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январь 1996 - сентябрь 1996

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received requests on how to obtain his collection, NEW NOIR. Retailers can
contact Northwestern University Press. Direct orders can be placed by sending
$7 to:
FC2/Black Ice Books
Unit for Contemporary Literature
Illinois State University, Campus Box 4241
Normal Ill 61790-4241
THE SCREAM FACTORY may publish another issue soon. (Maybe my subscription
pushed them over the top in funding?)
New address for WICKED MYSTIC (which will become a paying market next issue:)

Wicked Mystic Magazine
532 La Guardia Place  #371
New York, NY 10012
.Also concerning WM -- This is excerpted from an article will appear in an
upcoming edition of ROCKOUT CENSORSHIP, a national publication that fights
for our rights to express ourselves.


Horror has always been regarded as a second class art form, but a growing
number of Horror 'zines are being relegated to the pornographic, fetish
sections of your local book and magazine sellers. It is true that horror
tends to make the frightening sensual, the violent erotic and evil palatable,
but how better to scare us and entice us to turn page after page after we've
already been seduced by our fears?.

Wicked Mystic, a magazine that in six years has grown from a small chapbook
to a polished work available in larger retail chains like Barnes and Noble
and Tower Records, named Best Magazine 1994 and 1995 by England's
International Small Press Review and Nominated Best Magazine of 1993 by Small
Press Writers and Artists Organization, has been deemed "offensive to
ownership" by Braceland Printers, effectively holding up its new issue. Don
Breitkreutz, marketing director of Braceland points to the artwork, which
includes nudity and violent images. Asked if he thinks this is a growing
trend in values of the printers of such material Breitkreutz says he wouldn't
have "printed this five years ago or thirty years ago." . . .

In the Barnes and Noble bookstore chain, Wicked Mystic is displayed (if you
want to call it that) in the porn/fetish section, hidden in the folds of
flesh next to Tattooed Cycle Sluts, (not that there's anything wrong with
Tattooed Cycle Sluts). Andre Scheluchin, publisher of WM, feels this is a
small price to pay to have a foothold in such a large chain. . .

[This article will also be in the next issue of Night Timer, a publications
put out by the Vampire Access Line. (212) 330-9275]

WICKED MYSTIC's new issue is still slated to be out March 1.
PAINFREAK by Gerard Daniel Houarner, a collection of 10 stories of erotic
horror has been published by NecroPress. The title story PAINFREAK was in
Into The Darkness #1 and received honorable mention in the last Year's Best
Fantasy & Horror. Described as "Very dark and exquisite fiction that exposes
the twisted/sexy/violent underbelly of society, and slices it open for all to
see and fear," it  will be about 120 pages, perfect bound. 500 copy signed
and numbered limited edition collection. Email Necrodave@aol.com for ordering
SALES: Chuck Poss (ChuckPoss)sold a short story entitled, "The Awakening" to
TWISTED MAGAZINE for its first issue. . . Michael Laimo (LayWrite) made his
first professional sale. "The Alley Man" will appear in "Dead of Night"
magazine, due out in October. . . Ronald Busbee's (RonaldJmes) story "Ghost
in the Master's Theater" will appear in Terminal Fright #12; his  poem
"Reunion of Spirit" and short story "Wild Horses" will appear in the February
and March issues of Horizons magazine.  Last but not least, his  very first
book, "Postcards From The Shop-- The Complete Ron Busbee Collection" (a
collection of humor columns from Screen Play magazine) will be out March 1.
Chris O'Flaherty (McFinger@aol.com) reports an *all new, totally amateurish
web page* at: http://members.aol.com/mcfinger/index.htm.


The 37th Mandala
by Marc Laidlaw
St.  Martin's Press
HB/ 352 pp/ $23.95
ISBN: 0-312-13021-X

Marc Laidlaw writes with originality and brilliant finesse from a classic,
back-to-horrific roots base that doesn't stint on up-to-the-minute visceral
intensity and sardonic wit. THE 37th MANDALA is a visionary and wicked tale
of New Age spirituality and sheer evil.

Derek Crowe, a cynical snake oil salesman for the crystal and channeling set,
(and worse, a writer,) is an exploiter as scarey as any fundamentalist
Christian televangelist. By using the occult  and the sacred for his own gain
he releases infinite and chilling evil.

THE 37th MANDALA presents the best kind of suspenseful scare. Laidlaw
 immediately draws the reader into the fantastic with powerful writing and
 believable characterization.

I hope this one doesn't get overlooked by horror lovers or the masses.
                                --Reviewed by Paula Guran (DarkEcho)
MARKETS (Non-Paying)

--- GoldED 2.50+
 * Origin: Camelot-89 (2:5030/207.2)

 Msg  : 62 of 164
 From : Serge Berezhnoy                     2:5030/207.2    .ят 23 .ев 96 00:44
 To   : All
 Subj : 2 DF/HWW NEWS 2/22/96 (1/2)
.SPLIT: 23 Feb 96 12:42:50 @5030/207    0     02/02 +++++++++++
.Newsgroups: ru.sf.news
.Subject: DF/HWW NEWS 2/22/96 (1/2)
.Date: Fri, 23 Feb 1996 00:44:03 +0000
.X-Newsreader: GoldED 2.50+
Stygian Vortex Publications are not dead, closed, overstocked or otherwise
uninterested in seeing manuscripts (contrary to mistaken reports). In fact,
they have a new supernatural-horror pub: evernight; 500-25 - wds; pays in
copies.Contact StygianV@Shadow.net with questions.
The Heliocentric Net Anthology closes to submissions on March 10, 1996, and
reopens for Anthology #2 on 5/15/96.
Ed Yarb (eerie1@ix.netcom.com) reports:
I'm working on putting out either a chapbook, or a magazine style collection
of erotic horror stories.  I want to put it out by Summer, and I may feature
my own Lucy Taylor interview.  I don't know what I can pay contributors  (it
may be a copy of the zine at first) as I hope to get this first one out to
publish future issues.

