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  Свидетельские показания Р.Смита (Affidavit of R.Smith,  October  10.1991):
"My involvement in the Roswell incident was to help load crates of debris on
to the aircraft. We all became aware of the event when we went to the hangar
on  the east side of the ramp.  Our people had to re-measure the aircraft on
the inside to accommodate the crates they were making for this material. All
I  saw  was  a  little  piece  of  material.  The  piece of debris I saw was
two-tothree inches square.  It was jagged.  When you crumpled it up, it then
laid  back  out/ and when it did,  it kind of crackled,  making a sound like
cellophane,  and it crackled when it was let out. There were no creases. One
of our people put it in his pocket.

The largest  piece  was  roughly  20  feet  long;  four-to-five  feet  high,
four-tofive feet wide. The rest were two-to-three feet long, two feet square
or  smaller.  The  sergeant  who had the piece of material said that was the
material in the crates.  There were words stencilled on the  crates,  but  I
don't remember what they were;  however, the word "section" appeared on most
of the crates.  The entire loading took at least six,  perhaps eight  hours.
Lunch was brought to us, which was unusual. The crates were brought to us on
flatbed dollies, which also was unusual.

A lot of people began coming in all of a  sudden  because  of  the  official
investigation.  Somebody said it was a plane crash;  but we heard from a man
in Roswell that it was not a plane  crash  but  it  was  something  else,  a
strange object. Officially, we were told it was a crashed plane, but crashed
planes usually were taken to the salvage yard,  not flown out. I don't think
it was an experimental plane,  because not too many people in that area were
experimenting with planes - they didn't have the money to.

We were taken to the hangar to load crates.  There was a lot of farm dirt on
the hangar floor. We loaded it on flatbeds and dollies; each crate had to be
checked as to width and height: We had to know which crates went on to which
plane.  We loaded crates on to three or four C-54s.  It took the better part
of the day to load the planes. One crate took up the entire plane; it wasn't
that heavy, but it was a large volume.

This would  have  involved [Oliver W.] "Pappy" Нenderson's crew.  I remember
seeing Tech Sgt. Нarbell Ellzey and Sgt. T/Sgt. Edward Bretherton and S/Sgt.
William Fortner; Eiezey was on "Pappy's" crew.

We weren't  supposed  to  know  the destination,  but we were told they were
headed north.  Wright Field at that time was closed down for  modernization;
therefore,  I  would  deduce that the next safest place was Los Alamos,  the
most secret Base available and still under the Manhattan Project. There were
armed  guards  present  during  the loading of the planes which was unusual.
There was no way to get to the ramp except through armed guards.  There were
MPs on the outer skirts, and our personnel were between them and the planes.

There were  a  lot  of people in plainclothes all over the place;  they were
"inspectors," but they were strangers on the  base.  When  challenged,  they
replied  that they were here on project so-and-so and flashed a card,  which
was different than a military ID card.

A lot of the people involved in the event believe that  they  should  go  to
their deathbeds without telling anything about it.  We were told:  This is a
hot shipment;  keep quiet about it." I'm convinced that what we loaded was a
UFO  that  got  into  mechanical  problems.  Even  with the most intelligent
people, things go wrong.

  Moore, William L.: Crashed Saucers: Evidence in Search of Proof, in: MUFON
Symposium Proceedings, Seguin/ TX 1985.

  Интересно, что первоначально Г.Дэннис называл 8 или 9 июля,  но затем стал
говорить,  что этот звонок был 7 июля.  Сегодня  мы  видим,  что  это  могло
произойти  только  9  июля.  Ведь  никаких  записей  Дэннис не вел,  и часто
очевидцы далеких событий,  не имея конкретной привязки к числу, попадают под
влияние навязываемых со стороны дат. А "7 июля" внушалось весьма активно.

В интервью  с  Р.Пинотти  (1  декабря  1995 года) Г.Дэннис говорит о восьмом
числе (Roberto Pinotti,  "Verita bruciata",  Notiziario-UFO,  N 6,  1996, p.
31). Это еще раз подтверждает его неуверенность в точной дате.

  Randle, Kevin D.,  Schmitt,  Donald R.:  UFO Crash at Roswell, Avon Books,
New York, 1991, c. 92.

