church being built for the use of the 
inhabitants, and the tithes of the manor being attached to the 
church.  Consequently where the right of patronage (the 
right of the patron to present to the bishop the person whom 
he has nominated to become rector or vicar of the parish 
to the benefice of which he claims the right of advowson) 
remains attached to the manor, it is called an advowson 
appendant, and passes with the estate by inheritance or 
sale without any special conveyance.  But where, as is often 
the case, the right of presentation has been sold by itself, 
and so separated from the manor, it is called an advowson 
in gross. An advowson may also be partly appendant, and 
partly in gross, e.g. if an owner granted to another 
every second presentment, the advowson would be appendant 
for the grantor's turn and in gross for the grantee's. 

Advowsons are further distinguished into presentative 
and collative. In a presentative advowson, the patron 
presents a clergyman to the bishop, with the petition 
that he be instituted into the vacant living.  The bishop 
is bound to induct if he find the clergyman canonically 
qualified, and a refusal on his part is subject to an 
appeal to an ecclesiastical court either by patron or by 
presentee.  In a collative advowson the bishop is himself the 
patron, either in his own right or in the right of the proper 
patron, which has lapsed to him through not being exercised 
within the statutory period of six months after the vacancy 
occurred.  No petition is necessary in this case, and the 
bishop is said to collate to the benefice.  Before 1898 
there were also donative advowsons, but the Benefices Act 
1898 made all donations with cure of souls presentative. 
In a donative advowson, the sovereign, or any subject by 
special licence from the sovereign, conferred a benefice by 
a simple letter of gift, without any reference to the bishop, 
and without presentation and institution.  The incumbent of 
such a living was to a great extent free from the jurisdiction 
of the bishop, who could only reach him through the action 
of an ecclesiastical court.  The Benefices Act of 1898 did 
not make any substantial change in the legal character of 
advowsons, which remain practically the same as before the 
act.  Briefly, it prevents the dealing with the right of 
presentation as a thing apart from the advowson itself; 
increases the power of the bishops to refuse the presentation 
of unfit persons, and removes several abuses which had arisen 
in the transfer of patronage.  Under the previously existing 
law, simony, or ``the corrupt presentation of any person 
to an ecclesiastical benefice for gift, money or reward,'' 
renders the presentation void, and subjects the persons 
privy or party to it to penalties; a presentation to a vacant 
benefice cannot be sold, and no clerk in holy orders can 
purchase for himself a next presentation.  An advowson may, 
however, be sold during a vacancy, though that will not give 
the right to present to that vacancy; and a clerk may buy 
an advowson even though it be only an estate for life, and 
present himself on the next vacancy.  Under the Benefices 
Act, advowsons may not be sold by public auction except in 
conjunction with landed property adjacent to the benefice; 
transfers of patronage must be registered in the registry 
of the diocese, and no such transfers can be made within 
twelve months after the last admission or institution to the 
benefice.  Restrictions had also been imposed on the transfer 
of patronage of churches built under the Church Building Acts 
and New Parishes Acts, and on that of benefices in the gift 
of the lord chancellor, and sold by him in order to augment 
others; but agreements may be made as to the patronage of 
such churches in favour of persons who have contributed to 
their building or enlargement without being void for simony. 

