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Rambler's Top100
Конференции - SU.SF&F.FANDOM Весь текст 5859.38 Kb

октябрь 1993 - сентябрь 1996 г.

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1 ... 347 348 349 350 351 352 353  354 355 356 357 358 359 360 ... 500

 >>> P.S. В последнее вpемя наблюдается неблагопpиятная тенденция.
 >>> Ты почему-то пpопускаешь пpи pассмотpении пpоизведений все
 >>> кpитеpии, бывшие pанее хаpактеpными для фэна.
 SB>> Какие? Hа самом деле это важно, поподробней, pls.

 >     Зачем тебе кpитеpии? БОГyш сказал - плохо. Значит - плохо. Он
 > ведь носитель истины...

Меня не интересует истина. Меня интересует подход к ее обогушевлению. ;)

Доброй охоты!


... В Hачале Было Слово... Матерное...
--- Безоткатная полевая кухня номер 2.50+
 * Origin: Camelot-89 (2:5030/207.2)

 Msg  : 714 of 1094
 From : Serge Berezhnoy                     2:5030/207.2    .ят 08 .ек 95 19:31
 To   : Sergey Lukianenko
 Subj : Re: .ое-что из новостей
Приветствую тебя, о владыка джунглей Sergey!

Sergey Lukianenko => Serge Berezhnoy [Wednesday December 06 1995, 18:43]

 SB>> Мне не очень хочется обсуждать конктретные аспекты договоров Сергея.
 >    Сеpега, это о Вохиных договоpах pечь...

Виноват. Исправился уже.

 SB>> согласовании редактуры совместной трилогии Буркина-Лукьяненко. И даже
 SB>> иллюстрации видел.
 >     Я тоже. А вот книжкy Пyля гpозил издать летом...

Уй, грозный какой...

Доброй охоты!


... В Hачале Было Слово... Матерное...
--- Безоткатная полевая кухня номер 2.50+
 * Origin: Camelot-89 (2:5030/207.2)

 Msg  : 715 of 1094
 From : Boris CDuke                         2:463/2.22      .ят 15 .ек 95 21:28
 To   : All
 Subj : Internet SF top list 50
Позволю себе высказать немеряные приветствия All!

       ----======= THE INTERNET TOP 100 SF/FANTASY LIST =======----

       Edition Number 50                           11th December 1995

  | This chart was compiled using votes sent in by 922 people. If you want   |
  | to vote for a book, then send a message containing your votes to me at   |
  | tcooke@spam.maths.adelaide.edu.au. Each line of your message should      |
  | contain a vote for one book, and should be of the form: Score out of 10, |
  | Title of the book, and then the Author or Editor of the book.            |