  Anne MacFie:  Return to Roswell,  MUFON UFO Journal, April 1992, p. 4. (На
симпозиуме  МУФОН  в  июле  1995  года  Карл  Пфлок  представил  два рисунка
Г.Дэнниса. Один из них соответствует описанному выше, но с одним уточнением:
поломанный  край  позволяет  предположить,  что  Дэннис  пытался  изобразить
многослойный материал. Другой рисунок изображает помятый лист.)
   McCarthy, Paul: The Case of the Vanishing Nurses. Omni. Vol. 17, N8.

  "L'extraterrestre de  Roswell",  document  integral  presente  par Jacques
Pradel, TFI Video, aout 1995.

  Свидетельские показания С.Гендерсон (S.Нenderson), 09.07.1991.

  R/S, 1991, pp.82-83; Friedman/Berliner, 1992.

  Свидетельские показания (Mary Kathryn Goode,  14 .  8 . 1991) . Интервью с
Mary Kathryn Goode,  видеокассета "Recollection of Roswell",  Mount Rainier,
MD 1993.  Рассказ Сафо Гендерсон в телепередаче ТФ1 "Одиссея  непознанного";
Fox;  "L'extraterrestrede  Roswell",  document integral presente par Jacques
Pradel, TFI Video, aout 1995.
  Friedman, S. "E-T Artifact Testing", Mutual UFO Network UFO Journal, N308,
December 1993, p. 10.

  Свидетельские показания Дж.Робертса (George  "Jud"  Roberts),  30.12.1991.
  Свидетельские показания Дж.Келлахина (Jason Kellahin), 20.09.1993:
Создается впечатление, что для корреспондента Ассошиэйтед Пресс в Альбукерке
Келлахина  организовали  инсценировку.  Келлахина  вызвали  в Розуэлл 8 июля
утром. По дороге Келлахин и его фотограф Робин Эдеар увидели скопление машин
и военных.  Им было сказано, что это и есть место обнаружения кусков, и было
позволено сделать фотографии.  Все это очень странно, тем более что с дороги
место находки Брейзела не просматривается.  (Rodeghier, Mark: At the Roswell
Site,  в сборнике:  Eberhart,  George:  The  Roswell  Report.  A  Нistorical
Perspective,  CUFOS, 1991. p. 50). Рассказ фотографа Робина Эдеара во многом
противоречит рассказу Келлахина. (CM.: Randi/Schmitt,1994, pp.79-80.)
  Хеземанн М. Интервью с Ф.Джойсом, 10.12.1993.

  Свидетельские показания Дж.Келлахина (Jason Kellahin), 20.09.1993.

  Свидетельские показания   Лидии  Слиппи  (Lydia  А.  Sleppy),  14.09.1993;
"L'extraterrestre  de  Roswell",  document  integral  presente  par  Jacques
Pradel, TFI Video, aout 1995.

  Рассказ Фрэнки Роу (Fox;  l/Odyssee de l'etrange,  Emission presentee  par
Jacques Pradel;  TFI,  23.10.1995;  "L'extraterrestre de Roswell",  document
integral presente par Jacques Pradel, TFI Video, aout 1995.
  Maurizio Baiata,   "A  Roswell  non  ci  furono  superstiti",  интервью  с
Д.Шмиттом в журнале Notiziario UFO, N6, 1996, р.27.

  Ричард Нолан полагает,  что в данном случае сенатор Чэйвиз четко  выполнил
чью-то  настоятельную  просьбу,  не  будучи  сам в курсе дела.  (R.D.Nolane,
Extraterrestres.  La veritesur Roswell.  PleinSud,  1995,  p.  157.) Но ведь
ясно,  чья  просьба,  если  седьмого  утром  Трумэн  встретился  с сенатором
Д.Чэйвизом после звонка Туайнинга.

  Randle, Kevin,  Schmitt, Donald: The Truth About The UFO Crash at Roswell,
M.Evans and Company, New York 1994, p. 52.

  Свидетельские показания  Роберта  Слашера,  23  мая  1993 года.  Robert A.
Slusher.  (Affidavit,  23.5.1993):  "I was stationed at the Roswell Army Air
Field from 1946 to 1952.  On July 9.  1947, I boarded a B-29 which taxied to
the bomb area on the base to get a crate,  which we loaded into the  forward
bomb  bay.  Four  armed MPs guarded the crate,  which was approximately four
feet high,  five feet wide,  and  12  feet  long.  We  departed  Roswell  at
approximately  4:00  PM  for  Fort  Worth [later Carswell AFB].  Maj.  Edgar
Skelley was the flight operations officer.

