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Project Gutenberg's Encyclopedia, vol. 1 ( A - Andropha

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first hand.  Its most interesting portion is the description 
of the capture of Constantinople, which should be read 
with Villehardouin's and Paolo Rannusio's works on the same 
subject.  The little treatise On the Statues destroyed by thc 
Latins (perhaps, as we have it, altered by a later writer) is 
of special interest to the archaeologist.  His dogmatic work( 
Thesauros 'Orthodoxias, Thesaurus Orthodoxae Fidei), 
although it is extant in a complete form in MS., has only 
been published in part.  It is one of the chief authorities 
for the heresies and heretical writers of the 12th century. 

Editions: History, editio princeps, H. Wolf (1557); and in 
the Bonn Corpus Scriptorum Hist.  Byz., 1st ed.,Bekker (1835); 
Rhetorical Pieces in C. Sathas, Mesaionike Bibliotheke, i. 
(1872); Thesaurus in Migne, Patrologia Graeca, cxxxix., cxl.; 
see also C. A. Sainte-Beuve, ``Geoffroy de Villehardouin'' in 
Causeries du Lundi, ix.; S. Reinach, ``La fin de l'empire grec'' 
in Esquisses Archeologiques (1888); C. Neumann, Griechische 
Geschichtsschreiber im 12. Jahrhundert (1888); Gibbon, Decline 
and Fall, ch. lx.; and (for both Michael and Nicetas) C. 
Krumbacher, Geschichte der byzantinischen Litteratur (1897). 

ACONCAGUA, a small northern province of central Chile, 
bounded N. by Coquimbo, E. by Argentina, S. by Santiago and 
Valparaiso and W. by the Pacific.  Its area is officially 
computed at 5487 sq. m.  Pop. (1895) 113,165; (1902, official 
estimate based on civil registry returns) 131,255.  The province 
is very mountainous, and is traversed from east to west by 
the broad valley of the Aconcagua river.  The climate is hot 
and dry, the rainfall being too small to influence climatic 
conditions.  The valleys are highly fertile, and where irrigation 
is employed large crops are easily raised.  Beyond the limits 
of irrigation the country is semi-barren.  Alfalfa and grapes 
are the principal products, and considerable attention is given 
to the cultivation of other fruits, such as figs, peaches and 
melons.  The ``Vale of Quillota,'' through which the railway 
passes between Valparaiso and Santiago, is celebrated for its 
gardens.  The Aconcagua river rises on the southern slope of 
the volcano Aconcagua, flows eastward through a broad valley, 
or bay in the mountains, and enters the Pacific 12 m. north of 
Valparaiso.  The river has a course of about 200 m., and 
its waters irrigate the best and most populous part of the 
province.  Two other rivers--the Ligua and Choapa--traverse 
the province, the latter forming the northern boundary 
line.  The capital is San Felipe, on the Aconcagua river; 
it had a population of 11,313 in 1895, and an estimated 
population of 11,660 in 1902.  The other chief town is 
Santa Rosa de los Andes (est. pop. 6854), which is a 
principal station on the Transandine branch of the state 
railway.  The only port in the province is Los Vilos, in 
lat. 32 deg.  S., from which a railway 40 m. long runs north-east 
to the valley of the Choapa.  Another short line connects 
Cabildo, in the valley of the Ligua, with the state railway. 

ACONCIO, GIACOMO (1492-1566?), pioneer of religious toleration, 
was born at Trent, it is said, on the 7th of September 1492.  
He was one of the Italians like Peter Martyr and Bernardino 
Ochino who repudiated papal doctrine and ultimately found 
refuge in England.  Like them, his revolt against Romanism 
took an extremer form than Lutheranism, and after a temporary 
residence in Switzerland and at Strassburg, he arrived in 
England soon after Elizabeth's accession.  He had studied 
law and theology, but his profession was that of an engineer, 
and in this capacity he found employment with the English 
government.  He was granted an annuity of L. 60 on the 27th of 
February 1560, and letters of naturalization on the 8th of October 
1561 (Cal. State Papers, Dom. Ser., Addenda, 1547--1566, p. 
495), and was for some time occupied with draining Plumstead 
marshes, for which object various acts of parliament were 
passed at this time (Lords' Journals, vol. i., and Commons' 
Journals, vol. i., passim). In 1564 he was sent to report 
on the fortifications of Berwick (Cal. St. Pap. For Ser. 
1564-1565, passim; Acts P.C., 1558-1570, p. 146); his report 
is now in thc Record Office (C.S.P. For., 1564-1565, No. 512). 

