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helper program  has an  array of  20 filenames for the "helper" to
copy over,  so there  is room  to spare.   There  are two versions
copied --  a version  for Vax  BSD and  a version  for SunOS;  the
appropriate one is compiled.

6) The  new virus  is dispatched.   This virus opens all the virus
source files, then unlinks the files so they can't be found (since
it has  them open,  however, it  can still  access the  contents).
Next, the  virus steps through the hosts file (on the Sun, it uses
YP to  step through  the distributed hosts file) trying to connect
to other  machines' sendmail. If a connection succeeds, it forks a
child process  to infect it, while the parent continues to attempt
infection of other machines.

7) The  child requests  and initializes  a new socket, then builds
and invokes  a listener  with the  new socket number and hostid as
arguments (#1, above).

The heavy  load we see is the result of multiple viruses coming in
from multiple sites.  Since local hosts files tend to have entries
for other  local hosts,  the virus  tends to infect local machines
multiple times  -- in  some senses  this is  lucky since  it helps
prevent the spread of the virus as the local machines slow down.

The virus  also "cleans"  up after  itself.    If  you  reboot  an
infected machine  (or it  crashes), the /tmp directory is normally
cleaned up  on reboot.  The other incriminating files were already
deleted by the virus itself.

Clever, nasty, and definitely anti-social.


From:        bishop@bear.Dartmouth.EDU        (Matt        Bishop)
Subject:           More           on           the           virus
Date: Thu, 3 Nov 88 16:32:25 EST

... This  program introduced  itself through a bug in sendmail. At
these sites,  sendmail was compiled and installed with a debugging
option turned  on. As near as I can figure (I don't have access to
the sendmail  sources), by giving a specific option to the "debug"
command in  sendmail (there  are lots  of those,  controlling what
exactly you  get information  about) you can cause it to execute a
command. As  sendmail runs  setuid to  root, guess what privileges
the command is executed with. Right.

Apparently what  the attacker did was this: he or she connected to
sendmail (ie,  telnet victim.machine  25), issued  the appropriate
debug command,  and had  a small  C program compiled. (We have it.
Big deal.)  This program  took as  an argument  a host number, and
copied two  programs -- one ending in q.vax.o and the other ending
in .sun.o  -- and  tried to  load and execute them. In those cases
where the  load and  execution succeeded,  the worm did two things
(at least):  spawn a  lot of  shells that did nothing but clog the
process table  and burn  CPU cycles;  look in  two places  --  the
password file and the internet services file -- for other sites it
could connect  to (this  is hearsay,  but I  don't doubt  it for a
minute.) It  used both  individual .rhost  files (which  it  found
using the  password file),  and any  other remote  hosts it  could
locate which  it had  a chance  of connecting to. It may have done
more; one  of our  machines had  a changed superuser password, but
because of other factors we're not sure this worm did it.

This last  part is  still sketchy;  I have the relevant sun.o file
and will  take it apart to see just what it was supposed to do. As
of now,  it appears  there was  no serious damage (just wasted CPU
cycles and system administrator time).

   Two obvious points:

1. Whoever did this picked only on suns and vaxen. One site with a
lot of  IRISes and two Crays (ie, NASA Ames) got bit on their Suns
and Vaxen, but the attempt to get the other machines didn't work.

2. This shows the sorry state of software and security in the UNIX
world. People  should NEVER  put a program with debugging hooks in
it,     especially when the hook is (or can be made) to execute an

arbitrary     command. But that is how the sendmail which was used
was distributed!

One more interesting point: initially, I thought an application of
the "principle  of least  privilege"  would  have  prevented  this
penetration. But  the attacker used a world-writeable directory to
squirrel the  relevant programs  in, so -- in effect -- everything
could have  been done  by any  user on  the  system!  (Except  the
superuser password  change, of  course -- if this worm did in fact
do it.)

I think  the only way to prevent such an attack would have been to
turn off  the debug option on sendmail; then the penetration would
fail. It goes to show that if the computer is not secure (and like
you, I  don't believe there ever will be such a beastie), there is
simply no  way to  prevent a virus (or, in this case, a worm) from
getting into that system.

I know this is somewhat sketchy, flabby, and fuzzy, but it's all I
know so far. I'll keep you posted on developments ...


From: bostic@okeeffe.Berkeley.EDU (Keith Bostic)
Date: 3 Nov 88 10:58:55 GMT

Subject: Fixes for the virus
Index: usr.lib/sendmail/src/srvrsmtp.c       4BSD

There's a  virus running  around; the  salient  facts.  A  bug  in
sendmail has been used to introduce a virus into a lot of Internet
UNIX systems.  It has not been observed to damage the host system,
however, it's  incredibly virulent, attempting to introduce itself
to every  system it  can find.  It  appears  to  use  rsh,  broken
passwords, and  sendmail  to  introduce  itself  into  the  target
systems. It affects only VAXen and Suns, as far as we know.

There are three changes that we believe will immunize your system.
They are attached.

Thanks to  the Experimental Computing Facility, Center for Disease
Control  for   their  assistance.  (It's  pretty  late,  and  they
certainly deserved some thanks, somewhere!)

