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Экономика - Капелюшников Р Весь текст 201.02 Kb

Экономическая теория прав собственности

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60. Schweizer U. Externalities and the Coase theorem: hypothesis of result? -- "Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics", 1988, v. 144, N 2.
61. Stigler G. J. The economics of information. -- "Journal of Political Economy", 1961, v. 69, N 2.
62. Toumanoff P. G. Theory of market failure. -- "Kyklos", 1984, v. 37, N 4.
63. Umbeck J. A. Might makes rights: a theory of the formation and initial distribution of property rights. -- "Economic Inquiry", 1981, v. 19, N 1.
64. Unbeck J. A. A theory of property rights: theoretical and empirical investigations into the formation of property rights. -- Ames, 1981.
65. Waldorn J. What is private property? -- "Oxford Journal of Legal Studies", 1985, v. 5, N 3.
66. Wallis J. J., North D. C. Measuring the transactional sector in Amerncan economy, 1870--1970. -- In: Long-term factors in American economic growth. Ed. by Engerman S., Chicago, 1986.
67. Williamson O. E. Transaction-costs economics: the governance of contractual relations. -- "Journal of Law and Economics", 1979, v. 22, N 2.
68. Williamson O. E. Reflections on the new institutional economics. -- "Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics", 1985, v. 141, N 1.
69. Williamson O. E. The economic institutions of capitalism: firms, markets, relational contracting. -- N. Y., 1985.
70. Zerbe R. O. Problem of social cost in retrospect. -- "Research in Law and Economics", 1980, v. 2.
1. Методологические особенности
2. Правовые предпосылки
3. Проблема "спецификации/размывания" прав собственности
4. Теорема Коуза
5. Категория трансакционных издержек
6. Три системы собственности
7. Теория государства
8. "Новая экономическая история"
9. Теория экономических организаций
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