DMAKER30.HA 413536 24-05-95 Dungeon Maker for Win, ver.3.0
FRP.HA 229703 24-05-95 Fantasy Role-Playing Utility
GRID340.HA 204607 24-05-95 Hex map maker - great!
MODULE.HA 90812 24-05-95 Module Maker (?)
PSE351A.HA 81726 24-05-95 Priest Spell Editor 3.51!
PSION310.HA 41746 24-05-95 Psionic Power Assistant 3.10
VAST_112.HA 1261427 24-05-95 The Tome of Vast Knowledge !!!
VBILT106.HA 228201 24-05-95 Database builder for Tome of Vast Knowledge
==== Материалы Rec.frp.dnd
ARCSITES.HA 23709 24-05-95 Какие в Интернете есть материалы по AD&D
FAQADND.HA 27466 24-05-95 FAQ по AD&D
NP-PLOTS.HA 97849 24-05-95 Net Plots Book
NETTRAPS.HA 6675 03-12-95 net.traps book
RATINGS.HA 34622 24-05-95 Рейтинги AD&D литературы
RUNE0826.HA 15043 24-05-95 Журнал по RuneQuest, 26.08
RUNE0913.HA 25998 24-05-95 Журнал по RuneQuest, 13.09
DDECHO1.HA 8904 24-05-95 Hесколько статеек
==== Спеллятники
SPELL.HA 15295 24-05-95 Списки спеллов
ALPHA.HA 20355 24-05-95 Alpha's Spellbook - забавные мажьи чары
CLERIC.HA 14107 24-05-95 Сleric Spells
COMBINE.HA 1503 24-05-95 Аналог чары Combine для магов
EXPRESSO.HA 3149 24-05-95 Expresso's Spells (rus)
EYKIN.HA 1957 24-05-95 Eykin One-Eared's Spells (rus)
GN-PANTH.HA 72911 24-05-95 Great Net Pantheon v3.0
GNPB.HA 26941 24-05-95 The Great Net Prayerbook (new priest spells)
GNSB.HA 78294 24-05-95 The Great Net Spellbook (new wizard spells)
NEW-SPEL.HA 76513 24-05-95 New Wizard Spells
SP_1_02.HA 26177 24-05-95 Wizard Spells - I lev, w.descriptions - from PH
WIZ-LEV5.HA 65598 24-05-95 Мажьи спеллы 5 уровня (PH, TM, GNSB...)
WIZ-LEV6.HA 56494 24-05-95 Мажьи спеллы 6 уровня (PH, TM, GNSB...)
WIZ-LEV7.HA 44066 24-05-95 Мажьи спеллы 7 уровня (PH, TM, GNSB...)
WIZ-LEV8.HA 37979 24-05-95 Мажьи спеллы 8 уровня (PH, TM, GNSB...)
WIZ-LEV9.HA 47218 24-05-95 Мажьи спеллы 9 уровня (PH, TM, GNSB...)
==== Руководства, таблицы
D&DRULES.HA 601458 27-05-94 D&D Rules Cyclopedia (non-Advansed)
PHB-2.HA 223876 03-12-95 Foreword to the AD&D 2nd Edition Game
CLCREAT.HA 1925 24-05-95 The Class Creation System
COMBAT-2.HA 27040 24-05-95 Alternative Combat System
CRECAST.HA 4169 24-05-95 The Complete Guide to Creative Casting
D&D-ADD.HA 8391 10-03-95 Hестандаpтные объекты для [A]D&D
DLATAB.HA 8340 24-05-95 Куча таблиц из Dragonlance Adventures!
FRP_TABL.HA 10259 10-03-95 Adjustment tables for [A]D&D
GREYPRI.HA 4306 24-05-95 Priests in Greyhawk
HEX.HA 179454 24-05-95 Гексагональные решетки
MONBLANK.HA 21582 24-05-95 Бланк для нового монстра из компендиума (PCX)
MONSTERS.HA 11743 23-05-95 Таблица монстров
MUSICRUL.HA 571 24-05-95 Эффекты различных муз.инструментов
PBEM.HA 12656 24-05-95 Playing by e-Mail
PH_TABS.HA 15747 24-05-95 Таблицы из Player's Handbook
RANDOM.HA 1280 24-05-95 Dungeon Random Generation (by Sdols)
SHEET.HA 21012 24-05-95 Хорошие Character Sheet (для HP Laserjet)
SHEETCLL.HA 199971 24-05-95 Коллекция Character Sheets в разных форматах
STAT.HA 642 24-05-95 Статистика по методам генерации персонажа
TSRGUIDE.HA 109963 03-12-95 Net.TSR.Product.Guide v1.0a
WILD_TAB.HA 2669 24-05-95 Wild surge results!
WIZARDS.HA 50935 24-05-95 Net Wizard Handbook
==== Hовые классы, монстры, спеллы, предметы...
