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Rambler's Top100
Конференции - RU.SF.NEWS Весь текст 4121.85 Kb

январь 1996 - сентябрь 1996

Предыдущая страница Следующая страница
1 ... 339 340 341 342 343 344 345  346 347 348 349 350 351 352
 49  The Dying Earth                       S1    Jack Vance          7.76 (67)
 50  Witches of Karres                           James Schmitz       7.75 (42)
^51  A Song for Arbonne                          Guy G. Kay          7.74 (67)
 52  Good Omens                                  Pratchett/Gaiman    7.74 (74)
 53  Methuselah's Children                       Robert A. Heinlein  7.73 (55)
 54  Barrayar                                    Lois M. Bujold      7.73 (57)
 55  Memory, Sorrow and Thorn              S     Tad Williams        7.72 (90)
 56  Gateway                               S1    Frederik Pohl       7.72 (178)
^57  The Shockwave Rider                         John Brunner        7.71 (48)
^58  Mirror Dance                                Lois M. Bujold      7.71 (38)
 59  Stand on Zanzibar                           John Brunner        7.71 (114)
 60  The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy  S1    Douglas Adams       7.70 (344)
^61  Snow Crash                                  Neal Stephenson     7.70 (157)
 62  The Dispossessed                            Ursula Le Guin      7.70 (153)
 63  The High Crusade                            Poul Anderson       7.70 (46)
 64  Speaker for the Dead                  S2    Orson Scott Card    7.69 (293)
^65  A Wrinkle in Time                           Madeline L'Engle    7.69 (38)
 66  This Immortal                               Roger Zelazny       7.69 (39)
 67  The Book of the New Sun               S     Gene Wolfe          7.68 (122)
 68  Have Spacesuit, Will Travel                 Robert A. Heinlein  7.68 (96)
^69  The White Dragon                      S3    Anne McCaffrey      7.67 (55)
^70  The War of the Worlds                       H.G. Wells          7.67 (105)
 71  The Long Run                                Daniel Keys Moran   7.67 (49)
^72  I Robot                               C     Isaac Asimov        7.66 (220)
 73  Double Star                                 Robert A. Heinlein  7.66 (83)
^74  The Left Hand of Darkness                   Ursula Le Guin      7.65 (209)
 75  The Forever War                             Joe Haldeman        7.65 (159)
^76  The Man who Sold the Moon             C     Robert A. Heinlein  7.62 (29)
 77  Fahrenheit 451                              Ray Bradbury        7.62 (155)
^78  The Riddlemaster of Hed               S1    Patricia McKillip   7.61 (36)
 79  Bridge of Birds                       S1    Barry Hughart       7.60 (38)
^80  The Chrysalids                              John Wyndham        7.60 (29)
 81  Burning Chrome                        C     William Gibson      7.59 (55)
 82  The Uplift War                              David Brin          7.59 (160)
 83  The Gap into Power                    S3    Stephen Donaldson   7.59 (33)
 84  Eon                                   S1    Greg Bear           7.58 (93)
 85  The Snow Queen                        S1    Joan Vinge          7.57 (54)
 86  The Fall of Hyperion                  S2    Dan Simmons         7.57 (159)
^87  Marooned in Realtime                        Vernor Vinge        7.57 (81)
^88  Surveillance                          S1    Julian May          7.56 (22)
 89  The Mote in God's Eye                       L.Niven/J.Pournelle 7.56 (231)
 90  Childhood's End                             Arthur C. Clarke    7.56 (202)
 91  Citizen of the Galaxy                       Robert A. Heinlein  7.56 (109)
 92  Brave New World                             Aldous Huxley       7.55 (80)
 93  The Vor Game                                Lois M. Bujold      7.55 (46)
^94  Servant of the Empire                 S2    R.Feist/J.Wurts     7.55 (26)
 95  The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch       Philip K. Dick      7.55 (37)
 96  Beggars in Spain                            Nancy Kress         7.54 (31)
^97  Cat's Cradle                                Kurt Vonnegut       7.54 (38)
^98  The Day of the Triffids                     John Wyndham        7.54 (43)
 99  Mission of Gravity                          Hal Clement         7.53 (78)
100  Courtship Rite                              Donald Kingsbury    7.53 (17)

{S1} indicates that the book is the 1'st book in a series.
{C}  indicates a collection of short stories.
 *   indicates that the book was not on the chart last week.
 ^   indicates that the book has risen from last week's position.