First, either  recompile or patch sendmail to disallow the `debug'
option.  If  you  have  source,  recompile  sendmail  after  first
applying the following patch to the module svrsmtp.c:

*** /tmp/d22039 Thu Nov 3 02:26:20 1988
--- srvrsmtp.c  Thu Nov 3 01:21:04 1988
*** 85,92 ****
  # ifdef DEBUG
- "debug",CMDDBGDEBUG,
  # endif DEBUG
  # ifdef WIZ
  # endif WIZ
--- 85,94 ----
  # ifdef DEBUG
  # endif DEBUG
+ # ifdef notdef
+ "debug",CMDDBGDEBUG,
+ # endif notdef
  # ifdef WIZ
  # endif WIZ

Then, reinstall  sendmail, refreeze  the configuration file, using
the command  "/usr/lib/sendmail -bz", kill any running sendmail's,
using the  ps(1) command and the kill(1) command, and restart your
sendmail. To  find out  how sendmail is execed on your system, use
grep(1) to  find the  sendmail start  line  in  either  the  files
/etc/rc or /etc/rc.local

If you  don't have  source, apply  the  following  patch  to  your
sendmail binary.  SAVE A  COPY OF  IT FIRST,  IN CASE YOU MESS UP!
This is  mildly tricky -- note, some versions of strings(1), which
we're going to use to find the offset of the string "debug" in the
binary print  out the  offsets in  octal,  not  decimal.  Run  the
following shell  line to  decide how  your version  of  strings(1)

/bin/echo 'abcd' | /usr/ucb/strings -o

Note, make sure the eight control 'G's are preserved in this line.
If this command results in something like:

0000008 abcd

your strings(1) command prints out locations in decimal, else it's

The patch  script for sendmail. NOTE, YOUR OFFSETS MAY VARY!! This
script assumes that your strings(1) command prints out the offsets
in decimal.

Script started on Thu Nov 3 02:08:14 1988
okeeffe:tmp {2} strings -o -a /usr/lib/sendmail | egrep debug
0096972 debug
okeeffe:tmp {3} adb -w /usr/lib/sendmail
?m 0 0xffffffff 0
radix=10 base ten
96972?w 0
96972:25701    =    0
okeeffe:tmp {4} ^D

script done on Thu Nov  3 02:09:31 1988

If your strings(1) command prints out the offsets in octal, change
line "0t10$d" to "0t8$d".

After you've  fixed sendmail,  move both  /bin/cc and  /bin/ld  to
else. (The virus uses the cc and the ld commands to rebuild itself
run on your system.)

Finally, kill  any processes  on your  system  that  don't  belong
there. Suspicious ones have "(sh)" or "xNNNNNNN" where the N's are
random digits, as the command name on the ps(1) output line.

One more  thing, if  you find  files in /tmp or /usr/tmp that have
names    like     "xNNNNNN,l1.c",    or    "xNNNNNN,sun3.o",    or
"xNNNNNNN,vax.o" where  the N's  are random  digits,  you've  been

From: news@cs.purdue.EDU (News Knower)
Subject: Re: The virus
Date: 3 Nov 88 19:58:27 GMT

The  patch  from  Keith  Bostic  in  the  last  message  is  *not*
sufficient to  halt the  spread of  the virus.  We have discovered
from looking  at the  binaries that  the virus  also  attempts  to
spread itself  via "rsh"  commands to  other  machines.  It  looks
through a *lot* of files to find possible vectors to spread.

If you  have a  bunch of  machines with hosts.equiv set or .rhosts
files, you  should shut them *all* down at the same time after you
have fixed sendmail to prevent a further infestation. If you don't
clear out  the versions  in memory,  you won't  protect your other

The virus runs itself with the name "sh" and then overwrites argv,
so if  a "ps  ax" shows  any  processes  named  "(sh)"  without  a
controlling tty,  you have a problem. Due to the use of other uids
from rsh,  don't make  any conclusions  if the  uid is one of your
normal users.

Also, check  your mailq  (do a  mailq command).  If  you  see  any
entries that  pipe themselves through sed and sh, delete them from
the queue before
you restart your machines.

Non-internet sites  do not  need to  worry about  this virus  (for
now!), but  be aware  that  mail  and  news  may  not  be  flowing
everywhere for  some time -- many sites are disconnecting from the
Internet completely until the virus is contained.

From:          Gene           Spafford           
Subject:             Updated              worm              report
Date: Fri, 04 Nov 88 00:27:54 EST

This is  an updated description of how the worm works (note: it is
technically a  worm, not  a virus, since it does not attach itself
to other code {that we know about}):

All of  our Vaxen and some of our Suns here were infected with the
worm. The  worm forks  repeated copies  of itself  as it  tries to
spread itself,  and the  load averages  on the  infected  machines
skyrocketed. In  fact, it  got to  the  point  that  some  of  the
machines  ran   out  of  swap  space  and  kernel  table  entries,
preventing login to even see what was going on!

The worm  seems to  consist of two parts. The way that it works is
as follows:

1) Virus  running on an infected machine opens a TCP connection to
a victim  machine's sendmail,  invokes debug  mode, and  submits a
version of itself as a mail message.

*OR* it uses rsh to create itself on the remote machine through an
account requiring  no password  (due  to  hosts.equiv  or  .rhosts
*OR* it  gets in via a bug in fingerd *OR* it uses telnet (more on
this later).

Using the sendmail route, it does something like:
From: /dev/null
To: "|sed -e 1,/^$/d | sh; exit 0"
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