Book 2 in the exciting series!
The eagerly-awaited new entry in the thrilling X-wing saga
finally arrives. Sleek, swift, and deadly, they are the X-wing
fighters. And as the battle against the Empire rages across the
vastness of space, the pilots risk both their lives and their
machines for the cause of the Rebel Alliance. Now they must
embark on a dangerous espionage mission, braving betrayal and
death on the Imperial homeworld to smash the power of a ruthless
foe! It is the evil heart of a battered and reeling Empire:
Coruscant, the giant city-world from whose massive towers the
Imperial High Command directs the war. The Rebels will invade
this mighty citadel in a daring move to bring the Empire to its
knees. But first Wedge Antilles and his X-wing pilots must
infiltrate Coruscant to gain vital intelligence information.
Capture means death, or worse--enslavement by the vicious leader
known as "Iceheart," Ysanne Isard, now Emperor in all but name.
And one of Rogue Squadron's own is already her slave, a traitor
hidden behind a mask of innocence, working to betray both
colleagues and the Rebellion itself.
Four years after "Return of the Jedi":
"The Courtship of Princess Leia "by Dave Wolverton
Bantam Spectra paperback, $5.99 US/$7.99 CAN
BDD Audio double cassette, $16.99 US/$19.99 CAN
One of the most interesting developments in Bantam's "Star Wars"
novels is that in their storyline, Han Solo and Princess Leia
start a family. This tale reveals how the couple originally got
together. Wishing to strengthen the fledgling New Republic by
bringing in powerful allies, Leia opens talks with the Hapes
consortium of more than sixty worlds. But the consortium is by
ruled by the Queen Mother, whose son, Prince Isolder, to Han's
dismay, wants to marry Leia. Before this action-packed story is
over, Luke will join forces with Isolder against a group of
Force-strong "witches" and face a deadly foe.
Five years after "Return of the Jedi":
"Heir to the Empire"
Bantam Spectra paperback, $5.99 US/$7.99 CAN
BDD Audio double cassette, $16.99 US/$19.99 CAN
"Dark Force Rising"
Bantam Spectra paperback, $5.99 US/$7.99 CAN
BDD Audio double cassette, $16.99 US/$19.99 CAN
"The Last Command"
Bantam Spectra paperback, $5.99 US/$7.99 CAN
BDD Audio double cassette, $16.99 US/$19.99 CAN
by Timothy Zahn
This #I bestselling trilogy introduces two legendary forces of
evil into the "Star Wars" literary pantheon. Grand Admiral Thrawn
has taken control of the Imperial fleet in the years since the
destruction of the Death Star, and the mysterious Joruus C'baoth
is a fearsome Jedi Master who has been seduced by the dark side.
Han and Leia have now been married for about a year, and as the
story begins, she is pregnant with twins. Thrawn's plan is to
crush the Rebellion and resurrect the Empire's New Order with
C'baoth's help--and in return, the Dark Master will get Han and
Leia's Jedi children to mold as he wishes. For as readers of this
magnificent trilogy will see, Luke Skywalker is not the last of
the old Jedi. He is the first of the new.
Seven years after "Return of the Jedi":
The Jedi Academy Trilogy by Kevin J. Anderson
"Jedi Search"
Bantam Spectra paperback, $5.99 US/$7.99 CAN
BDD Audio double cassette, $16.99 US/$19.99 CAN
"Dark Apprentice"
Bantam Spectra paperback, $5.99 US/$7.99 CAN
BDD Audio double cassette, $16.99 US/$19.99 CAN
"Champions of the Force"
Bantam Spectra paperback, $5.99 US/$7.99 CAN
BDD Audio double cassette, $16.99 US/$19.99 CAN
In order to assure the continuation of the Jedi Knights, Luke
Skywalker has decided to start a training facility: a Jedi
Academy. He will gather Force-sensitive students who show
potential as prospective Jedi and serve as their mentor, as Jedi
Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda did for him. Han and Leia's twins
are now toddlers, and there is a third Jedi child: the infant
Anakin, named after Luke and Leia's father. In this trilogy, we
discover the existence of a powerful Imperial doomsday weapon,
the horrifying Sun Crusher--which will soon become the
centerpiece of a titanic struggle between Luke Skywalker and his
most brilliant Jedi academy student, who is delving dangerously
into the dark side.