This chart is also available via WWW at


NOTE 1 : When voting for series, _The Book of the New Sun_ will refer to the
first four books. _The Urth Cycle_ includes _The Urth of the New Sun_.
Also _The Chronicles of Amber_ refers to all ten books. You are also allowed
to vote for each book in the series individually.

NOTE 2 : The series below are listed in order of publication rather than
internal chronology.

The Book of the New Sun / The Urth Cycle
The Shadow of the Torturer    S1  7.68 (122)
The Claw of the Conciliator   S2  7.57 (100)
The Sword of the Lictor       S3  7.68 (84)
The Citadel of the Autarch    S4  7.68 (85)
The Urth of the New Sun       S5  7.02 (50)

Wheel of Time Series
The Eye of the World          S1  7.77 (205)
The Great Hunt                S2  7.73 (196)
The Dragon Reborn             S3  7.88 (193)
The Shadow Rising             S4  7.94 (186)
The Fires of Heaven           S5  7.98 (180)
Lord of Chaos                 S6  7.97 (165)

For the time being, I will assume that if you give a single vote to _The
Wheel of Time Series_ you only mean the first six books. If you want to
vote for the new book _A Crown of Swords_, please vote for that separately.

Foundation Series
Foundation                    S1  7.87 (392)
Foundation and Empire         S2  7.72 (300)
Second Foundation             S3  7.73 (309)
Foundation's Edge             S4  6.55 (123)
Foundation and Earth          S5  6.40 (111)
Prelude to Foundation         S6  6.14 (98)
Forward the Foundation        S7  6.30 (86)

The First Chronicles of Amber
Nine Princes in Amber         S1  7.77 (212)
The Guns of Avalon            S2  8.24 (116)
Sign of the Unicorn           S3  8.09 (111)
The Hand of Oberon            S4  8.09 (113)
The Courts of Chaos           S5  8.17 (113)

The Earthsea Series
A Wizard of Earthsea          S1  7.92 (182)
The Tombs of Atuan            S2  7.53 (114)
The Farthest Shore            S3  7.57 (98)
Tehanu                        S4  6.51 (49)

The Saga of the Pliocene Exiles
The Many Coloured Land        S1  7.41 (69)
The Golden Torc               S2  7.83 (46)
The Nonborn King              S3  7.75 (39)
The Adversary                 S4  7.74 (41)

The Fionavar Tapestry
The Summer Tree               S1  7.86 (72)
The Wandering Fire            S2  8.01 (61)
The Darkest Road              S3  8.10 (61)

Memory, Sorrow and Thorn
The Dragonbone Chair          S1  7.37 (90)
The Stone of Farewell         S2  7.72 (48)
To Green Angel Tower          S3  7.62 (53)

The Chronicles of Narnia
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe  S1  8.01 (98)
Prince Caspian                        S2  7.40 (43)
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader        S3  7.54 (43)
The Silver Chair                      S4  7.46 (42)
The Horse and His Boy                 S5  7.41 (39)
The Magician's Nephew                 S6  7.71 (46)
The Last Battle                       S7  7.38 (43)

