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SCP 090: Apocorubik's Cube
SCP 249: The random door
Demon's Souls |#15| Dragon God
Demon's Souls |#14| Flamelurker

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Конференции - RU.FANTASY Весь текст 4146.17 Kb

январь 1996 - сентябрь 1996

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If your pages get lots of hits from services that cache their pages like
America  Online, you may wish to start turning your pages black early. Please
try and wait though until Clinton signs the bill, for maximum effect.

Also, urge your Internet Provider and any Internet WWW pages you  frequent to
turn their pages black.  Send us interesting sites that    comply to

2) Although it is unlikely that he will veto the bill. you can still send
Clinton a message. Contact him at:

Sample communique:
        You're about to sign a bill into law that imposes a terrible set of
speech restrictions on the Internet that belong in the broadcast medium, not
the interactive one.
      I'm turning my World Wide Web pages BLACK for 48 hours after you sign
the bill as a symbol of protest to show how many people will be affected by
this bill.

3) There will be several court cases coming up to challenge the Internet
censorship legislation, as well as an election that will put every single
member of the House, and 1/3rd of the Senate (most of whom voted for this
legislation) onto the ballot. Make this a campaign issue, and keep an eye out
for legal defense funds for those challenging these laws in court.

For information:
Web Sites (roughly in alphabetical order)

        cda-info@cdt.org (General CDA information)
        cda-stat@cdt.org (Current status of the CDA)

From Writers Club Host Phylwriter:

The Writers Club is proud to announce that we will be publishing a "Writers
Club Cookbook" of sorts, and all monies earned will go to help charity.
 (Full details, as of this time, are undisclosed.)  Publication is planned
for Christmas of 1996.

Please send your recipes to the screenname: Clcwalker.  Make sure you put
RECIPE in the Subject: line of your mail message. The deadline for recipes is
MARCH FIRST, so send them in quickly!  If you'd like, let us know your real
name as well as your screen name, what it is that you write, and what, if
anything, you have published, so we can include that information with your

While space is limited, and not all recipes will be used, contributions from
well-known writers, along with many writers just starting out will appear
side-by-side throughout the cookbook!  We're accepting recipes for almost
*every* food category, so don't be shy!  (The "odd" will appear with the
"tame" as well.)

If you are a "big name contact NaomiPoet to let her know you are
contributing/ If you know some "big names", please contact NaomiPoet to see
if someone is working on getting a recipe from them already If not, then let
'em know!

(Note from DE:  A special request has been made for darkling recipes for this
cookbook. It is felt that our contributions will spice up the book. I can't
imagine why.)

It is with great sadness but understanding that I announce our beloved
assistant moderator/greeter, Blackwood will be leaving his position soon.
Since I took on this gig last January, Blackwood has been my only workshop
assistant. I could not have done this without him and I honestly don't know
what I will do now that Real Life is taking him away.

He has agreed to stay on as greeter on Sunday nights for the transition
period while I seek someone willing to take on the job. No pay is involved,
although you will receive (too few) credit hours.

What I would like at this point is someone to
     -develop content for the sadly lacking horror part of the genre section
of Writers Club.
     -post on bulletins boards in WC and in SF and other sites
     -if time allows, take on some of the secretarial work of the DF/HWW:
maintaining the biographical files, editing and posting the logs, etc.

At first you will assist and sub for Blackwood as greeter, eventually you
will take that job over, too.

You must be highly responsible, be on AOL, be somewhat knowledgeable of the
DF/HWW, have no TOS violation in the last year and have hardware efficient
enough to handle  the minimal technology involved. You have to put up with
DE, too.

If you are interested email DarkEcho. Please put JOB in the subject window.

The area hosts will have the final hiring decision.
*The Sound of Darkness*

Whether your tastes are inclined towards "Phantom of the Opera," dark wave,
goth, heavy metal, folks songs about dead lovers, "Night on Bald Mountain" or
any number of entombed, eviscerated, poisoned or violently ended operas. .
.the combination of music and horror is a strong one.

We want stories that kick out the jambs with scare or haunt us with a
refrain. Please, no Elvis, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, etc.
"hell of a band in rock and roll heaven" themes. Be imaginative and original.