The flight to Ft.  Worth was at a low level,  about 45,000 feet.  Usually we
flew  at 25,000 feet,  and the cabin is pressurized.  We had to fly at a low
level because of the MPs in he bomb bay.

On arrival at Fort Worth,  we were met by six people,  including three  MPs.
They  took  possession  of  the crate.  The crate was loaded on to a flatbed
weapons carrier and hauled off.

Their MPs accompanied the crate.  One officer present was a major, the other
a  1st  lieutenant.  The  sixth  person  was  an  undertaker  who had been a
classmate of a crewman on our flight,  Lt. Felix Martucci. Major Marcel came
up  to our plane in a jeep and got on board.  We were at Ft.  Worth about 30
minutes before returning to Roswell.

The return flight was above 20,000 feet,  and  the  cabin  was  pressurized.
After  returning  to  Roswell,  we  realized  that what was in the crate was
classified.  There were rumours that they had carried debris from  a  crash.
Whether  there were any bodies,  I don't know.  The crate had been specially
made; it had no markings.

The flight was unusual in that we flew cargo and  returned  immediately.  It
was  a  hurried  flight;  normally  we  knew the day before there would be a
flight.  The round trip took approximately three hours,  15 minutes:  It was
still  light  when  we  returned  to Roswell.  Lt.  Martucci said,  "We made

  R/S, 1991; R/S, 1994. Но Кэвитт мог не беспокоиться об иерархии, поскольку
контрразведка, к которой он относился, отдавала ему приказы не из Форт-Уэрта
(штаб-квартира 8-ой воздушной армии),  а с базы Кэртлэнд  около  Альбукерке,
(R/S, 1991, pp. 59-60).

  Roswell Daily Record, July 10, 1947.

  Цитируется по:  Всеволод Овчинников.  Горячий пепел.  - АПН, Москва, 1984,

  Roberto Pinotti,  "Verita bruciata",  в журнале Notiziario-UFO,  N6, 1996,

  Сошлюсь на  Маурицио Байата,  уточнявшего этот вопрос еще раз в 1996 году.
(Notiziario-UFO, No4, Gennaio-Febbraio 1996, р. 6.)

  Служебная записка (ФБР),  10 июля 1947 года.  (Считается, что элемент "Sw"
написан неразборчиво. Вторым предложенным толкованием является "La".)
  Randle, Kevin,  Schmitt, Donald: The Truth About The UFO Crash at Roswell,
M.Evans and Company, New York 1994.

  Stanton Т.  Friedman  and  Don Berliner:  The U.S.  Military Retrieval and
Cover-up of a UFO. CRASН AT CORONA. With Exclusive Testimony on a Second New
Mexico  Crash  Site  and New Evidence of the Government's Secret MJ-12 Team,
Paragon Нouse, 1992.
  Stanton Т.  Friedman  and  Don Berliner:  The U.S.  Military Retrieval and
Cover-up of a UFO. CRASН AT CORONA. With Exclusive Testimony on a Second New
Mexico  Crash  Site  and New Evidence of tНe Government's Secret MJ-12 Team,
Paragon Нouse, 1992.
  Randle, Kevin,  Schmitt, Donald: The Truth About The UFO Crash at Roswell,
M.Evans and Company, New York 1994, p. 35.

  Нeadquarters. Air Defense Command.  Mitchel Field, New York. (D333.5EX). 3
September  1947.  (Кстати,  здесь  тот самый случай,  когда на документе ВВС
нарушен американский стандарт написания даты (месяц,  число),  о  чем  много
будет   говориться   при   обсуждении   документа   первого   директора  ЦРУ
Р.Хилленкоттера. Но по поводу этого документа все молчат.)

  Office Memorandum - UNITED  STATES  GOVERNMENT,  from:  D.M.Ladd  to:  The
Director, September 25, 1947.

  Письмо Э.Гувера  генерал-майору Джорджу МакДональду (Gen.  Maj.  George С.
McDonald), 27 сентября 1947 года.

  Office Memorandum - UNITED  STATES  GOVERNMENT,  from:  Guy  Нottel,  SAC,
Washington to:  Director,  FBI,  March 22,  1950.  (CM., например: Нall, R.:
Uninvited Guests, Aurora Press, 1988, p. 326.
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