The Discworld Series
The Colour of Magic           S1   7.34 (82)
The Light Fantastic           S2   7.39 (56)
Equal Rites                   S3   7.17 (50)
Mort                          S4   7.48 (75)
Sourcery                      S5   7.25 (43)
Wyrd Sisters                  S6   7.50 (49)
Pyramids                      S7   7.26 (68)
Guards! Guards!               S8   7.81 (57)
Eric                          S9   7.00 (44)
Moving Pictures               S10  7.35 (35)
Reaper Man                    S11  7.62 (41)
Witches Abroad                S12  7.42 (40)
Small Gods                    S13  7.43 (48)
Lords and Ladies              S14  7.37 (39)
Men at Arms                   S15  7.91 (40)
Soul Music                    S16  5.41 (20)
Interesting Times             S17  4.49 (11)
Maskerade                     S18  1.99 (7)

Since each of the novels in the Discworld "series" is more or less completely
separate, would you please vote for each book separately (instead of one vote
for the entire series).

... Ваша карта -- Верховная Жрица
--- GoldED 2.50+
 * Origin: Camelot-89 (2:5030/207.2)

 Msg  : 182 of 212
 From : Alexandr Lukoff                     2:5030/207.54   .он 16 .ен 96 22:22
 To   : Serge Berezhnoy
 Subj : ".ндимион": попытка коллективного чтения
                     Moe почтение, Serge!

Saturday September 14 1996 10:45, Serge Berezhnoy wrote to All:

 SB> Ситуация "Папа и антипапа" -- тут я слегка осатанел. По сюжету
 SB> "Гипериона" и "Падения...", личности Поля Дюре (антипапа Тейяр
 SB> Первый) и Ленарта Хойта (папа Юлий Четырнадцатый) существовали в
 SB> одном теле, которое несло два крестоформа и после смерти могло
 SB> возродиться либо как Поль Дюре, либо как Ленар Хойт. Папа и
 SB> антипапа в одном флаконе. Это атас!

Hе более атас, чем наличие сознания и подсознания на одном физическом носителе.
Кроме того, с юридической точки зрения, возрожденная личность есть личность
новая и независимая от предыдущей. Подробней см. С. Лукьяненко, "Линия Грез".:-)

                               До новых писем,

--- GoldED 2.50+
 * Origin: Это не олимпийские игры... (2:5030/207.54)

 Msg  : 183 of 212
 From : Serge Berezhnoy                     2:5030/207.2    .cк 22 .ен 96 10:13
 To   : Vladimir Borisov
 Subj : .писок серий
.Newsgroups: ru.sf.news
.Subject: Список серий
.Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 10:13:12 -0400
.X-Newsreader: GoldED 2.50+
Привет, Vladimir!

Answering a msg of , from Vladimir Borisov to Serge


Спасибо. Уже нашел, что мы злостно пропустили. Я это на серевер запихаю?


... Всякая власть развращает, а абсолютная власть -- это абсолютный кайф!
--- GoldED 2.50+
 * Origin: Camelot-89 (2:5030/207.2)

 Msg  : 184 of 212
 From : Alex Medvedev                       2:5080/67       .уб 21 .ен 96 10:30
 To   : Serge Berezhnoy
 Subj : Re: Hовое лицо джидая
.TID: GE 1.2
Hello Serge!

Tuesday September 17 1996 11:39, Serge Berezhnoy wrote to Vladimir Poletaev:

 SB> А кто обратил внимание на фотографию Оби Вана Кеноби в статье о "Звездных
 SB> войнах" в #7? Это такой кайф -- просто не рассказать...

Я, я обpатил. Сpазу же здесь и сказал -- коppектоpа четвеpтовать, веpстальщика


--- GED 2.50
 * Origin: Особые приметы: плохо переносит переменный ток 380В (2:5080/67)

 Msg  : 185 of 212
 From : Sergey Schegloff                    2:5054/16.12    .cк 22 .ен 96 20:52
 To   : All
 Subj : .ейтинг-лист 22-Sep-96
Предыдущая страница Следующая страница
1 ... 339 340 341 342 343 344 345  346 347 348 349 350 351 352
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