But his real importance depends upon his contribution to the 
history of religious toleration.  Before reaching England he 
had published a treatise on the methods of investigation, De 
Methodo, hoc est, de recte investigandarum tradendarumque 
Scientiarum ratione (Basel, 1558, 8vo); and his critical 
spirit placed him outside all the recognized religious societies 
of his time.  On his arrival in London he had joined the Dutch 
Reformed Church in Austin Friars, but he was ``infected with 
Anabaptistical and Arian opinions'' and was excluded from the 
sacrament by Grindal, bishop of London.  The real nature of his 
heterodoxy is revealed in his Stratagemata Satanae, published 
in 1565 and translated into various languages.  The ``stratagems 
of Satan'' are the dogmatic creeds which rent the Christian 
church.  Aconcio sought to find the common denominator of 
the various creeds; this was essential doctrine, the rest was 
immaterial.  To arrive at this common basis, he had to 
reduce dogma to a low level, and his result was generally 
repudiated.  Even Selden applied to Aconcio the remark ubi bene, 
nil melius; ubi male, nemo pejus. The dedication of such a 
work to Queen Elizabeth illustrates the tolerance or religious 
laxity during the early years of her reign.  Aconcio found 
another patron in the earl of Leicester, and died about 1566. 

AUTHORITIES.--Gough's Index to Parker Soc. Publ.; 
Strype's Grindal, pp. 62, 66; Bayle's Dictionnaire; G. 
Tiraboschi, Storia della lett. italiana (Florence, 
1805--1813); Osterreichisches Biogr. Lexikon; 
Nouvelle biogr. generale; Dict.  Nat. Biogr. (A. F. P.) 

ACONITE (Aconitum), a genus of plants belonging to the 
natural order Ranunculaceae, the buttercup family, commonly 
known as aconite, monkshood or wolfsbane, and embracing 
about 60 species, chiefly natives of the mountainous parts 
of the northern hemisphere.  They are distinguished by 
having one of the five blue or yellow coloured sepals (the 
posterior one) in the form of a helmet; hence the English name 
monkshood.  Two of the petals placed under the hood of 
the calyx are supported on long stalks, and have a hollow 
spur at their apex, containing honey.  They are handsome 
plants, the tall stem being crowned by racemes of showy 
flowers. Aconitum Napellus, common monkshood, is a doubtful 
native of Britain, and is of therapeutic and toxicological 
importance.  Its roots have occasionally been mistaken for 
horse-radish.  The aconite has a short underground stem, from 
which dark-coloured tapering roots descend.  The crown or upper 
portion of the root gives rise to new plants.  When put to 
the lip, the juice of the aconite root produces a feeling of 
numbness and tingling.  The horse-radish root, which belongs 
to the natural order Cruciferae, is much longer than that of 
the aconite, and it is not tapering; its colour is yellowish, 
and the top of the root has the remains of the leaves on it. 

Many species of aconite are cultivated in gardens, some 
having blue and others yellow flowers. Aconitum lycoctonum, 
wolfsbane, is a yellow-flowered species common on the Alps of 
Switzerland.  The roots of Aconitum ferox supply the famous 
Indian (Nepal) poison called bikh, bish or nabee.  It contains 
considerable quantities of the alkaloid pseudaconitine, which 
is the most deadly poison known. Aconitum palmatum yields 
another of the celebrated bikh poisons.  The root of Aconitum 
luridum, of the Himalayas, is said to be as virulent as that 
of A. ferox or A. Napellus. As garden plants the aconites 
are very ornamental, hardy perennials.  They thrive well in 
any ordinary garden soil, and will grow beneath the shade of 
trees.  They are easily propagated by divisions of the root 
or by seeds; great care should be taken not to leave pieces 
of the root about owing to its very poisonous character. 

