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L. H. et al. -- L., 1988. -- 166 p.
368. Textual strategies: Perspectives in post-structuralist criticism. / Ed.
with an introd. by Harari J. V. -- L., 1980. -- 475 p.
369. Theorie d'ensemble. -- P., 1968. -- 275 р.
370. TodorovTz. Grammaire du Decameron.- Hague, 1969. -- 100 p.
371. Todorov Tz. Theorie du symbole. -- P., 1977. -- 357 p.
372. Turkic S. Psychoanalytic politics, Jacques Lacan and Freud's French
revolution. -- L., 1978. -- 278 p.
373. Ungar S. Roland Barthes: The professor of desire. -- Lincoln, 1983. --XIX,
206 p.
374. Van den Heuvel P. Parole, mot, silence: Pour une poetique de renonclation.
-- P., 1986. -- 319 p.
375. Virilio P. L'espace critique. -- P., 1984. -- 187 р.
376. Watt I. The rise of the novel: Studies in Defoe, Richardson and Fielding.
-- L., 1957. -- 319 p.
377. Weber S. Capitalising history: Notes on "The political unconscious". // The
politics of theory. / Ed. by Barker F. et al. -- Colchester, 1983.--P. 248-264.
378. Welsch W. Unsere postmodeme Modeme. -- Weinheim, 1987. -- 344 S.
379. White H. Metahistory: The historical imagination in the nineteenth century.
-- Baltimore; L.,1973. --XII, 448 p.
380. Wilde A. Horizons of assent: Modernism, postmodernism, and ironic
imagination. -- Baltimore; L.,1981. --XII, 209 p.
381. Wilden A. The Symbolic, the Imaginary and the Real. // Wilden A. System and
structure. -- L., 1973. -- P. 1-30.
382. Winders J.A. Poststructuralist theory, praxis, and the intellectual. //
Contemporary lit. -- Madison, 1986. -- Vol. 27, No 1. -- P. 73- 84.
383. Wiseman M. The ecstasies of Roland Barthes. -- L.; N.Y., 1989. -- XVIII,
204 p.
384. Wright E. Psychoanalytic criticism: Theory in practice. -- L., 1984.
385. Zavarzadeh M. The mythopoetic reality: The postwar Amer. nonfiction novel.
-- Urbana, 1976. -- IX, 262 p.

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