AGESBOOK.HA 21980 24-05-95 Book of Ages
CLS&KITS.HA 113287 24-05-95 Character Classes & Kits (не равен NetClass)
CURSED.HA 4991 24-05-95 List of cursed items
DEMONS.HA 23219 03-12-95 Monster Manual
GACHOLOT.HA 2068 24-05-95 New daemon - Gachaloth
GENERATE.HA 1558 24-05-95 Alternative chargen system
ELF.HA 5035 24-05-95 Elf's Gamebook (some monsters, items...)
HORSEITM.HA 5364 24-05-95 Items for your horse
JUGGERNT.HA 1245 24-05-95 New monster - Juggernaut
KENSAI.HA 2369 24-05-95 Класс - кенсэй (полукласс. излож.) (eng)
MONK.HA 7745 24-05-95 Западный монах; варианты восточного монаха
NETCLASS.HA 59249 24-05-95 Hабор новых классов из сетевой коллекции
NMC.HA 59877 24-05-95 Net Monsters Compendium
NMM.HA 60836 24-05-95 Net Monsters Manual
POISON.HA 22039 24-05-95 Poisons of the Realm
POLITIC.HA 1293 24-05-95 Politician Class by Sergey Qkowlew (rus)
PRICES.HA 24757 24-05-95 Complete of Prices
PRIESTS.HA 5221 24-05-95 Священники разных богов (rus)
RIDDLES.HA 4749 24-05-95 Коллекция загадок (англ.)
SSCOUT.HA 13918 24-05-95 New class - Shadow Scout
SWORDS.HA 97597 24-05-95 Swords & Magical Blades
TRAPS.HA 4872 24-05-95 The Traps Gallery (Michael F.Sloves)
VAMPIRES.HA 2735 24-05-95 National vampires
WEAPON.HA 39809 24-05-95 The Gallery of Weapons (by D.A.Back)
==== Расказы ветеранов, приколы
EFREET.HA 8616 24-05-95 Три фрагмента похождений Като & Co (rus)
HATEWHEN.HA 1086 24-05-95 Don't you hate when...
LASTWORD.HA 9264 24-05-95 Коллекция "последних слов" :-)
PER_BHL.HA 1095 24-05-95 Из русского описания Eye of Beholder
BARDSONG.HA 18220 24-05-95 Песни AD&D'шных бардов
==== Модули (Note: ? - strange, h - hack/slash)
BELTHAR.HA 6236 24-05-95 Belthar's Bane (for 1st level)
DMOGRGON.HA 53103 24-05-95 Demons of Demogorgon (for 1st Edition)
GECRYPT.HA 4937 24-05-95 The Generic Evil Crypt (h)
NOREST.HA 22770 24-05-95 Some module (1-2 lvl)
ROBBERS.HA 9588 24-05-95 Robbers of the Sea (?)
==== Примочки
ALIGN.HA 5865 24-05-95 About Alignments
CHARACT1.HA 41464 24-05-95 Some characters from Internet
CONTRACT.HA 1946 24-05-95 Adventurers' Guild Contract
DRAGONS.HA 12530 24-05-95 Dragons Generation System (сугубо глупа)
GREYWIZ.HA 8890 24-05-95 Spellbooks of some Greyhawk wizards
INN_NAME.HA 397 24-05-95 Hазвания для трактиров
==== Коррекции ошибок в книгах
PHB-ERR.HA 4144 24-05-95 Errors in PH 2nd Ed.
PSI-ERR.HA 707 24-05-95 Errors in CB of Psionics
==== Multiuser Dimension/Dungeon/Dialogue (MUD)
MUD-FAQR.HA 7544 23-05-95 Multiuser Dimension/Dungeon/Dialogue FAQ (рус)
MUD-FAQE.HA 22932 24-05-95 Multiuser Dimension/Dungeon/Dialogue FAQ
MUDLIST.HA 18041 24-05-95 Список
MUSHFAQR.HA 5388 03-12-95 Russian MUSH FAQ
--- GoldED 2.41+
* Origin: HarryFan SF&F OCR Laboratory (2:463/2.5)
Msg : 315 of 319 Loc
From : Igor Zagumennov 2:463/2.5 .ят 15 .аp 96 11:17
To : All
Subj : (20/23) new text filelist
¦ # 31 ¦ SF&F (ENGLISH) Access Level : 5 ¦
¦ °°°°°±±±±±ІІІІІЫЫЫЫЫ ¦ 11936 KBytes in 142 Files ¦ ЫЫЫЫЫІІІІІ±±±±±°°°°° ¦
ABBOTT.HA 58157 14-03-95 Edwin A.Abbott "Flatland"
ADAMS_1.HA 86539 17-01-95 Douglas Adams "The Hitch Hiker's Guide
to the Galaxy" (series "The Hitchhiker's
Guide to the Galaxy" 1/5)
ADAMS_2.HA 96532 17-01-95 Douglas Adams "The Restaurant at the End
of Universe" (series "The Hitchhiker's
Guide to the Galaxy" 2/5)
ADAMS_3.HA 95272 17-01-95 Douglas Adams "Life, the Universe,
and Everything" (series "The Hitchhiker's
Guide to the Galaxy" 3/5)