The right of presentation may be exercised by its owner 
whether he be an infant, executors, trustees, coparceners 
(who, if they cannot agree, present in turn in order of 
age) or mortgagee (who must present the nominee of the 
mortgagor), or a bankrupt (who, although the advowson 
belongs to his creditors, yet has the right to present to a 
vacancy).  Certain owners of advowsons are temporarily or 
permanently disabled from exercising the right which devolves 
upon other persons; and the crown as patron paramount of all 
benefices can fill all churches not regularly filled by other 
patrons.  It thus presents to all vacancies caused by simoniacal 
presentations, or by the incumbent having been presented to 
a bishopric or in benefices belonging to a bishopric when 
the see is vacant by the bishop's death, translation or 
deprivation.  Where a presentation belongs to a lunatic, 
the lord chancellor presents for him.  Where it belongs to 
a Roman Catholic the right is exercised in his behalf by the 
University of Oxford if the benefice be situate south of the 
river Trent, and by that of Cambridge if it be north of that 
river.  Besides the qualifications required of a presentee 
by canon law, such as being of the canonical age, and in 
priest's orders before admission, sufficient learning and 
proper orthodoxy or morals, the Benefices Act requires that 
a year shall have elapsed since a transfer of the right of 
patronage, unless it can be shown that such transfer was not 
made in view of a probable vacancy; that the presentee has 
been a deacon for three years; and that he is not unfit for 
the discharge of his duties by reason of physical or mental 
infirmity or incapacity, grave pecuniary embarrassment, grave 
misconduct or neglect of duty in an ecclesiastical office, 
evil life, or conduct causing grave scandal concerning his 
moral character since his ordination, or being party to 
an illegal agreement with regard to the presentation; that 
notice of the presentation has been given to the parish of the 
benefice.  Except by leave of the bishop or sequestrator, the 
incumbent of a sequestered benefice cannot be presented.  The 
act also gives to both patron and presentee an alternative 
mode of appeal against a bishop's refusal to institute or 
admit, except on a ground of doctrine or ritual, to a court 
composed of an archbishop of the province and a judge of the 
High Court nominated for that purpose by the lord chancellor, 
a course which, however, bars resort being had to the ordinary 
suits of duplex querela or action of quare impedit. In 
case of refusal of one presentee, a lay patron may present 
another, and a clerical patron may do so after an unsuccessful 
appeal against the refusal.  Upon institution the church is 
full against everybody except the crown, and after six months' 
peaceable possession the clerk is secured in possession of the 
benefice, even though he may have been presented by a person 
who is not the proper patron.  The true patron can, however, 
exercise his right to present at the next vacancy, and can 
reserve the advowson from an usurper at any time within three 
successive incumbencies so created adversely to his right, or 
within sixty years.  Collation, which otherwise corresponds to 
institution, does not make the church full, and the true patron 
can dispossess the clerk at any time, unless he is a patron who 
collates.  Possession of the benefice is completed by induction, 
which makes the church full against any one, including the 
crown.  If the proper patron fails to exercise his right within 
six calendar months from the vacancy, the right devolves or 
lapses to the next superior patron, e.g. from an ordinary 
patron to the bishop, and if he makes similar default to 
the archbishop, and from him on similar default to the 
crown.  If a bishopric becomes vacant after a lapse has 
accrued to it, it goes to the metropolitan; but in case of a 
vacancy of a benefice during the vacancy of the see the crown 
presents.  Until the right of presentation so accruing to 
a bishop or archbishop is exercised, the patron can still 
effectually present but not if lapse has gone to the crown. 


AUTHORITIES.---Burn, Ecclesiastical Law; Bingham's Origines 
Ecclesiasticae, or, the Antiquities of the English Church; 
Mirehouse, On Advowson; Phillimore, Ecclesiastical Law. 

1 The distinction between nomination to a living and 
presentation is to be noted. Nomination is the power, 
by virtue of a manor or otherwise, to appoint a clerk to 
the patron of a benefice, to be by him presented to the 
ordinary. Presentation is the act of a patron in offering 
his clerk to the bishop, to be instituted in a benefice of 
his gift.  Nomination and presentation, though generally 
used in law lor the same thing must be so distinguishnd, 
for it is possible that the rights of nomination may be 
in one person, and the rights of presentation in another. 

ADYE, SIR JOHN MILLER (1819-1900), British general, son of 
Major James P. Adye, was born at Sevenoaks, Kent, on the 1st 
of November 1819.  He entered the Royal Artillery in 1836, was 
promoted captain in 1846, and served throughout the Crimean War 
as brigade-major and assistant adjutant-general of artillery 
(C.B., brevets of major and lieutenant-colonel).  In the 
Indian Mutiny he served on the staff in a similar capacity.  
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