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surfaces of monochromatic or light of single wave length. 

(a) Monochromatic Aberration. The elementary theory of optical 
systems leads to the theorem; Rays of light proceeding from 
any ``object point,' unite in an ``image point''; and therefore 
an ``object space'' is reproduced in an ``image space.'' The 
introduction of simple auxiliary terms, due to C. F. Gauss 
(Dioptrische Untersuchungen, Gottingen, 1841), named the 
focal lengths and focal planes, permits the determination 
of the image of any object for any system (see LENS). The 
Gaussian theory, however, is only true so long as the angles 
made by all rays with the optical axis (the symmetrical axis 
of the system) are infinitely small, i.e. with infinitesimal 
objects, images and lenses; in practice these conditions are 
not realized, and the images projected by uncorrected systems 
are, in general, ill defined and often completely blurred, 
if the aperture or field of view exceeds certain limits.  
The investigations of James Clerk Maxwell (Phil.Mag., 1856; 
Quart.  Journ.  Math., 1858, and Ernst Abbe1) showed that 
the properties of these reproductions, i.e. the relative 
position .and magnitude of the images, are not special 
properties of optical systems, but necessary consequences of 
the supposition (in Abbe) of the reproduction of all points 
of a space in image points (Maxwell assumes a less general 
hypothesis), and are independent of the manner in which the 
reproduction is effected.  These authors proved, however, that 
no optical system can justify these suppositions, since they 
are contradictory to the fundamental laws of reflexion and 
refraction.  Consequently the Gaussian theory only supplies 
a convenient method of approximating to reality; and no 
constructor would attempt to realize this unattainable ideal.  
All that at present can be attempted is, to reproduce a single 
plane in another plane; but even this has not been altogether 
satisfactorily accomplished, aberrations always occur, and 
it is improbable that these will ever be entirely corrected. 

This, and related general questions, have been treated--besides 
the above-mentioned authors--by M. Thiesen (Berlin.  
Akad.  Sitzber., 1890, xxxv. 799; Berlin.Phys.Ges.  
Verb., 1892) and H. Bruns (Leipzig. Math.  Phys.  
Ber., 1895, xxi. 325) by means of Sir W. R. Hamilton's 
``characteristic function'' (Irish Acad.  Trans., ``Theory 
of Systems of Rays,,' 1828, et seq.).  Reference may also 
be made to the treatise of Czapski-Eppenstein, pp. 155-161. 

A review of the simplest cases of aberration will now be 
given. (1) Aberration of axial points (Spherical aberration 
in the restricted sense).  If S (fig.5) be any optical 
system, rays proceeding from an axis point O under an angle 
u1 will unite in the axis point O'1; and those under an 
angle u2 in the axis point O'2.  If there be refraction 
at a collective spherical surface, or through a thin positive 
lens, O'2 will lie in front of O'1 so long as the angle 
u2 is greater than u1 (``under correction''); and 
conversely with a dispersive surface or lenses (``over 
correction'').  The caustic, in the first case, resembles 
the sign > (greater than); in the second K (less than).  If 
the angle u1 be very small, O'1 is the Gaussian image; 
and O'1 O'2 is termed the ``longitudinal aberration,'' 
and O'1R the ``lateral aberration'' of the pencils with 
aperture u2. If the pencil with the angle u2 be that 
of the maximum aberration of all the pencils transmitted, 
then in a plane perpendicular to the axis at O'1 there is 
a circular ``disk of confusion'' of radius O'1R, and in a 
parallel plane at O'2 another one of radius O'2R2; between 
these two is situated the ``disk of least confusion.'' 

The largest opening of the pencils, which take part in the 
reproduction of O, i.e. the angle u, is generally determined 
by the margin of one of the lenses or by a hole in a thin 
plate placed between, before, or behind the lenses of the 
system.  This hole is termed the ``stop'' or ``diaphragm''; 
Abbe used the term ``aperture stop'' for both the hole and 
the limiting margin of the lens.  The component S1 of the 
system, situated between the aperture stop and the object 
O, projects an image of the diaphragm, termed by Abbe the 
``entrance pupil''; the ``exit pupil'' is the image formed 
by the component S2, which is placed behind the aperture 
stop.  All rays which issue from O and pass through the aperture 
stop also pass through the entrance and exit pupils, since these 
are images of the aperture stop.  Since the maximum aperture 
of the pencils issuing from O is the angle u subtended by the 
entrance pupil at this point, the magnitude of the aberration 
will be determined by the position and diameter of the entrance 
pupil.  If the system be entirely behind the aperture stop, 
then this is itself the entrance pupil (``front stop''); 
if entirely in front, it is the exit pupil (``back stop''). 

If the object point be infinitely distant, all rays received 
by the first member of the system are parallel, and their 
intersections, after traversing the system, vary according 
to their ``perpendicular height of incidence,'' i.e. their 
distance from the axis.  This distance replaces the angle 
u in the preceding considerations; and the aperture, i.e. 
the radius of the entrance pupil, is its maximum value. 