Pos |                Title              | Type | Author/Editor     | Score
  1  Lord of the Rings                           J.R.R. Tolkien      8.75 (395)
  2  Ender's Game                          S1    Orson Scott Card    8.27 (362)
  3  Tigana                                      Guy G. Kay          8.26 (67)
  4  The Long Run                                Daniel Keys Moran   8.20 (39)
  5  Hyperion                              S1    Dan Simmons         8.17 (183)
^ 6  1984                                        George Orwell       8.12 (107)
  7  Dune                                  S1    Frank Herbert       8.12 (361)
  8  The Demolished Man                          Alfred Bester       8.11 (89)
  9  The Anubis Gates                            Tim Powers          8.07 (64)
 10  The Moon is a Harsh Mistress                Robert A. Heinlein  8.02 (214)
 11  The Earthsea Trilogy                  S     Ursula Le Guin      7.97 (134)
 12  Player of Games                             Iain M. Banks       7.96 (80)
 13  Ubik                                        Philip K. Dick      7.96 (43)
 14  A Fire Upon the Deep                        Vernor Vinge        7.94 (123)
 15  Way Station                                 Clifford Simak      7.93 (51)
^16  The First Chronicles of Amber         S     Roger Zelazny       7.92 (152)
 17  Stand on Zanzibar                           John Brunner        7.91 (88)
 18  The Stars my Destination                    Alfred Bester       7.90 (100)
 19  Aristoi                                     Walter Jon Williams 7.90 (35)
 20  Lest Darkness Fall                          L. Sprague de Camp  7.89 (28)
^21  Last Dancer                                 Daniel Keys Moran   7.87 (25)
 22  The Book of the New Sun               S     Gene Wolfe          7.86 (97)
 23  Witches of Karres                           James Schmitz       7.85 (27)
^24  The Hobbit                                  J.R.R.Tolkien       7.83 (255)
 25  Neutron Star                          C     Larry Niven         7.83 (67)
 26  Lord of Light                               Roger Zelazny       7.83 (106)
 27  A Canticle for Leibowitz                    Walter M. Miller    7.82 (128)
 28  Good Omens                                  Pratchett/Gaiman    7.81 (41)
^29  Timescape                                   Gregory Benford     7.80 (35)
 30  Snow Crash                                  Neal Stephenson     7.79 (118)
 31  True Names                                  Vernor Vinge        7.78 (27)
 32  The Dispossessed                            Ursula Le Guin      7.73 (116)
 33  Startide Rising                             David Brin          7.73 (174)
 34  Double Star                                 Robert A. Heinlein  7.71 (59)
^35  A Scanner Darkly                            Philip K. Dick      7.69 (40)
 36  The Left Hand of Darkness                   Ursula Le Guin      7.69 (158)
 37  The Door into Summer                        Robert A. Heinlein  7.68 (89)
^38  A Song for Arbonne                          Guy G. Kay          7.68 (41)
 39  Protector                                   Larry Niven         7.67 (59)
 40  Fahrenheit 451                              Ray Bradbury        7.67 (112)
 41  Past Through Tomorrow                 C     Robert A. Heinlein  7.67 (32)
 42  The Dying Earth                       S1    Jack Vance          7.66 (46)
^43  The City and the Stars                      Arthur C. Clarke    7.66 (43)
^44  Bridge of Birds                       S1    Barry Hughart       7.66 (25)
 45  The Foundation Trilogy                S     Isaac Asimov        7.66 (278)
^46  The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe  S1    C.S. Lewis          7.63 (56)
 47  Speaker for the Dead                  S2    Orson Scott Card    7.63 (216)
 48  Use of Weapons                              Iain M. Banks       7.62 (70)
 49  Gateway                               S1    Frederick Pohl      7.62 (140)
 50  The Forever War                             Joe Haldeman        7.61 (126)
^51  The Dragonbone Chair                  S1    Tad Williams        7.59 (65)
^52  Tau Zero                                    Poul Anderson       7.58 (36)
 53  Have Spacesuit, Will Travel                 Robert A. Heinlein  7.57 (75)
^54  The Wheel of Time Series              S     Robert Jordan       7.55 (125)
 55  The Fall of Hyperion                  S2    Dan Simmons         7.55 (122)
^56  To Your Scattered Bodies Go           S1    Philip J. Farmer    7.53 (40)
 57  The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy  S1    Douglas Adams       7.52 (264)
^58  Mort                                  S4    Terry Pratchett     7.52 (45)
 59  Jhereg                                S1    Steven Z. Brust     7.52 (61)
 60  Methuselah's Children                       Robert A. Heinlein  7.52 (35)
 61  Nova                                        Samuel R. Delany    7.51 (27)
^62  The Snow Queen                        S1    Joan Vinge          7.50 (36)
 63  City                                  C     Clifford Simak      7.50 (61)
 64  Lord Valentine's Castle               S1    Robert Silverberg   7.48 (39)
 65  I Robot                               C     Isaac Asimov        7.46 (168)
 66  Downbelow Station                           C.J. Cherryh        7.43 (42)
^67  The Summer Tree                       S1    Guy G. Kay          7.43 (38)
 68  Eon                                   S1    Greg Bear           7.43 (65)
 69  Green Mars                            S2    Kim S. Robinson     7.42 (46)
 70  The Mote in God's Eye                       L.Niven/J.Pournelle 7.42 (184)
 71  Puppet Masters                              Robert A. Heinlein  7.41 (67)
^72  Five Hundred Years After                    Steven K.Z. Brust   7.40 (16)
 73  Neuromancer                                 William Gibson      7.40 (231)
 74  Starship Troopers                           Robert A. Heinlein  7.38 (166)
 75  The Uplift War                              David Brin          7.38 (122)
^76  The Many Coloured Land                SA1   Julian May          7.37 (44)
^77  Creatures of Light and Darkness             Roger Zelazny       7.37 (26)
 78  The War of the Worlds                       H.G. Wells          7.37 (72)
 79  Citizen of the Galaxy                       Robert A. Heinlein  7.36 (85)
^80  Cyteen                                      C.J. Cherryh        7.35 (71)
^81  Childhood's End                             Arthur C. Clarke    7.35 (158)
 82  Marooned in Realtime                        Vernor Vinge        7.35 (60)
 83  The Time Machine                            H.G. Wells          7.35 (108)
 84  The High Crusade                            Poul Anderson       7.34 (29)
^85  The Warrior's Apprentice                    L.M. Bujold         7.33 (29)
^86  Guards! Guards!                       S8    Terry Pratchett     7.32 (32)
 87  Tunnel in the Sky                           Robert A. Heinlein  7.32 (49)
 88  The Shockwave Rider                         John Brunner        7.31 (25)
 89  Slaughterhouse 5                            Kurt Vonnegut       7.31 (35)
^90  The Darkest Road                      S3    Guy G. Kay          7.30 (34)
 91  Glory Road                                  Robert A. Heinlein  7.30 (27)
 92  The Adversary                         SA4   Julian May          7.30 (23)
 93  More than Human                             Theodore Sturgeon   7.29 (26)
^94  To Green Angel Tower                  S3    Tad Williams        7.27 (33)
 95  The Man in the High Castle                  Philip K. Dick      7.27 (101)
^96  Jack the Bodiless                     SB1   Julian May          7.27 (27)
 97  Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep         Philip K. Dick      7.26 (48)
 98  Stranger in a Strange Land                  Robert A. Heinlein  7.26 (222)
 99  Ringworld                             S1    Larry Niven         7.25 (217)
100  Count Zero                                  William Gibson      7.25 (51)

{S1} indicates that the book is the 1'st book in a series.
{C}  indicates a collection of short stories.
 *   indicates that the book was not on the chart last week.
 ^   indicates that the book has risen from last week's position.
A,B  indicate that two books by the same author are in different series.

This chart is also available via WWW at


NOTE: When voting for series, _The Book of the New Sun_ will refer to the
first four books. _The Urth Cycle_ includes _The Urth of the New Sun_.
Also _The Chronicles of Amber_ refers to all ten books. You are also allowed
to vote for each book in the series individually.

The Book of the New Sun / The Urth Cycle
The Shadow of the Torturer    S1  7.86 (97)
The Claw of the Conciliator   S2  7.59 (79)
The Sword of the Lictor       S3  7.76 (63)
The Citadel of the Autarch    S4  7.75 (64)
The Urth of the New Sun       S5  7.00 (46)
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1 ... 347 348 349 350 351 352 353  354 355 356 357 358 359 360 ... 500
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