DEADLINE: MIDNIGHT ET; The First Day of Passover, April 4.
1) Stories must contain some element of music and be able to be generally
classified as horror or at least "dark" fiction.
2) Word count should be under 5000 words. If you go over a few, okay, but we
just can't handle 8-10,000 stories. At least one judge (DE) prefers to see
stories for cpntests at 3000 words.
3) Must be an original unpublished story, although it need not be newly
written for the contest.
4) Send entries as EMAIL (convert to ASCII first if your word processor
doesn't do that automatically; cut and paste  or check AOL's guidelines for
cutting and pasting to email) OR attached ASCII of RTF file. In the SUBJECT
BOX type Your Screen Name (that is YOUR screen name, not "Your Screen Name.")
5) Deadline is  MIDNIGHT EASTERN TIME on April 4, 1996.
JUDGES: Several highly qualified darklings have foolishly asked for the job.
We will announce who will be judging as soon as DE acceopts the bribes.
PRIZES: Anyone have any tapes/CD they want to donate? We also have been given
more AOL hours to credit this time -- 10 hours to the first place and 5 each
to second and third placers. Other prizes will also be added.
Note: DarkEcho will be offline for a few days this week, thus today's early
edition. Critique distribution will be delayed and  email will not be
FEB      7-EARLY EDITION of NEWSLETTER (Weds instead of
FEB    11- Workshop: Topic - Horror on the Internet
FEB    18- Workshop: Topic - Ancient Egypt as a Resource
FEB    25- Workshop: Topic - Starting Your Own Small Press Magazine
MAR     3- Workshop: Guest, Author Philip Nutman
Queue Dates: Feb 12-RBRLW; Feb 19 - SRDixon; Feb 26-MicheleCP; Mar 4-TippiNB;
Mar 11-Poebeat; Mar 18-Totlilost/Laywrite; Mar 25-DTrommes; Apr 1-JJDM; Apr
8-Jezebel B
WORKSHOPS: 10:30 EASTERN TIME, Sundays -- Use Keyword: Writers to get there,
then select the Writers Chat Rooms, then select the Workshop Room
CRITIQUES: Please critique whenever possible. Send critiques to DarkEcho by
NOON the SATURDAY following story distribution. A critique guide is
STORY QUEUE: Send stories to DarkEcho. If you want an earlier critique than
can be assigned, the volunteer Skeleton Crew might be able to critique for

"We work in the dark -- we do what we can --we give what we have. Our doubt
is our passion and our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art."
          -- Henry James, " My Friend Bingham," a 1867 short story
                        Working, doing, giving, passionately and
                                                           madly -- Dark Echo

>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Dfhn3-5.Txt =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<



... Hе отливай сущности сверх необходимого.
--- GoldED 2.50+
 * Origin: Camelot-89 (2:5030/207.2)

 Msg  : 85 of 140
 From : Andrey Mironov                      2:5020/279.60   .ет 15 .ев 96 12:12
 To   : Roman V. Isaev
 Subj : Dragon lance
Hi Roman!

09 Feb 96 17:11, Roman V. Isaev wrote to Dorohin Alexander:

 RI>                   From Roman V. Isaev to Dorohin.
 RI>                              Hails!

 DA>> Люди кто знает вышло ли пpодолжение SUBJ('Осенние
 DA>> сумеpки','Зимняя ночь','Весенний pассвет',а далее?),извиняюсь если
 DA>> название не точно(книги под pукой не было)

 RI>     У нас? Или вообще? У нас похоже еще долго телиться будут, а в
 RI> принципе в этом сериале книг эдак 20, если не больше...

Издательство "Азбука", как они сами пишут, собиpается начиная с февpаля 1996
каждый месяц выпускать по одной новой книге сабжа.

 RI>                                            / With best wishes
 RI>                                           / Yours truly
 RI>                                          / Roman

Andrey, Water Mouse.

--- GoldED/2 2.50.A0715+
 * Origin: Хорошая крыша летает сама... (2:5020/279.60)

 Msg  : 86 of 140
 From : Gleb Kussakin                       2:5030/250.22   .cк 18 .ев 96 01:14
 To   : Andrey Lensky
 Subj : .ерные хроники и все-все-все
.TID: FastEcho 1.45 -1222209436
 Милостивый государь Andrey!

В пятницу февpаля 16 1996 03:54, Andrey Lensky wrote to All:

 AL>    Господа, может, все-таки не будем по восемь раз засылать в эху ууенкоды
 AL> того, что можно купить в магазине? Во-первых, так скоро бекбон
 AL> взбунтуется, во-вторых, ну кто ж режет такими огромными кусками? Опять до
 AL> половины только последняя секция дойдет. И снова, снова... Для чего даны
 AL> нам Господом файлэхи? ;-)

 А что, есть файлэха по фэнтэзи?

 Примите уверения в совершеннейшем к Вам почтении и прочая, Gleb

--- GoldED 2.50.Beta6+
 * Origin: Вавилон мертв, а я еще нет (2:5030/250.22)

 Msg  : 87 of 140
 From : Igor Lanskoy                        2:5020/615      .он 19 .ев 96 02:28
 To   : Andrey Katchanov
 Subj : .ери .тюарт
.TID: FastEcho 1.45a 369
Мои пpиветствия, Andrey!

Четвеpг Февpаль 15 1996 13:04, Andrey Katchanov wrote to Nina Lenskaya:

 AK> C точки зpения не cпециалиcта, а пpоcто читателя. Ты была
 AK> в Таллинне? Там поcpеди cpедневековой чаcти гоpода cтоит
 AK> здоpовенная пpавоcлавная цеpковь. Cама по cебе она вполне
 AK> ничего, но на фоне оcтального гоpода cмотpитcя дико. Так
 AK> же и c митpаизмом y subj - он являетcя ошибкой не иcтоpичеcкой,
 AK> а xyдожеcтвенной.

Ты хочешь сказать, что в Бpитании не было pимских легионов, котоpые контактиpуя
с местным населением не могли пpивить ему митpаиз? Главное, что это даже дока-
зывать не надо - давно уже доказано, что митpаизм сохpанялся на теppитоpии как
Импеpии в целом, так и Бpитании в частности аж до шестого века. Аpтуp же пpавил
согласно легенде в пятом.


 * Origin:  AET Network of U.N.A. Gate Station, Moscow  (2:5020/615)

 Msg  : 88 of 140
 From : Leonid Shestakov                    2:5070/73       .ет 15 .ев 96 22:40
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