It's going to be called BLOOD BATH-The Journal of Erotic Horror

I need art, and stories. Send them to me via e-mail at  eerie1@ix.netcom.com
 or, mail them to me at 7818 Grimsby Lane, New Port Richey, FL  34655.

I want unpublished mss. . . I want sex, blood, and sex!  Graphic, quiet,
psychological . . .surprise me.  Include a little author bio, and a phone
number that I can get in touch with you.

... А если что -- курсив...
--- GoldED 2.50+
 * Origin: Camelot-89 (2:5030/207.2)

 Msg  : 63 of 164
 From : Serge Berezhnoy                     2:5030/207.2    .ят 23 .ев 96 00:45
 To   : All
 Subj : DF/H WW NEWS (2/2)
.Newsgroups: ru.sf.news
.Subject: DF/H WW NEWS (2/2)
.Date: Fri, 23 Feb 1996 00:45:43 +0000
.X-Newsreader: GoldED 2.50+

The Free Guy's Adventure
Roleplaying Computer Game Giveaway Contest

(d8 has high expectations of "great entries" from you darklings!)

Presented by d8 magazine and and Strategic Simulations Inc. (SSI, A Mindscape

I know that itch you want to scratch. Somehow, the day just has not gone well
and you have to reach out and hack someone! But this is the real world and we
are civilized, right? Besides, if you went around swinging a sword the day
would probably go even worse.  Here is the ultimate answer for you, your
CD-Rom, and your hard drive! From the mists of the past, the present and
future hits from SSI, the company that knows adventure you get your chance to
win! Win! WIN!

Strap on your computer generated sword, the fate of the world is once again a
keystroke away. Actually it's not but you can win an incredible collection of
computer games from SSI.

GRAND PRIZE: One winner. One copy of DEATHKEEP, one copy of ENTOMORPH, one
copy of the SSI MASTERPIECE Collection of six AD&D games on CD-ROM and two

SECOND PRIZE: Five winners. One copy of DEATHKEEP and one copy of ENTOMORPH

THIRD PRIZE: Five winners. One copy of the MASTERPIECE Collection of six AD&D
games on CD_ROM

To win these cool prizes you have to let us know why you think you deserve to
win, in 150 words or less. Tell us all about it. Be imaginative, be wild, be
crazy, but most of all have fun!

You may enter as many times as you like but you can only win once. One win
per household. Each entry must be printed and readable,  and include your
name, date of birth, address, city, state. ZIP code and phone number. Entry
must be 150 words or less, NO PROFANITY. The 150 word count does not include
your contact information.

Entries must be sent to Edwin A. Millheim, c/o Meridian Designs, PO Box 385,
Tallevast , FL 34270. We now take Email entrents, one per house hold please,
all other rules apply. Note contact info please. Send to Whitelotus@aol.com,
Subject: D8 Contest.

All entries become the property of d8 magazine, and will not be returned. No
cash equivalent or substitute prizes will be offered. Prizes will be awarded
in the names of the contest winners only, and are not transferable.

All entries must be received at contest headquarters by 11:59 pm Eastern
Time, April 1, 1996. d8 magazine, Meridian Designs and SSI are not
responsible for lost, late, misdirected or mutilated entries.

I don't know if she's as lovely as Blackwood, or as well armed, but she's a
feisty darkling with enthusiasm and spunk. We'll be setting her duties up a
little more formally in the coming week and Blackwood will remain on hand to
initiate her into the exclusive ranks of High Darklinghood. If she survives,
I'm sure you'll enjoy working with her.

Michele Callan Patterson's (MicheleCP)  been involved with the DF/HWW for
about a year.  She's 27, lives in Colorado and is the mother of two young
children.  By day, she's a homemaker, devoting her time to her kids and her
writing.  By night, she can often be found haunting the local theatre groups,
even capturing a role in a play every now and then.

To date, she has sold three short horror stories, her third is due out in
July's "The Ultimate Unknown."

Michele is very excited about her new position with the workshop and looks
forward to working with all you darklings.
*The Sound of Darkness*

- Thomas Lyons (TLX) - a regular music reviewer for The Louisville Eccentric
Observer and writer in several genres.
- Mike Huyck (NukeGumby) - not a musician or reviewer, but  an audiophile and
writer with a broad taste in music and an enormous collection of CD's to back
it up.
- John Everson (JJEnet) - a music critic for various markets for 10 years
now, weekly pop music review columnist and horror writer
Whether your tastes are inclined towards "Phantom of the Opera," dark wave,
goth, heavy metal, folks songs about dead lovers, "Night on Bald Mountain" or
any number of entombed, eviscerated, poisoned or violently ended operas. .
.the combination of music and horror is a strong one.

We want stories that kick out the jambs with scare or haunt us with a
refrain. Please, no Elvis, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, etc.
"hell of a band in rock and roll heaven" themes. Be imaginative and original.

DEADLINE: MidnightET, April 4, 1996
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