Chemistry.---The active principle of Aconitum Napellus 
is the alkaloid aconitine, first examined by P. L. Geiger and 
Hesse (Ann., 1834, 7, p. 267), Alder Wright and A. B, Luff 
obtained apoaconitine, aconine and benzoic acid by hydrolysis; 
while, in 1802, C. Ehrenberg and A. Purfurst (Journ.  
Prat.  Chem., 1892, 45, p. 604) observed acetic acid as a 
hydrolytic product.  This, and allied alkaloids, have formed 
the subject of many investigations by Wyndham Dunstan and 
his pupils in England, and by Martin Freund and Paul Beck in 
Berlin.  But their constitution is not yet solved, there 
even being some divergence of opinion as to their empirical 
formulae, Aconitine (C33H45NO13, according to Dunstan; 
C34H47NO11, according to Freund) is a crystalline base, 
soluble in alcohol, but very sparingly in water; its alcoholic 
solution is dextrorotatory, but its salts are laevorotatory.  
When heated it loses water and forms pyraconitine.  Hydrolysis 
gives acetic acid and benzaconine, the chief constituent of the 
alkaloids picraconitine and napelline; further hydrolysis gives 
aconine.  Pseudaconitine, obtained from Aconitum ferox, 
gives on hydrolysis acetic acid and veratrylpseudaconine, the 
latter of which suffers further hydrolysis to veratric acid and 
pseudaconine.  Japaconitine, obtained from the Japanese 
aconites, known locally as ``kuza-uzu,'' hydrolyses to 
japbenzaconine, which further breaks down to benzoic acid and 
japaconine.  Other related alkaloids are lycaconitine and 
myoctonine which occur in wolfsbane, Aconitum lycoctonum. 
The usual test for solutions of aconitine consists in slight 
acidulation with acetic acid and addition of potassium 
permanganate, which causes the formation of a red crystalline 
precipitate.  In 1905, Dunstan and his collaborators discovered 
two new aconite alkaloids, indaconitine in ``mohri'' (Aconitum 
chasmanthum, Stapf), and bikhaconitine in ``bikh'' (Aconitum 
spicatum); he also proposes to classify these alkaloids 
according to whether they yield benzoic or veratric acid on 
hydrolysis (Jour.  Chem.  Soc., 1905, 87, pp. 1620, 1650). 

From the root of Aconitum Napellus are prepared a liniment 
and a tincture.  The dose of the latter (Brit.  Pharmacop.) 
is of importance as being exceptionally small, for it is 
not advisable to give more than at most five drops at a 
time.  The official preparation is an ointment which contains 
one part of the alkaloid in fifty.  It must be used with 
extreme care, and in small quantities, and it must not be 
used at all where cuts or cracks are present in the skin. 

Pharmacology of Aconite and Aconitine.---Aconite first 
stimulates and later paralyses the nerves of pain, touch and 
temperature, if applied to the skin, broken or unbroken, or 
to a mucous membrane; the initial tingling therefore gives 
place to a long-continued anaesthetic action.  Taken internally 
aconite acts very notably on the circulation, the respiration 
and the nervous system.  The pulse is slowed, the number of 
beats per minute being actually reduced, under considerable 
doses, to forty, or even thirty, per minute.  The blood-pressure 
synchronously falls, and the heart is arrested in diastole.  
Immediately before arrest the heart may beat much faster than 
normally, though with extreme irregularity, and in the lower 
animals the auricles may be observed occasionally to miss 
a beat, as in poisoning by veratrine and colchicum.  The 
action of aconitine on the circulation is due to an initial 
stimulation of the cardio-inhibitory centre in the medulla 
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