(2) Aberration of elements, i.e. smallest objects at right 
angles to the axis.--If rays issuing from O (fig. 5) be 
concurrent, it does not follow that points in a portion 
of a plane perpendicular at O to the axis will be also 
concurrent, even if the part of the plane be very small.  
With a considerable aperture, the neighbouring point N will 
be reproduced, but attended by aberrations comparable in 
magnitude to ON. These aberrations are avoided if, according to 
Abbe, the ``sine condition,'' sin u'1/sin u1=sin u'2jsin 
u2, holds for all rays reproducing the point O. If the 
object point O be infinitely distant, u1 and u2 are 
to be replaced by pi and h2, the perpendicular heights of 
incidence; the ``sine condition', then becomes sin u,1jh1 
sin u'2/h2. A system fulfilling this condition and free 
from spherical aberration is called ``aplanatic'' (Greek 
a-, privative, plann, a wandering).  This word was 
first used by Robert Blair (d. 1828), professor of practical 
astronomy at Edinburgh University, to characterize a superior 
achromatism, and, subsequently, by many writers to denote 
freedom from spherical aberration.  Both the aberration of axis 
points, and the deviation from the sine condition, rapidly 
increase in most (uncorrected) systems with the aperture. 

(3) Aberration of lateral object points (points beyond the 
axis) with narrow pencils.  Astigmatism.---A point O (fig. 
6) at a finite distance from the, axis (or with an infinitely 
distant object, a point which subtends a finite angle at the 
system) is, in general, even then not sharply reproduced, if 
the pencil of rays issuing from it and traversing the system 
is made infinitely narrow by reducing the aperture stop; such 
a pencil consists of the rays which can pass from the object 
point through the now infinitely small entrance pupil.  It 
is seen (ignoring exceptional cases) that the pencil does 
not meet he refracting or reflecting surface at right angles; 
therefore it is astigmatic (Gr. a-, privative, stigmia, a 
point).  Naming the central ray passing through the entrance 
pupil the ``axis of the pencil,' or ``principal ray,'' we 
can say: the rays of the pencil intersect, not in one point, 
but in two focal lines, which we can assume to be at right 
angles to the principal ray; of these, one lies in the plane 
containing the principal ray and the axis of the system, 
i.e. in the ``first principal section'' or ``meridional 
section,', and the other at right angles to it, i.e. in the 
second principal section or sagittal section.  We receive, 
therefore, in no single intercepting plane behind the system, 
as, for example, a focussing screen, an image of the object 
point; on the other hand, in each of two planes lines O' and 
O" are separately formed (in neighbouring planes ellipses are 
formed), and in a plane between O' and O" a circle of least 
confusion.  The interval O'O", termed the astigmatic difference, 
increases, in general, with the angle W made by the principal 
ray OP with the axis of the system, i.e. with the field of 
view.  Two ``astigmatic image surfaces'' correspond to one 
object plane; and these are in contact at the axis point; on 
the one lie the focal lines of the first kind, on the other 
those of the second.  Systems in which the two astigmatic 
surfaces coincide are termed anastigmatic or stigmatic. 

Sir Isaac Newron was probably the discoverer of astigmation; 
the position of the astigmatic image lines was determined by 
Thomas Young (A Course of Lectures on Natural Philosophy, 
1807); and the theory has been recently developed by A. 
Gullstrand (Skand. Arch. f. physiol., 1890, 2, p. 269; 
Allgemeine Theorie der monochromat. Aberrationen, etc., 
Upsala, 1900; Arch. f.  Ophth., 1901, 53, pp. 2, 185).  A 
bibliography by P. Culmann is given in M. von Rohr's Die 
Bilderzeugung in opitschen Instrumenten (Berlin, 1904). 

(4) Aberration of lateral object points with broad pencils.  
Coma. ---By opening the stop wider, similar deviations arise 
for lateral points as have been already discussed for axial 
points; but in this case they are much more complicated.  
The course of the rays in the meridional section is no longer 
symmetrical to the principal ray of the pencil; and on an 
intercepting plane there appears, instead of a luminous 
point, a patch of light, not symmetrical about a point, and 
often exhibiting a resemblance to a comet having its tail 
directed towards or away from the axis.  From this appearance 
it takes its name.  The unsymmetrical form of the meridional 
pencil--formerly the only one considered--is coma in the 
narrower sense only; other errors of coma have been treated by 
A. Konig and M. von Rohr (op. cit.), and more recently by 
A. Gullstrand (op. cit.; Ann. d.  Phys., 1905, 18, p. 941). 

(5) Curvature of the field of the image.---If the above errors 
be eliminated, the two astigmatic surfaces united, and a sharp 
image obtained with a wide aperture--there remains the necessity 
to correct the curvature of the image surface, especially when 
the image is to be received upon a plane surface, e.g. in 
photography.  In most cases the surface is concave towards the system. 

(6) Distortion of the image.--If now the image be sufficiently 
sharp, inasmuch as the rays proceeding from every object point 
meet in an image point of satisfactory exactitude, it may happen 
that the image is distorted, i.e. not sufficiently like the 
object.  This error consists in the different parts of the 
object being reproduced with different magnifications; for 
instance, the inner parts may differ in greater magnification 
than the outer (``barrel-shaped distortion''), or conversely 
(``cushion-shaped distortion'') (see fig. 7). Systems free 
of this aberration are called ``orthoscopic'' (orthos , 
right, skopein to look).  This aberration is quite distinct 
from that of the sharpness of reproduction; in unsharp, 
reproduction, the question of distortion arises if only parts of 
the object can be recognized in the figure.  If, in an unsharp 
image, a patch of light corresponds to an object point, the 
``centre of gravity'' of the patch may be regarded as the image 
point, this being the point where the plane receiving the 
image, e.g. a focussing screen, intersects the ray passing 
through the middle of the stop.  This assumption is justified 
if a poor image on the focussing screen remains stationary 
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