Eight years after "Return of the Jedi":
"Children of the Jedi"
Barbara Hambly
Bantam paperback, $5.99 US/ $7.99 CAN
BDD Audio Cassette, $16.99 US/$22.99 CAN
The chronicle of the dazzling universe of George Lucas's blockbuster Star
Wars(R); films soars to new heights as the Republic faces its greatest
challenge yet in... "Children of the Jedi" Princess Leia, Han
Solo, and Chewbacca set out on a mission vital to the survival of
the fragile New Republic. They are searching for the long-lost
children of the Jedi on the frozen world of Belsavis, from whose
dark crypts no one has returned alive. Halfway across the galaxy,
Luke Skywalker is on an equally dangerous mission. Taken aboard
the enemy Dreadnaught Eye of Palpatine, Luke must find a way to
destroy the automated ship before it completes the mission
encoded into its supersophisticated artificial intelligence
system: the total annihilation of Belsavis. To succeed, Luke will
need the help of the spirit of the Jedi Knight Callista, who gave
her life to stop the ship once before. The mystery of the crypts,
the invincible power of the Dreadnaught, the lost Jedi, and the
burgeoning passion between Luke and Callista come together in a
stunning climax worthy of the magnificent Star Wars saga.
Ten years after "Return of the Jedi":
"The Crystal Star "by Vonda N. McIntyre
Bantam Spectra hardcover, $21.95 US/$27.95 CAN
BDD Audio double cassette, $16.99 US/$19.99 CAN
Setting: Ten years after "Return of the Jedi" Leia's three
children have been kidnapped. That horrible fact is made worse by
Leia's realization that she can no longer sense her children
through the Force! While she, Artoo-Detoo, and Chewbacca trail
the kidnappers, Luke and Han discover a planet that is suffering
strange quantum effects from a nearby star. Slowly freezing into
a perfect crystal and disrupting the Force, the star is blunting
Luke's power and crippling the "Millennium Falcon". These strands
converge in an apocalyptic threat not only to the fate of the New
Republic, but to the universe itself.
Fourteen years after "Return of the Jedi":
The Corellian Trilogy by Roger MacBride Allen
"Ambush At Corellia"
Bantam Spectra paperback, $5.99 US/$7.99 CAN
BDD Audio double cassette, $16.99 US/ $22.99 CAN
"Assault At Selonia"
Bantam Spectra paperback, $5.99 US/$7.99 CAN
BDD Audio double cassette, $16.99 US/ $22.99 CAN
"Showdown At Centerpoint"
Bantam Spectra paperback, $5.99 US/$7.99 CAN
BDD Audio double cassette, $16.99 US/ $22.99 CAN
This trilogy takes us to Corellia, Han Solo's homeworld, which
Han has not visited in quite some time. A trade summit brings
Han, Leia, and the children--now developing their own clear
personalities and instinctively learning more about their innate
skills in the Force--into the middle of a situation that most
closely resembles a burning fuse. The Corellian system is on the
brink of civil war, there are New Republic intelligence agents on
a mysterious mission which even Han does not understand, and
worst of all, a fanatical rebel leader has his hands on a
superweapon of unimaginable power--and just wait until you find
out who that leader is!
>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Bdd_Sw.Txt =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<
... Ваша карта -- тройка Пентаклей
--- GoldED 2.50+
* Origin: Camelot-89 (2:5030/207.2)
Msg : 352 of 385
From : Igor Chertock 2:5070/95 .тp 16 .юл 96 14:08
To : Vladimir Borisov
Subj : Re: ".иперион"
.TID: FastEcho 1.40 2507095
*** Hа мессагу, посланную в MY_PERSONAL, я отвечу вот что:
Hello, Vladimir!