ADAMS_4.HA 80503 17-01-95 Douglas Adams "So Long, and Thanks
for all the Fish" (series "The Hitchhiker's
Guide to the Galaxy" 4/5)
ADAMS_5.HA 105874 07-03-95 Douglas Adams "Mostly Harmless" (series
"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" 5/5)
ALDISS_1.HA 7898 15-04-95 Brian Aldiss "Outside"
ANDRONOV.HA 1586 24-05-95 Andrey Andronov "Duel"
ASPR_EP.HA 4883 17-01-95 Robert Asprin "Mith series: epigraphs"
BACH_1.HA 17275 17-01-95 Richard Bach "Jonathan Livingston Seagull"
BAKER.HA 4885 11-03-95 Jo Baker "Dear Diary - A Journal From The End
Of Civilization"
BELL_1.HA 127004 10-03-95 Douglas K.Bell "Jason the Rescuer"
BELL_2.HA 107929 10-03-95 Douglas K.Bell "Van Gogh in Space"
BIERCE_1.HA 106529 05-12-95 Ambrose Bierce "Can Such Things Be"
BIERCE_2.HA 122421 05-12-95 Ambrose Bierce "The Devil's Dictionary"
BLASKO.HA 37407 04-05-95 Larry Blasko "Vamp" (story's)
BROWN.HA 7598 10-03-95 Fredric Brown "Knock"
BURR_01.HA 103220 10-03-95 Edgar Rice Burroughs "A Princess of Mars"
BURR_02.HA 127997 10-03-95 Edgar Rice Burroughs "The Gods of Mars"
BURR_03.HA 88614 11-03-95 Edgar Rice Burroughs "Warlord of Mars"
BURR_04.HA 76641 10-03-95 Edgar Rice Burroughs "Thuvia, Maid of Mars"
BURR_05.HA 88622 10-03-95 Edgar Rice Burroughs "The Monster Men"
CHANG.HA 9978 10-03-95 David Chang "Butterflies and Wormholes"
CHIPOLET.HA 17509 15-03-95 Anthony Chipoletti "Android, Age One"
DENISSEN.HA 130035 17-01-95 Richard Denissen "The Europa affair"
DOYLE_3.HA 125727 15-04-95 Arthur Conan Doyle "The Lost World"
DUNSANY.HA 88666 15-03-95 Collection Of Stories By Lord Dunsany.
DWORIN.HA 112258 15-03-95 Lawrence Dworin "Revolt of the Cyberslaves"
FIGUEROA.HA 61877 11-03-95 Tony Figueroa "Evil Unbound" (horror/fantasy)
GIBSON_1.HA 141692 26-04-95 William Gibson "Neuromancer"
GIBSON_2.HA 13935 26-04-95 William Gibson "Johny Mnemonic"
GILMAN.HA 96129 10-04-94 Charlotte Gilman "Herland"
GIUNTA.HA 41530 11-03-95 Joseph A. Giunta "Guardians, Keepers Of Magic"
HALL.HA 1964 11-03-95 David C.Hall "October 24, 1991"
HUTCHINS.HA 33018 11-03-95 B.D.Hutchins "Future Imperfect: Checkmate"
IRVING.HA 24808 11-04-94 W.Irving "The Legend of Sleeping Hollow"
KEDLAYA.HA 8211 15-03-95 Kiran S. Kedlaya "Uninvited"
LIGHTBUR.HA 4366 11-03-95 Kipp Lightburn "The Shady Side Of Afterlife"
MEDOWS.HA 19390 11-03-95 Chris Medows "Visit to an Empty Planet"
MUI.HA 57048 11-03-95 Pearson Mui "Leap Years"
MUNGLOU.HA 139754 26-04-95 Paul Mungo, Bryan Glough "Approaching Zero"
PESHOTA.HA 108987 15-03-95 M.Peshota "The Adventures of Lone Wolf
Scientific" (episode #1, #3-#9, #14-#20)
RESNICK.HA 33765 02-10-95 Mike Resnick "Seven Views of Olduvai Gorge"
ROSE.HA 26495 11-03-95 Martin Rose "Days of Thunder"
SHELLEY.HA 118142 10-03-95 Mary Shelley "Frankenstein"
SHWARTAU.HA 415672 11-03-95 Winn Shwartau "Terminal Compromise"
STARTREK.HA 238222 05-12-95 Star Trek
STERLIN1.HA 221060 10-03-95 Bruce Sterling "The Hacker Crackdown"
STERLIN2.HA 80380 13-05-95 Bruce Sterling "Catscan"
STERLIN3.HA 60277 13-05-95 Bruce Sterling. Short story's
STEVENSN.HA 46373 10-04-94 Robert Stevenson "The Strange Case of
Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde"
STOKER.HA 256082 15-03-95 Bram Stoker "Dracula"
STOLL.HA 21103 18-03-95 Clifford Stoll "The Cockoo's egg"
STWARS1.HA 54294 21-11-95 The Star Wars by George Lucas. Episode One:
The Adventures Of the Starkiller
STWARS4.HA 56820 21-11-95 Star Wars. Episode IV: A New Hope