Mirror, Mirror (1965)
Miss Buttermouth (1962)
The Moon (1990)
The Montevarde Camera (1959)
Mountaineers Are Always Free (1987)
Mr. and Mrs. Piggott (1986)
Mr. Folsom Feels Fine (1986)
Mr. Rob't E. Hoskins (1990)
Mr. Stilwell's Stage (1957)
Murder is Murder (1973)
My Boyfriend's Name is Jello (1954)
Naples (1978)
The Necessity of His Condition (1957)
Negra Sum (1957)
--- GoldED 2.41+
* Origin: HarryFan SF&F OCR Laboratory (2:463/2.5)
Msg : 8 of 10 Loc
From : Igor Zagumennov 2:463/2.5 .pд 03 .юл 96 13:21
To : All
Subj : (19/62) .екстография зарубежных авторов
Never Forget a Face (1967)
Never Look Back (1959)
The New Zombies (1980)
No Fire Burns (1959)
Not a Boy Anymore (1963)
A Note for the Milkman (1961)
Nothing Like a Clean Weapon (1988)
O Brave Old World! (1976)
The Odd Old Bird (1988)
The Old Pro (1965)
The Old Woman Who Lived With a Bear
One Morning With Samuel, Dorothy
& William (1988)
Or the Grasses Grow (1958)
The Other Magus (1980)
Patient Cup (1986)
Pebble in Time (1970)
The Peninsula (1985)
Polly Charms, The Sleeping Woman (1974)
Poor Joe (1990)
Postscript on Prester John (1982)
Present for Lona (1958)
The Prevalence of Mermaids (1982)
Prince's Mixture (1961)
Quick with His Hands (1967)
A Quiet Room With a View (1964)
The Redward Edward Papers (1978)
Rest in Peace (1960)
The Restorer of Balance (1965)
Revenge of the Cat Lady (1985)
Revolver (1962)
Rite of Spring (1970)
The Roads, The Roads, The Beautiful
Roads (1969)
Rookie Cop (1972)
Sea-Scene, or Vergil and the
Ox-Thrall (1993)
The Secret of Hyperborea (1981)
Seeomancer (1990)
Selecta Six-Ten (1970)
The Sensible Man (1959)
The Sensitive (1963)
A Shot from the Dark Night (1958)
The Silence of Steve Spangas (1962)
The Singular Events Which Occurred
in the Hovel on the Alley off of
Eye Street (1962)
The Singular Incident of the Dog
on the Beach (1986)
The Sixth Season (1960)
The Slovo Stove (1985)
Something Rich and Strange (1961)
The Spinner (1958)
The Spook-Box of Theodore Delafont
De Brooks (1993)
The Spoor of the Unicorn (1982)
Strange Seas and Shores (1971)
Summerland (1957)
Summon the Watch! (1971)
The Tenant (1960)
The Theft of the Mulberry Tree (1981)
There Beneath the Silky-Trees
and Whelmed in Deeper
Gulphs Than Me -- (1979)
They Loved Me in Utica (1970)
The Third Sacred Well of the
Temple (1965)
Thou Still Unravished Bride (1958)
Timeserver (1970)
The Traditions of His Family (1962)
Traveller from an Antique Land (1961)
The Trefoil Company (1971)
Twenty-three (1994)
Unforced Entry (1990)
The Unknown Law (1964)
Up the Close and Doun the Stair (1958)
Vergil and the Caged Bird (1987)
Waiting for Willie (1989)
What Are You Crying For? (1963)
What Gave All Those Mammoths Cold
Feet? (1983)
What Strange Stars and Skies (1963)
Where did Sindbad Sail? (1983)
Where Do You Live, Queen Esther? (1961)
While You're Up (1988)
Who Fired the Phoenix? (1981)
Who is Ethel Schnurr? (1970)
Who Makes the Mandrakes? (1982)
Witness (1986)
The Woman Who Thought She Could
Read (1959)
Writ in Water, or The Gingerbread
Man (1985)
Yellow Rome, or Vergil and the
Vestal Virgin (1992)
Young Doctor Esterhazy (1983)
Zon (1970)
Л.Спрэг де Камп L(yon) Sprague de Camp
Сериальные романы:
The Novaria Books
01.Башня гоблинов The Goblin Tower (1968)
02.Часы Ираза The Clocks of Iraz (1971)
03.Hеказненный король The Unbeheaded King (1983)
04.Демон, который ошибался The Fallible Fiend (1973)
[Падший демон]
05.Благородный варвар The Honorable Barbarian (1989)
Межпланетные туры The Viagens Interplanetarias Stories
06.Создатели континентов The Continent Makers (1953)
- Кришна - Krishna
07.Космическая охота на человека Cosmic Manhunt (1954) [rev. 1977]
[Королева Замбы] [= The Queen of Zamba;
[Планета по имени Кришна] = A Planet Called Krishna]
*08.Башня Занид The Tower of Zanid (Avalon, 1958)
09.Дева Зира The Virgin of Zesh (1983)
10.В поисках Зеи [Плывущий континент] The Search for Zei (Avalon, 1962)
[= The Floating Continent]
11.Рука Зеи The Hand of Zei (Avalon, 1963)
12.Заложник Зира The Hostage of Zir (1977)
13.Пленние Заманака The Prisoner of Zhamanak (1982)
14.Лукавая королева Rogue Queen (1951)
15.Мечи Зинджабана The Swords of Zinjaban (1990)
21.Та слава, что была The Glory That Was (Avalon, 1960)
22.Великий фетиш The Great Fetish (1978)
23.Пусть падет тьма Lest Darkness Fall (Prime, 1941)
24.Камень Соломона Solomon's Stone (Avalon, 1957)
25.Ядовитые деревья Сунги The Venom Trees of Sunga (1992)
[in Kulkulcan series]
32.Аристотель и оружие Aristotel and the Gun (1958)
[Пистолет для Аристотеля]
33.Бумагомараки Scribblings (1972)
*34.Воинственная pаса [Раса воинов]
35.Да не опустится тьма
36.Единорог Эвдорика
37.Живое ископаемое
38.Колеса Если Wheels of If (1948)
39.Кольцо Тритона The Tritonian Ring (1953)
40.Лампа из Атлантиды
41.Hежеланная принцесса The Undesired Princess (1951)
42.Разделяй и властвуй Divide and Rule (1939)
43.С ружьем на динозавра A Gun For Dinosaur (1956)
44.Такая работа... Employment
--- GoldED 2.41+
* Origin: HarryFan SF&F OCR Laboratory (2:463/2.5)
Msg : 9 of 10 Loc
From : Igor Zagumennov 2:463/2.5 .pд 03 .юл 96 13:22
To : All
Subj : (20/62) .екстография зарубежных авторов
Джон де Ченси John DeChancie
Сериальные романы:
Космострада Skyway Trilogy
*01.Космический дальнобойщик Starrigger (1983)
*02.Автострада запредельности Red Limit Freeway (1984)
*03.Дорогой парадокса Paradox Alley (1986)
Zelaznyesque Castle Perilous