15 Jul 96, 03:32, Vladimir Borisov отправил письмо к Igor Chertock:
IC>> 2All: Мне больше всего запомнилась история ученого, а потом -
IC>> священника. А вам?
VB> Мне - тамплиеpа, Хета Мастина, увы... ("Падение..." читать я еще не
VB> собpался с силами)... И что вам, судаpь, это обо мне говоpит?
Ровно столько же, сколько и история самого Мастина - ничего. :)
Я почему спрашивал: по отношению к "гиперионовским" историям можно выстроить
отношение к человеку как читателю.
Если кому-то запомнилась история Ламии Брон, а историю поэта он, как ни морщись,
вспомнить не может, то и говорить о книгах с ним бессмысленно. Может быть,
звучит снобистски, но ведь и в обратную сторону срабатывает: такому человеку
бесполезно обсуждать книги со мной. Hе пойму.
Давеча вот курили с парнишкой, соседом по площадке. Выяснили, что оба любим
фантастику. Вроде бы появился общий интерес. Потом выяснили, что мне нравитя
Дилэни, а он собирает все про капитана Блейда. Интерес пропал :)
--- Сидит дед, в 2.41+ шуб одет
* Origin: Жить - здоровью вредить (2:5070/95)
Msg : 353 of 385
From : Alex Kicelew 2:5020/194.7 .тp 16 .юл 96 13:16
To : Sergey Lukianenko
Subj : .озор скептикам и маловерам!
.TID: GE/32 1.2
[Tue Jul 16 08:39:08 1996], wrote to :
AK>> дома и сразу за портретом видишь ларек. 20Кр.
SL> Цены y вас... :-(
так то на лотке. в Олимпийском наверняка дешевле.
[Tue Jul 16 13:16:09 1996 +0400]
--- GoldED/386 2.50+
* Origin: Tonight seven souls are reaching hell (2:5020/194.7)
Msg : 354 of 385
From : Tim V.Shaporev 2:5020/400 .тp 16 .юл 96 11:25
To : All
Subj : Re: Hовые технологии в современном SF.
.RFC-From: (Tim V.Shaporev)
.RFC-Distribution: fido7
.RFC-Message-ID: <4sfg55$>
.RFC-References: <> <837471783@f97.n469.z2.ftn>
Sergio Baca ( wrote:
> >> Hу данном уpовне pазвития нанотехнология находиться на том же
> >> уpовне pазвития что и космонавтика до 1957 года. Инфоpмационные
> >> технологие они более менее pазвиты.
> TVS > Это аргумент? Тогда я его не понял.
> Будет ли одинаковый пpостоp для фантазиpования в описании оснавании пеpвой
> посоянной базы на луне и описании пеpвого межзвездного полета ?
В промежуток между основанием оной базы и первым полетом - не будет,
в каком бы порядке они ни происходили.
В прочие времена (сейчас, например) - не будет, а есть.
Hо смыcл аргумента я так и не понимаю.
> TVS > Кстати, ты "Звезду КЭЦ" не читал? До 57 года вроде бы?
> Hет. О чем она ?
О первой орбитальной станции :-)
--- ifmail v.2.8c
* Origin: Demos online service (2:5020/400@fidonet)
Msg : 355 of 385
From : Boris CDuke 2:463/2.22 .pд 17 .юл 96 08:56
To : Serge Berezhnoy
Subj : Nova Fantastyka
Позволю себе высказать немеряные приветствия Serge!
SB> Залез я тут на WWW-сайт польской фантастики. И прямо упал. Там прямо под
SB> титулом параметры издания. Страниц столько-то, обложка такая-то. Цена 3,20
SB> злотых. Тираж 76 000.
SB> Повторяю для себя и для всех: *семдесят шесть тысяч* экземпляров.
SB> FANTASTYKA!!!!!! Поляки что -- нация любителей фантастики?!?!